Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

Whenever Skip is over I find it hard to play cool. He makes my heart race, and I can't help but smile when I am around him. I feel like a little school girl with a crush. I do not know why I find him so attractive. I am not even sure if I even like him. Can I call this a crush? How can you like someone who you know nothing about. This infatuated needs to stop because I do not know one thing about this Skip boy. Plus my brothers would not be impress with my little crush. One thing I know is I do not want my brothers to find out about my little crush. They will embarrass me like they always do, and make sure Skip stays away like they have done with all of their other friends, including some of mine.

"Damn Anna, look at that ass", James jokes as I walk by. Luke glares at James in disgust.

"What the fuck James! How can you say that about my little sister!".

I can't help but laugh at his harmless joke and walk over to James plopping on his lap. I wrap one arm around this neck, with my head leaning into the crest of his neck.

"You know we are just kidding around Luke, you don't have to get upset", James laughs trying to calm down Luke.

"Fuck! I don't care! I don't find it funny. And for fuck sakes Anna get of James lap! Have some class", his voice raises.

"Enough with the short temper Luke", I joke, which gets him even more upset, and I regret saying right away.

"Anna is right. She is just sitting on my lap. How would you feel if I did this", he smirks before kissing my cheek.

I feel my cheeks turn flushed with pink, as James pecks them.

"Fuck off James!", Luke's voice raises, and rises to his feet.

"Hey Luke, Beau is looking for you", a voice startles me. I look up to see Skip. My eyes widen as I realize I am still on James' lap. Siting on James' lap in front of the boy who I may or may not have a crush on. Without thinking I quickly hop off his lap and run towards my room, quickly shutting the door behind me.

How embarrassing! Why did I run away like that. Skip is going to know something is up. I hope he didn't see James kissing me on the cheek. I do not want him to think anything of it because it is nothing.


I heard a light knock on my door. "Come in", I call out.

"Hi". I look up to see James entering my room. He walks over to my bed taking a sit on the edge however keeping his distance.

"What happened earlier today?".

"What are you talking about", I question trying to pretend I don't know what he is talking about. Every time someone mentions Skip's name my face turns red as a tomato, and I can't help but smile. I don't know why he has this affect on me.

"With Skip? When he came into the room you ran out. What was that about?", his eyes are full of concern.

I sit there silent with my legs crossed not knowing how to answer. I trust James with my life. I find it hard to believe but sometimes I trust him more then my brothers or even Andrea sometimes. I feel like I can go to James about anything.

"Anna... Do you like Skip?". I look down to my bed, playing with the sheets.

"No.. How can you like someone you only met once".

James raises an eyebrow.

"Okay are you infatuated with Skip?", he smirks.

"Well if you put it that way?", I quietly speak looking up to James.

James sighs, "Anna... You know liking him isn't a good idea".

"You don't think I don't know that? Who would be happy about their sister liking their best friend.. Please don't tell my brothers! Or Skip! James please I am begging you". James sees the desperation in my eyes. James is one of my best friends, I know he would never snake me. He always has my back and I trust him with my life.

James sighs, "Your secret is safe me. But I am not, and I repeat not helping you. I do not want to get involved with this".

A look appears across James' face. A look of suspicious. James knows something I don't, and he isn't planning to tell me.


"What should we do tonight boys?",

Jai questions while scrolling on his phone.

I step into the twins room, and every single one of them are on their phones or a laptop. Skips glances up as he hears my footsteps making my way into the room. A small smirk grows across his face, as his tongue slides across his bottom lip. I feel my heart begin to beat rapidly in my chest however I manage to play it cool.

"Is this honesty how you boys are going to spend your Friday night. On your phones? You twats are such losers. Why don't you go out?", I tease.

Not one of them looks up from their phones expect Skip. His eyes fixed on mine, which makes me nervous. I look away trying not to not focus my attention on Skip, even though I am dying to take a glance at him. I can see his eyes remain on me from the corner of my eyes. He makes me nervous than ever. Why does he have to be staring at me like this?

"She is right. Lets do something", he says never breaking eye contact with me until he throws a pillow at Jai.

"What the fuck!", he yells annoyed looking up from his phone.

"Lets do something".

"Like what?".

"They just opened a new bowling alley near the Maccca's why don't you go check it out?", I suggest.

"That sounds fun", the boys all nodded and agreed.

"I will drive", Beau calls out picking up the keys which lye on his bed side table.

"I will drive too. It will be easier to leave from the place then coming back here to get my car", James spoke.

"Jai you will ride with James", Beau says.

They get up and start heading towards the door, all expect Skip. He waits for them to leave before speaking.

"You coming?", he questions showing me a mysterious grin. I cannot tell by his expression if I am really wanted to join.

"Umm.. I-I"", I stutter.

"Come on it will be fun".

I smile and nod nervously.

I grab my purse and slip on my wore out white converse. Skip and I head towards Beau's car.

"Who invited you?", Beau questions as I enter the car, his tone is not pleasant.

"I did", Skip quickly replies.

Beau doesn't seem to happy by his answer. The boys being protective as they are never let me hang out with their friends. They prefer me to not get close with their mates. They are afraid I will fall in love with one of them, as stupid as it sounds....

"Put your seatbelt on", Beau sighs.

A small smile grows across Skip's face. My heart melts every time I see him smile.

The car ride to the bowling alley is very quiet and awkward. Beau has the radio playing however it is barely loud enough to hear. Whenever I am in a car with him he drives with extra precaution. I sit nervously trying to think of a conversation starter for Skip and I. My thoughts are distracted as I feel Skip's knee brush against mine. I look down as my heart begins to beat rapidly in my chest. I gulp as his legs touches mine once more. However this time he keeps it still, not moving his leg away from mine. When I get nervous my leg tends to shake. Being nervous as I am sitting beside Skip, my leg began to shake which caused Skip to move his knee away from mine. Luke sitting beside me glances at me confused.

"Why is your leg shaking? It only shakes when you are nervous?", he questions suspiciously.

I take a deep gulp.

"I don't know", I quietly spoke.

Skip glances over at me, and stares for a moment. I look down to break the eye contact. He makes me so uncomfortable and nervous yet I find it so hard to stay away.

The car comes to a stop and a relieved sigh escapes my lips as we arrive. "Finally", I mumble under my breath. Never knew a ten minute drive can feel endless. We all head inside however Skip stays behind with Beau. I turn around to look at them confused as we walk away.

"What about Beau and Skip?", I question.

"They will meet us inside", Jai quickly answered pulling onto my arm dragging me inside.

Beau's POV

"I love my sister and everything but why would you invite her?" I harshly speak confused by his actions. Why would Skip want my sister come along with us on a boys night out.

Skip stares at me puzzled. "What's wrong with inviting her?".

"You don't even know her? Why would you want to spend time with her?".

"Maybe I want to get to know her better".

"What do you mean by that?", I take a step closer to him, confused and angered by his remark.

Skip shrugs his shoulders, and takes a step back.

"Nothing. Why make her feel left out? Come on let's go inside. Everyone is waiting", he quickly changes the subject before he makes his way inside.

I enter the bowling place and try to find everyone. I notice Skip and Anna talking as they wait in line for a pair of rental shoes. I roll my eyes and walk over to the two of them. I do not want Skip falling for my sister, and I do not want my sister falling for Skip. Anna isn't one to fall for my friends but Skip has this charm to him, and I can tell Anna is already drawn in. Anna is always so fucking clueless when it comes to guys. James flirts with her everyday and she is too innocent to see he clearly wants her. However that would never happen. James knows if he ever lays a hand on my sister and takes advantage of her he will pay for it. I know Skip is my friend but he isn't the most loyal and best person to be around. He isn't the right guy for my sister. I know I may say that about mostly every guy my sister talks to but still. He is trouble and I want her to stay out of trouble. Skip is the type of guy who goes though more girls then you could ever imagine . He is one for just hookups looking for nothing more. He gets with a lot of girls but hardly ever has been with them for more than a few weeks. He used to date this one girl when he was 15 and was devastated when her parents banned her from seeing him because her parents thought Skip was the wrong boy for their daughter. This started him going for any girl that is willing to do anything with him. Sometimes I think he is just trying to find love.. But Skip isn't the sensitive mushy type. I fucking doubt he is looking for a girlfriend, or a relationship. Daniel wouldn't be able to maintain one.


Anna's POV

"Looks like I am in the lead bitches", Luke smirks.

"Not for long bro, you are going down". Jai picks up a dark blue bowling ball and tosses it down the lane. He waits anxiously, as it rolls down the lane. "Yes!", he yells out as all the pins knock over making him receive a strike.

"That is how it is done", he turns around with his arms raised in the air like he is victorious, while smirking at us.

I roll my eyes and take a sit on one of the couches waiting for my turn. My heart begins to race as I notice Skip staring at me from the corner of my eye. Before I know it, he starts making his way over to me. "Hey Anna", he smiles taking a seat next to me, and spreads his arm along the ledge of the couch. I bite my lip to hide my excitement due to the fact his arm is basically around me.

"Having fun?", he questions.

I nod and smile awkwardly, not wanting to say anything. Every time I am around Skip or say something to him I always end up embarrassing myself.

He chuckles under his breath and slides closer to me, however I slide over as well moving away from him.

"You scared of me or something?", he asks taking his bottom lip in between his teeth.

I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean?". I am so scared of Skip. I don't know why but he makes me nervous. He makes my stomach feel twisted in knots, and makes my heart face. I am not sure if I like the feeling or not.

"Well considering the fact that is the first thing you have ever really said to me..".

I laugh slightly only to hide my nerves, I hope he can't see through the fear in my eyes. "Well my brothers don't make it easy for me to talk to their friends. Well besides James. They don't like it when I am around their friends".

"Well for me they can make the expectation", he smiles sliding closer to me closing any space between us.

I notice Beau glaring at us from the corner of my eye. He doesn't look happy one percent.

"You know you have never told me what Skip stands for? Is it a cover-up for a stupid embarrassing name or something?".

Skip laughs, "My name is Daniel".

"Daniel.... I like".
"Well I-".

Before Skip could finish his sentence we are interrupted by Beau.

"What are you two love birds talking about?", he smirks at me crossing his arms.

Skip sighs taking his arm off the ledge of the couch and placing it on his lap.

I feel my cheeks heat up. What is Beau doing.

Daniel clears his throat, "We are just talking".

"It looks like you two are getting a little too cozy. Anna back away, you don't want to show Skip you like him. It might scare him away. Silly little Anna".

My eyes widen as sit there frozen being shocked to what has Beau said. Not knowing how to respond without making myself look like an complete idiot.

"Skip is such a little gremlin what do you even see in him?".

I glance over at Skip who sits beside me nervously.

"Beau what the fuck man, I don't even know anything about your sister. We are just talking", he pulls his arm down to his lap. A small frown appears on my face when he does so.

"Skip stop playing the act too. I am not stupid. I know you have a thing for my sister".

"Ya okay Beau you know I don't have a thing for younger girls. I have chicks 20 and older begging for me to join them in bed tonight", Daniel says cockily.

I can feel the tears fill up in my eyes. I bite down on the inside of my cheek trying to hold in the tears from falling. I look up to Beau. A sudden change in emotion comes across his face when he sees the tears filling up in my eyes. I knew Skip was the type to do so. He only looks for one night stands nothing more. It seems like everyone these days only looks for the same. People go through various hookups in one night to find the perfect guy...?

"Anna", he quietly spoke. He sounds heartbroken. Beau hates seeing me cry. He never knows how to cheer me up, he always has to call in Luke or Jai to help me stop crying. Which I knows hurts him even more because he can't help me when I know that is all he wants to do. Beau hates feeling helpless.

"You are such a jerk", I mumble under my breath before I quickly get up and push Beau out of my way, running out of the building.

"What the fuck Beau? What did you do?", I hear James yell at Beau.

I push the does open to go outside and the tears stream down my face. I am so stupid. Daniel is just like all my other brothers friends. Conceived jerks.

I sit on the curb outside the building. My head rests in between my knees, as the tears stream down my cheeks.

I jump when I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn to see James standing over my shoulder.

"I don't want to talk to you", I mumble.

"You don't have to talk. Come on I will take you home".

James takes my hand and walks me over to his car. Oh how I am so happy James drove his car here.

"The boys will get a ride with Beau" he harshly speaks.

The car ride is silent. Which is very unusual because when James and I are together we can never shut up. We are two peas in a pod who you can't separate.

"He didn't mean to say those things", James broke the silence.

"Skip was just being Skip. He didn't mean to hurt your feelings. He isn't worth your tears in the end".

I glance over a James. I am not really in the mood to talk. I glance back over to the window watching as we drive down the empty rode.

We pull up to the house and James get down and walks me to the door.

"You have a key right?".

I nod. Thankfully I grabbed my mom's key at the door before I left.

"Thank you James".

Before going in I kiss James on the cheek.

James smiles slightly his cheeks flushed pink, "What was that for".

"For always being there for me. I don't know what I would do without you".

James blushes, and smiles.

"I will always have your back Anna, and you can always count on me. I hope you know that. You are like a sister to me".

I hug James tightly before going inside of my house.

Skip's POV

"What the fuck was that all about Beau?".

"Why are you getting all up close and personal with my sister?", he loudly spoke standing inches away from my face.

"What? Beau we were just talking".

Beau rolls his eyes. "Don't get too comfortable with my sister. The last guys that tried to ended up with a broken nose and I am not allowed to mention the rest", his eyes are full of haltered and angry. He has never spoken to me like this. I guess I have never really given him a reason to. Beau is a tough guy who always likes to have it his way. It is usually his way or no way.

I take a deep breath. Beau isn't going to scare me away from his sister. I know him well enough he wouldn't hurt me.

"Dude calm your tits man. Your sister is going to end up alone if you kept treating her like that!", I yell back.

"I don't even like Anna. I am not attractive to her one percent so you can calm down. I was just trying to be friendly", I spoke.


Anna's POV

I feel my heart skip a beat in my chest when I hear the front door open. The boys are back home. I hear my mothers voice greeting the boys home. Moments later I receive a knock on my door. "Anna can I please come in", Beau shyly spoke. "Sure", I sigh.

He walks in and takes a seat at the end of my bed. "I am sorry. I am sorry about everything. Sometimes I get a little carried away. I am going to try and dial it back a bit. I know I am way to over protective. You know I do it because I love you and just want you to be safe and-".

"Beau stop", I interrupt him.

"You always apologize but you never change. Beau you really embarrassed me".

"I know. I am sorry.... You don't like Skip do you?", he questions innocently.

"No", I briefly answered.

A smile of relief grew on Beau's face.

"Lets keep it that way".

Me too Beau.. Me too...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you for reading chapter 3! I hope you enjoyed it! Please if you are reading this vote! Comment, vote and share because it really helps me out and would mean the world to me! Please and thank you!

Shoutout to @HopelessDreamer67 for the amazing feedback!

Giving a shoutout and dedicating each chapter to a special dedicated reader who votes and comments!

Until next time!

Thank you! <3

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