Chapter 44

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Daniel's POV

*Ding Dong* Ding Dong*

I groan pulling my pillow laying beside me over my head blocking the continuous ringing noise out. However it doesn't stop. The door bell rings continuously and I hear someone bagging loudly on the door. Whoever it is, is not giving up. So much for going to sleep earlier. I sit up rubbing my eyes, before climbing out of bed. It must be my brother, because who else would be ringing the door bell like a fucking manic. I roll my eyes as the ring echoes through my house. "Okay! Fuck I get it!", I shout walking down my stairs.

"I am coming!", I shout louder than before but it doesn't stop the person from ringing.

"Daniel, fucking open this door right now!", I hear a voice call out from the other side of the door. I look out the window to see Beau standing there. What is he doing here? From the looking of it, he looks fucking pissed. I open the door and he comes charging in at me. My pulse begins to quicken as I am caught off guard when he grabs a hold of my shirt and pushes me up against the wall. I am startled by his sudden actions, and my breathing becomes unsteady. What the fuck is he doing. The expression he is displaying is terrifying.
"Mate what the fuck", I try to loosen from his tight grip but there is no point. Beau is much stronger than me and I am not going anywhere.

"Did you fucking sleep with my sister!", he shouts making the veins very visible in his neck. Pure anger is filled in his eyes as well as his red face. My eyes widen and I feel my pulse beginning to beat at a faster past however in unsteady beats. What the fuck did he just say to me. I stand frozen not knowing how to respond.. A sharp pain flows down my back as he shoves my back up against the wall harder waiting for me to answer. I have never seen Beau this anger before and it of fucking terrifying. It looks like he wants to murder me and I don't blame him.
"You better fucking answer me! Did you sleep with my sister!", his grip tightens around my shirt making it harder to breathe. Answer him? Even if I did (which I have twice) he thinks I would tell him the truth? My bottom lip trembles as I don't know what to tell him. I try to push his body weight off of me because I am terrified he will punch me. My arms are still free so I will have a way of defending my self. My fist form in a ball and I remain them by my side.
Did Anna tell the boys about us without telling me. No that is crazy. Why would she tell her brothers I slept with her. But why would he be assuming this...?

"Beau you have to be fucking kidding me", I manage to fake a laugh trying to look like I am remaining calm. Even though I am shitting my pants.

"I am not playing fucking games. You fucking cunt answer me right fucking now".

"N-No! Mate why would I do that!". I decide to pretend I don't know what he is talking about.

"Don't fucking lie to me!", he shouts.

"Beau I am not even seeing your sister why would I sleep with her? I don't even talk to her", I try to defend.

"Daniel if you are fucking lying to me I swear you will never see daylight again!", he threats and I feel my heart skip a beat in my chest. Either way he is going to beat the shit out of me. Anna was right... I can't believe he is standing here ready to beat me up. I am his best friend he can't do that to me. However I can't tell him the truth. I have to go along with my lie.

"Come on mate, I would never do that to you. Your sister? Honestly you think I slept with your sister? I don't even talk to her why would you think that?", I say looking directly into his eyes trying to maintain my poker face. I am the worst when it comes to lying. The boys always see through me. I hope he doesn't see through me this time.

Beau takes a deep breathe.

"Are you dating Anna", he speaks through his teeth.

Yes. "No", I lie.

"Beau I have talked to your sister like twice why would you think we are dating. When have you ever seen us together?".

He loosens his grip and letting go of me slightly. He shakes his head running this fingers through his hair. "Is this because of those scratches you found on my back?".

Beau nods closing his eyes. "I am sorry. It was stupid of me coming over her. Why would I ever think you would sleep with my sister. I am sorry. Anna and I got in a fight the other day and we haven't been taking. I have just been on edge", he sighs.

"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?".

"She came home with massive these hickeys. I am just worried".

"You think I gave them to her?".

"Fuck man. In a way I was wishing it was you", he says and my shoulders relax slightly. He is saying he would approve of us?

"Now I have no idea of who she is fucking seeing. At least if it was you I know where you live and I could teach you your lesson", he laughs and my shoulders tense up once again.

I pat Beau on the back, however I can't even look him in the eyes. I cannot believe I am lying to my best friend. If he ever found out I am lying he would never forgive me. He would throw a punch right now and hurt me. I am going to lose him as a friend. He can never find out... Fuck! I am such a fucking horrible friend.

Beau shows me a half smile. "You are a good friend Daniel. Why would I ever think you would betray me".

He hugs me tightly. 'Betray you', his words echo in my mind. If only he knew the truth. That is exactly what I am doing. I have been seeing Anna behind his back for almost seven months now. He would not be hugging me. He would be beating the shit out of me. I can't believe myself right now. I can't believe I am going along with this.

Beau chuckles pulling away from the hug. "I am sorry...", he half smiles.

"What were planning to do beat me to pieces?", I try to force a laugh out of me.

"Would you actually hurt me", I question and Beau smile vanishes. He takes his bottom lip in between his teeth before speaking. "I won't hurt you if you don't give me a reason to". The truth comes out. Beau would fucking kill me if he found out. My body begins to shake because of my racing heart. "Well I guess we won't have a problem then" I gulp down the lump rising in my through.

"See ya", he smiles.

"Bye", my words come out lower than a whisper.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Daniel convinced Beau out of believing they are seeing each other. I wonder how long that will last for... 🙊

Anyways is anyone still here? I have so many silent readers and it makes me sad :(

Until next time!

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