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You awake to the feeling of claws raking across your face. You jump up, scrambling away from the entity that was touching you.

"aFrAiD? yOu ShOuLd Be." He reached out to you further, and you let out another scream. "BuT i'D hOpEd YoU'd StOp DoInG tHat." 

"What are you? Who are you?! Where are the lights?" You literally fired questions at the thing in front of you.

"LiGhT aNd I cAnNoT eXiSt In ThE sAmE pLaCe. I aM dArKnEsS." The seemingly disembodied voice said. You couldn't see a mouth. You couldn't see anything. 

"Why am I here? Why are you keeping me here?" You growl. His claws rake against your leg. 

"YoU aRe HeRe BeCaUsE hErE iS bEtTeR tHaN tHeRe. YoU wIlL nOt LeAvE mE." The voice answered, cryptic. You felt as if this thing was dodging the questions you asked.

"Who are you?" 

"I oNcE aSkEd My InCoMpEtEnT sOnS tO bRiNg Me A hUmAn. ThEy IgNoReD mY pLeAs. I aM tRaPpEd In ThIs HoTeL. yOu WiLl SaVe My SoUl." It was more of a command than a question, but you knew who this was.

"G...Gaster? Uf!Gaster?!?" How the gentle skeleton could become a violent monster, you could never have even imagined. He had torn apart Uf!Monster Kid, and awaited you in their room!

"InDeEd. YoUr ReAcTiOn DoEs NoT dIsSaPoInT." He came closer, and you saw his face. His teeth were sharp and pointed, cracks running across his skull. Both of his eyes glowed red, and it terrified you. He was nothing short of a monster. He seemed to be smiling, which made it all the more terrifying to you. 

"Let me go!" You insist. "I have people who would look for me!" 

"AnD wHo Is GoInG tO fINd YoU hErE?" 

"Sans! Gaster! The Originals!"

"I mAdE tHiS sPaCe To HiDe YoU fRoM tHeM. iF yOu ThInK tHeY'lL fInD yOu, YoU'rE sOrElY mIsTaKeN."

You dash out of the bed, ripping open the hotel room door. The hall was extensive, but you traversed down it; Uf!Gaster wasn't following you.  You ran for the Hotel's exit.... 

But there was nothing but darkness outside.

"YoU lEaVe ThIs WaY, aNd YoU dIe." Uf! Gaster caused this area to go dark as he seeped from the entrance's darkness; it truly seemed like there was no escape. "I cReAtEd ThIs SpAcE tO pRoTeCt YoU. dO nOt AlLoW mY hArD wOrK tO gO tO wAsTe."

You dash past him, looking for Uf!Sans room. 

Surely there was a way out of this?

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