Redemption 46

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Chapter 46

T'challa you want me to do what?" I gape at the darkskin man infront of me with wide eyes

"Malika, dont be so loud. I wouldnt ask if it wasnt necessary" he sighs scratching the back of his neck with that same awkward look he had when he told me about his crush when we were kids.

"You just said it so casually like its normal!" I say in disbelief he would even ask me something like that, was he crazy?! I turn to walk away when he grabs my arm holding me in place.

"Please, im begging you i need you to do this" he pleads with this big brown doe eyes i couldnt resist and im sure many others couldnt either.

"Does N'jadaka know?" I ask softly and he shrugs looking around not making eye contact. If there was one thing about T'challa was that he was a bad liar.

"He doesnt know im asking but he'll find out eventually. We cant hide this from him" he speaks in a tone matching mine before pushing his hands in the pockets of his slacks. Biting my bottom lip as i think over the idea i can feel his inpatience through his sharp gaze.

"Hes going to kill us both" i finally give in before im pulled into his arms in a tight hug.

~later that day~

"Im going to kill him...and you" erik growls out glairing at me. This may be one of the only times ive ever backed away from his looks since any response wouldve started a argument i just let him rant all the way to the room.

"Hi my names angela, and i'll be your counselor this afternoon before we get started i'd like to know any hard topics you two would like to not talk about to avoid any hostility" she smiles adjusting her frames on the bridge of her nose. Yup thats right T'challa convinced me the only way erik would go to therapy is if i was there and begged me to get him to go.

What he didnt say was that i would be getting therapy too.

"Oh no the only person getting therapy is N'jadaka, im good" i deadpan sitting on the couch crossing my legs and he rest his hands on one of my thighs. The counselor takes note of it making N'jadaka and i give eachother looks before we look back at her and she writes that down as well.

"Actually king T'challa requested both of you get counseling, but seeing as neither of you would go alone we figured we could do a double session" she admitts leaning her head to the side and i watch as her stiff bob doesnt follow. With that stiffness our problems should be the last thing shes worried about, it should be number two after that tired ass pants suit shes wearing.

"We dont have any problems" erik and i voice at the same time which she stares at us before writing that down.

"Did you not go behind his back to get him to come here and did you not just threaten to kill her, those sound like a few problems we can work out. Honestly it sounds like you two need a couples session more then anything"  she admitts with the same bored expression on her face that matches eriks.

"First of all, i did that to help him id never do something behind is back that would hurt him" i glare at her crossing my arms.

"And i would never try to kill my girl" he shrugs squeezing my thigh making me grin up at him.

"Has he ever done something behind your back that hurt you? Has she ever tried to kill or harm you?" She ask like she already knows the answer to the question, though im pretty sure she does and im pretty sure T'challa told her.

"I dont understand how thats any of your business, sis" i glare swinging my leg in annoyance accidentaly slipping the 'sis' word in. I had been looking at too many memes with Shuri it was starting to affect my vocabulary.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now