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So, yes. I am back. I have returned. Sadly, updates won't be on my schedule... but I do come bearing gifts! For those who want to talk with others, or just a place to hang out/find more of my fanfictions, I have created a discord called "Merc's Lounge." Simply comment down below and I'll give you the link to it! Still a work in progress, but someday I'll make sure to fill it with all kinds of people!

Still, it's pretty small and inactive right now but it's the perfect place to pester me, even if it's just to talk or about another fanfic, because I'm never NOT on it!

So yeah, come join the discord today! Thanks for being loyal fans and staying to the very end of this story! I'm excited to see who might join!

[Undertale] Sans X Reader - Repeat, EternallyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora