Chapter 6

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Skip's POV

"Hey", I smile as Beau opens the front door to greet me. I step inside and slip my high-tops off and push them over into the corner with my foot. I rub my hands together trying to create some warmth since it is a little chilly outside today. I pull my sweatshirt over my head but keep my beanie on. Adjusting it in the mirror which hangs beside the door.

"Come on, Jai has been freaking out for the last ten minutes now because he wants to start playing", Beau laughs. Beau invited me over for a game a FIFA with the boys. I hardly ever play when they invite me over because Luke and Jai never let anyone play because they always call for a re-match, or calls the other one out for cheating. Both of them are sore losers, especially Luke. He always throws a tantrum throwing the controller across the room or yelling at Jai. As I walk over to the twins room I see Anna in the living room sitting on the couch with LaLa as she flips through channels on the television. "Hey Anna", I smile. I love how gorgeous she can look dressed in trackies, a baggy t-shirt with her hair in a messy bun. She looks up and tries to hid the smile upon her lips. She raises her hand and waves slightly. I can't help but frown because I just want to run over and kiss those lips of hers but I can't. We walk down the hall into the twins room and I hear another pair of footsteps following behind us. I turn my head to see Anna, as I step into the room.

"What are you boys doing?", she questions.

"Get out Anna", Luke quietly calls out.

She crosses her arms, ignoring her brothers remark.

"Are you playing FIFA?".

None of the boys answer her.

"Can I play?", she questions.

"No get out you suck at video games and you are such a baby when you lose", Luke yells.

"No I am not! I am the one who beat you the other day and then you yelled at me because you said I cheated".

"You only won because you were pressing a bunch of random buttons and happened to score. Not to mention I was sitting over your shoulder helping you", Beau chuckles under his breath.

"Anna get out you are just looking for attention", Luke rolls his eyes.

"How am I looking for attention?".

"You are always looking for attention Anna" Jai throws his arm up in the arm trying to prove his point.

Anna's body tenses up as her eyes glare at Jai.

"You are so annoying some times", Jai adds.

"You are a dick head all the time", she quickly responds, and a small grin grows upon her lips proud of her quick come back. She unfolds her arms and places her right hand on her waist sticking her hips out.

"Come on Anna, just get out you are so fucking annoying! We are just trying to play one flipping game of FIFA!", Luke yells at her as he stands to his feet.

Anna looks over at me like she is waiting for me to say something. I glare back at her raising a eyebrow. What does she want me to say? I thought I was suppose to pretend I don't like her. Why would I stand up for her. I sit there quietly watching as Luke continues to yells at her. I feel bad that I can't help, and that I am just sitting her watching them argue but I don't know what to say or do. I know I should say something but I am scared I will say the wrong thing.

"At least I don't feel the need to insult people in order to make people laugh or to be considered 'cool'"", she yells back quoting 'cool' with her fingers.

"At least we have friends", Jai barks back.

"At least mom knew I was coming! They were expecting Luke and you just pop out".

"Anna stop lying to yourself! You were a fucking mistake. We all know you are the reason why dad left. He didn't want a fucking annoying girl! The second he found out mom was pregnant with a girl he ran for the hills. You have never even seen him before Anna. It is all your fault I didn't grow up with a father ", Luke yells. His veins more visible in his neck than ever before, as he screams at Anna. Her eyes widen in fear, as well as Beau and Jai. Luke has never yelled at Anna like that before.. She has told me they get in little fights but never to this point.

Anna takes a step back, as her eyes begin to water. Her lips tremble as she tries to speak. I know she is unable to even think. "I-I.. I can't believe you just said that", she stutters. "You guys are such douche bags! You always blame me when you know I am not the cause of him leaving!". She looks over at me, her eyes full of disappointment and hurt. She runs out of their room. I want to run after to but I know that would look suspicious. "Luke that was so fucking out of line!", Beau screams at Luke.

Jai's POV

"Luke go apologize to her right now you know you are not suppose to mention that! Also that isn't one percent true!", Beau yells.

"Jye you fucking cunt go with him". I hate when Beau calls me that. He knows how much it pisses me off, so he does it on purpose.

"Why me! If anything she should be apologize to me!", I bark at Beau.

"Go!", he demands as he stands up on his feet pointing to the door.

Luke grabs onto my arm and drags me out of our room to find Anna.

We walk over to her room and I reach my hand down to the knob to open it but it is locked. I sigh running my fingers through my hair.

"Anna, open up I want to talk to you", I quietly spoke.

"I don't want to fucking talk to you go away!", I hear her sob through the door.
"Anna we both know I can kick this door down so unless you miss not having a door I would unlock this door right now", Luke shouts pounding his fist on the door.
Once Luke and Anna got into a fight and she closed the door on his face and locked it. Luke wasn't done talking to her and was very upset when she wouldn't open he door. Luke is the strongest one out of all of us. Beau is the toughest but Luke is actually stronger then Beau and I. Being as strong as he is, he ended up running into the door knocking it off the hinges. He got grounded for a week and we had to replace her door.

"Why would I open the door? So you can continue to call me a worthless piece of shit!", she yells.

"Anna we didn't mean any of what we said, and you said some mean things too",
I call out.

"Okay Jai I am sorry. You can leave me alone now", she call through the door. I can barely make sense of what she is saying because she is crying.

"You have until .the count of three before I bust this door down", Luke shouts.

"I am not two years old Luke".

"One... Two... Should I go to three?", a sly grin grows on his face.

Within seconds I heard the door click and she opens it.

"What! Haven't you said enough!", she cries. Her eyes are red as the tears stream down her face.

"Anna I am sorry I didn't mean to say that! It slipped out! You know it isn't true. We all know the real reason why he left. He wanted to leave way before you were even born".

"You being born just gave him more of a reason to leave", the words slip out of my mouth before I could stop them. My hands quickly throw up to my mouth covering it. Luke takes his hand and slaps the back of my head. I probably deserved that but it fucking hurt.

Her eyes widen, "Okay I am sorry! I said it alight! I am sorry that you didn't grow up with a father! I am sorry I am the reason your dad left! You are right, I shouldn't even consider that horrible drunken man my father, because I don't even know what he looks like! But you know what! I am happy I never met him. I am sorry if you would rather have back the man who left you then your little sister! Okay I-", before she could finish her sentence Luke grabs Anna and pulls her into his chest. He wraps his arms around her, rubbing her back. She gasps taking a deep breath as she stops her rant and cries into Luke's chest. It beaks my heart seeing my sister cry. It is the worst thing in the world. I hate seeing my sister hurt and knowing I am the cause of it.

"Anna I am sorry stop it please. Stop crying", Luke whispers trying to calm her. I can see the worry in his eyes. None of us like the sight of our sister upset. When she was little and would cry I was the always the first one to go over to her and try to get her to smile. I love seeing my sister smile. Her smile can light up a room. "Jai and I didn't mean any of what we said. I was just upset. We all know my temper gets the best of me sometimes", he spoke not letting Anna out of his grip.

"Anna I am sorry too. We all said things we are not proud of and I wish I could take back what I said. You know any of what we said isn't true right. I love you Anna. I wouldn't trade you for anyone else". Luke lets go of his grip and I wrap my arms around Anna trying to comfort her.

"I was still a mistake you don't think I know that", she quietly speaks into my chest. I pull away from the hug and lift her chin with two fingers.
Her eyes sadden, as the tears form in her eyes. Slowly sliding down her cheeks. I lift my hand to her cheek and slide my thumb along it catching her tears.

"You are a beautiful mistake", I softly speak .

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