Chapter 34

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"Anna I am going to take you to my house okay. I don't want your brothers seeing you like this", I tell her.

"No! I want to go home", she whines but I ignore her. There is no way I am taking her home in this condition. I am lucky if she doesn't pass out on me. I wonder what Logan gave her. I still can't believe she would even consider going to a party with him. I bet he made sure I didn't come so he can do all of this to her. What kind of sicko does that?

I pull up to my house and park on the drive way. I walk over to the passenger door and open it for her. She almost collapses when I do. I sigh deeply trying to figure out how I will carry her inside before deciding on bridal style. I pick her up and she wraps her arms around my neck as I walk over to my front door. I really hope my parents are sleeping and don't see me walking in at 1 am with my drunken girlfriend. I manage to open the front door and walk her up to my room as quietly as I can. I set her down on the bed and she begins to whine again.

"Stay with me", she whispers tugging on my arm. I stand for a moment thinking.

"Please", she begs.

"Don't worry I am not going anywhere", I promise her.

She entwines her small fingers with mine as I lye down beside her however I keep my distance. I am still mad at her for hooking up with Logan, even though she was not aware of what she was doing technically..

When she rests her head in the crook of my neck, I sit up quickly pushing her off of me.

"I am sorry I can't do this", the words comes out faster than I expected.

Her glazed eyes stare at mine in confused. Her small fingers travel up my neck to my chin, but I flinch at her touch. "Daniel", she whimpers trying to pull me closer. She leans in slightly but I quickly pull away. Her breath gives off a strong sent of alcohol.. Now that I think about it I should have got her to wash out her mouth. Especially since she fucking kissed Logan. In the morning it will not be in her favor.

"No. I can't I am sorry. I can't kiss you knowing what you did tonight", I shout which startles her. Tears begin to form in her eyes but she looks down avoiding all eye contact with me. I thought I could forgive her but she kissed Logan. She let Logan touch her in a way only I should. I don't know if I can forgive her after this. This is harder than I thought. My mind is so jumble. I keep going back and forth with my emotions. I want to be mad at her but then I want to wrap my arms around her and have her fall asleep in my arms at the same time.

"I am sorry please I just need some space at the moment. Please just kept your hands to yourself for now", I sigh.

Anna looks down embarrassed before she lyes down on the bed with her back faced towards me.

I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. There is too much going on right now to think straight. Anna kissing Logan, finding out Logan poisoned me, Beau almost killing Logan. I almost forgot about that. I still can't believe Beau did that to Logan.... He probably deserved it but.. Would Beau ever do that to me when he finds out about Anna and I? Beau is my best friend, he would never hurt me. Would he. I have to admit I am afraid of Beau knowing what he is capable of doing, especially after hearing what James told me. No wonder Anna never told me. She was probably scared to tell me thinking I would leave her. Now that I think about it, no wonder why she didn't want to tell her brothers about me.

I glance once more at Anna who is sleeping on the other side of the bed.. We are only inches apart but yet I feel so distance from her. I want to forgive her but there is something inside telling me another. I need some sleep. Hopefully I can think straight in the morning. I rest my head on my pillow before falling asleep.


I am woken up in the middle of the night to a empty bed. Her presences is gone and I feel so empty without her. I sit up but end up sitting up faster then I thought and my vision becomes blurred. I close my eyes in a wince rubbing them before opening them again to have my vision cleared. I slowly crawl out of bed and walk into the hallway trying to find Anna. That is when I hear a noise coming from the bathroom. The door is slightly open and the light is open. I run into the bathroom and Anna is on her knees in front of the toilet throwing up. I run over to Anna bending down behind her. "Anna are you okay", I say collecting the hair out of her face, holding it back for her.

"Anna baby", I whisper as she rests her head down. I hear a small sound of a cry escape her lips.

"Baby look at me", I beg but she doesn't look up. I know that she doesn't have it in her to look me in the eye.

"Anna", I repeat.

She looks up and her eyes are bloodshot red. She looks so exhausted and sick. I am never letting her near alcohol again.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she cries into my chest. I hate seeing her cry and upset it breaks my heart seeing my baby hurt. How am I suppose to stay mad at her when she is like this.

"Please", she murmurs.

"Please don't be mad at me... Please I am sorry", she cries.

She sounds so weak and helpless, as she begs for my forgiveness.

"I am so sorry Daniel. Please if I could go back in time and undo it I would. I am so sorry please. I don't want to loose you. I am so sorry", she continues. Her voice is shaking as she cries into my chest.

Even though she kissed Logan I can't stay mad at her. It broke my heart in pieces but she didn't know what she was doing. Did she... She would never hook up with Logan on purpose. Fuck I do not ever want to see that again. She needs to know the truth about Logan. I knew he wasn't any good. For goodness snake he drugged me and Anna. Who does that? I don't care what Anna says he needs to leave. For good.

"I am not mad. I promise", I say, and I finally I can believe it.

"You have ever right to be. I kissed Logan.. I am so sorry I didn't mean to. I didn't know what I was doing-".

"Anna", I cut her off.

"It wasn't all of your fault. I forgive you I promise. Yea I am a little mad but I love you, and I can look past this. I know it was a mistake".

"I love you so much I hope you know that", I whisper into her ear before kissing her cheek softly.

"I love you Daniel", she nearly chokes on her words.

I reach over for a small wash cloth and run it under some warm water. I glide it over her skin softly. Wiping the corner of her mouth, and eyes.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go back to bed or stay in here?", I question her.

"Bed. Please I need some sleep. My head is pounding. I am never drinking again", she mumbles.

"Is that a promise?", I attempt to show her a small smile but she over looks it.

After cleaning her up I walk her back over into my room. She lyes down on my bed closing her eyes.

"Can you get me some aspirin, and a glass of water please", she asks me softly.

I nod before fetching her the medication and returning back into my room. She sits up slightly as I hand her the two tablets. She leans her head back as she takes them then takes a sip of water.

"Thank you".

"Your welcome".

"No thank you for everything. For letting me sleep here. For not being mad. For being the best boyfriend ever. Thank you. I love you", she tells me. She lies down and rests her head on my pillow I snake my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. Before I know it she is sleeping once again, and I find myself fast asleep not even ten minutes later.

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