Chapter 18

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Daniel's POV

I ring Anna's cell phone only to be ignored the third time. Anna has been ignoring my phone calls for the past four days. I don't understand why I am even fucking counting the days. I don't understand why she isn't talking to me. I haven't said anything or even seen her to piss her off so I don't get why she isn't taking my calls or answering my messages. I was over at her house two days ago but she wasn't home. Her mom told me she was at a friends house. However she didn't answer me when I asked her if she was at Andrea's. Anna has never talked about anyone other than Andrea.. I am not sure what other friends she has between Andrea and James... She did have Logan but.. They wouldn't be hanging out would they?

The boys called me and asked me to stop by today and I am hoping Anna will be there. However if she is still ignoring me she will probably try her best to leave. I hope she doesn't... I really want to talk.

Jai greets me at the door. We step foot into their living room and Luke is sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap and his headphones on.

When he looks up my eyes widen. He looks like death. His fringes hide underneath his beanie. Large black bags sit under his eyes probably due to lack of sleep. His eyes are bloodshot red and he looks exhausted.

"Are you okay?", I ask Luke.

"Beau and Anna got in a fight last night", Jai answers quietly for him.

A fight? What kind of fight? Did Anna get hurt? Did Beau touch her? If he touch her I swear..

"What kind of fight?", I ask before I begins to make any assumptions.

"An argument. She found out tha-", he pauses before speaking again.

"Lets just say Beau is done with Anna. Anna started hanging out with that guy Logan again, and Beau isn't happy about it".

I feel my blood begin to boil at the mention of Logan's name. I hate Logan. Why does he have to come back into Anna life all of a sudden? Why did he even leave in the first place?

"Are they dating?", I question trying to be as emotionless as I can. I try to relax hiding the tenseness throughout my body even though my fist and jaw are clenched.

"Not that we know of. They might have before but Anna isn't going to tell us that", Jai spoke.

"Beau left after their argument and he hasn't come home yet. Our mom freaked out when she found out about their fight and how Beau left. He hasn't been answering any of our calls. I am really worried about him. I stayed up waiting for him but he never came home".

"At least you weren't up until till 4am with Anna trying to calm her down. She was so upset and is scared Beau hates her. Which he doesn't. I was trying to convince her everything will be okay but she isn't going to believe me. Not with Beau still missing. Not like she wants to see him. Damn girls are so confusing", he removes his beanie running his fingers through his hair before tugging at the roots.

We are all distracted by Jai's phone ringing.

"Hello", he says before walking out of the room.

"Where is Anna now?", I ask Luke.

"In her room. Hopefully still sleeping".

Jai returns shortly.

"That was James. He said Beau crashed at his house. I am going to go over now. Luke watch Anna", he says before leaving.

"I am going to bed I can't even see straight, Daniel you are in charge of watching Anna", Luke mumbles closing his laptop and placing it on their table before walking over to his room.

I quickly walk over to Anna's room.

Without even knocking I open her door letting myself in. Anna is lying underneath her duvet. I close the door behind me causing Anna to look up.

Before I can speak Anna's face pales and her eyes widen what looks like in fear.

"What are you doing in here!", she shrieks pushing the duvet off of her body and sitting up.

"I came to talk to you since you haven't been taking any of my calls. I wanted to make sure you are okay".

"I am fine".

"You don't sound fine.. I heard Beau and you got into a fight".

"What else is new", she mumbles throwing her hands up in the air.

"Do you want to talk about it?".

"No", she quickly responds crossing her arms.

"Well lets talk about this. It is bad enough you have been avoiding me for no reason at all but to make it worst you have been seeing Logan behind my back", I try to remain calm however every time I think of Logan the hair on my neck stands up.

"I am so sick and tired of you doing this", she rolls her eyes.

"Doing what? Coming to see my girlfriend?", I take a step forward but Anna keeps her distance away from me.

"You can't keep showing up here and trap me into giving you what you want!", she shouts at me. However not loud enough to wake up Luke.

"What does that mean?".

"Daniel you come here on purpose because you know I can't make a scene with my brothers home. You know I have no other choice but forgive you!".

Forgive me? What did I do to her? If anything she should be apologizing to me. I know she has been seeing Logan. Her brothers always mention that they can't stand seeing her with him, and that they hope she isn't dating him.

"Daniel I am tired of your shit I just need some space", she mumbles crossing her arms into her chest.

I feel my heart skip a beat as the words pour from her mouth. 'Space'.

Space. I have given her enough space and she has been spending every minute with that fucking cunt.

"Space?" I swallow the lump rising in my throat.

"I don't understand", I stutter.

What is going on? Why is she acting like this? I step into her room and the next minute she is talking about space. What does she need space for? To spend with Logan?.

"Space? Hell no? You have given me enough space? What do you need space for? To hang out with that freak. Anna please. I don't understand what I did wrong. Just explain to me what I said to make you so upset with me".

"It is what you didn't say Daniel".

"I am so confused Anna".

"The problem is you don't remember!", she cries out.

Remember.. Remember what? What didn't I remember? Did I forget her birthday? That is impossible cause I know her birthday is later on into the year.

"Well can you explain further pleas-".

"Daniel do you not understand what space means? Leave!", she demands.

"No", I bark back. There is no way I am leaving here without her explaining to me what is going on.

"Fine if you won't leave I will", she yells as she climbs out of bed. I roll my eyes, "Anna stop acting stubborn. Can we just talk".

"I don't want to talk to you".

She opens her door and pushes by me. She quickly slips on her shoes and runs to the front door before running out.

"Anna are you actually going to go out like that?".

Anna stops at the end of the driveway and looks down to her attire. She obviously forgot she is dressed in flannel pajama pants which are way to big for her and a grey t-shirt. She runs her hands through her hair, her face flushed with embarrassment.

I take a step closer to Anna however she backs away from my touch.

"Are you afraid of me or something?".

Her eyes remain focused on the floor. However I can tell by her posture and body language she is. Why is she afraid or me? I thought we got passed this at the bowling alley.

"Anna. What are you hiding from me?". She turns to walk away but I grab ahold of her wrist.

"Ow", she shrieks in pain.

"Get your hands off of me", she demands.

My eyes are drawn to the large purple mark on her wrist which she rubs over with her small hands.

"Did Beau fucking do that to you!", my voice raises.

Anna takes a step back, trying to hold back a sob.

"Daniel please do you not understand what leaves me alone means?".

"Anna tell me right now did Beau did that to you".

"No!", she shouts.

"Then how the fuck did you get those bruises!".

"You honestly don't remember?", she cries.

"Remember what?".

"The night of the party", she pauses capturing her bottom lip I between her teeth.

"Yea I blacked out because I had too much to drink".

Her eyes meet mine and they are full of hurt. She takes a step back folding her arms into her chest.

"What aren't you telling me? What happened that night?".

"After I talked to Logan I came to see you. You were already wasted taking shots with some girls you just met. You dragged me upstairs shortly after. As soon as we found a room you closed the door and pressed me again the wall", she takes a deep breathe closing her eyes before opening them again. When she does the tears stream down her face.

"Things started to get intense and-".

"Anna w-we didn't.. Did we... Did I fuck you while I was drunk?", my voice is shaky.

Please say no. I do not want my first time with Anna to be a drunken experience. Especially if I don't remember it. How do I not remember anything from that night? How many drinks did I have?

"No", her bottom lip trembles.

"B-But... You got upset when I said no".

"I-I would never hurt you", I stutter.

"Daniel you grabbed ahold of my wrist and wouldn't let go. You were holding on tighter then you thought".

"Anna. I don't believe you. Don't lie to me! I would never hurt you. Why would I do that".

"When I ran downstairs to Logan, you two-", her eyes wander to the floor once again.

"Logan and I what?".
Why would she even run to Logan in the first place.

"You threw a punch... Logan threw one back. I tried to break it apart but... I got pushed onto the floor by you", she looks up and the tears are falling from her eyes.

"No Anna I-I don't believe you. I wouldn't hurt you. I promised you I would never hurt you".

"Why would I lie about this?", she replies hurt by my comment. I try to grab ahold of her wrist to take a second glance at them however he backs away from my touch.

"Daniel please. I just need some space. Please leave me alone", she begs the tears falling from her eyes.

"Anna I am sorry. It will never happen again I promise. You know this is all a misunderstanding right?".

She shakes her head. "I just need some time to think please. Leave me alone", she cries.

"Bye Daniel", she speaks before running back inside.

Did Anna just break up with me?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hope you enjoyed chapter 18 and sorry for the wait! I am so stressed with school and haven't had the time to write!

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Can we get this chapter to 10+ votes please?

Thank you <3 I will try to update again by Tuesday! I am going to try my best to update 2-3 times a week but with school I am super busy:( I apologize about that again!

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