Chapter 7

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Skip's POV

Jai and Luke return to their room after what feels like an hour. "Did you apologize?", Beau raises an eyebrow as they enter the room. "Yes, everything is better now", Jai smiles.

I wait for five minutes to pass before making an accuse to leave the room. I need to find Anna and apologize myself. "I am going to get some water, anyone want a drink?", I question. They all ask for a bottle of water in the fridge and Beau asks me to check if they have any alcohol in their cabinets. I step out of their room and look over to see if Anna is in her bedroom. Her door is wide open and their is no sight of her. A sigh escapes my lips as I walk over to the kitchen. I pull my beanie off my head running my fingers through hair before placing it back on. I look over at the window beside the front door and notice Anna siting on the front porch. Of course she is outside in the freezing cold without a jacket. I walk over to the front door and turn the handle and push the door open. The door makes a slight creaking noise which causes Anna to turn around. I rub my arms and fold them into my chest to keep warm since there in a cool breeze outside.

"Anna what are you doing outside in this weather? You are going to get a cold".

"Daniel just go back inside before my brothers see you out her with me", she murmurs wiping away her tears and looks away from me.

"No", I speak and walk over to take a sit next to her. She looks down and slides down the ledge creating more space between us.

"I am sorry I didn't say anything to the boys to make them stop" I quietly murmur.

"I am not surprised.. It is not like you had to. Why would you stand up for your friend?" she spoke, her eyes remain staring at the floor to hide her flush embarrassed cheeks.

My eyes widen, as they fill up with confusion.

"Why would I stand up for the boys?", I question.

"I am talking about me", she quietly mumbles under breath so quiet I can barely hear her.

"I-I". I stumbled over my words. She waits for my lips to move but nothing comes out. It has been almost three weeks since I have kissed her and we both act like it never happened. We hang out all the time but it is mainly as friends. I have never made a move since. I don't even know what you would consider us.

"You are right you are not my girlfriend?", I blurt out. Her eyes sadden in hurt, and in embarrassment.

"We aren't dating so why should it matter to you, you can stand up for yourself". I quickly regret the words that have just exited my mouth. I look over to Anna who looks so hurt and confused. She stands up and quickly walks inside. I don't even bother getting up to follow her because I know I will mess up again and say something stupid. I keep messing things up with Anna once again.

I walk inside and grab the water from the fridge and check to see if they have any alcohol. I spy two beers at the back of the fridge and grab them; holding them between two fingers. Thankful for my large hands I can carrying all the bottles at one.. I walk back over into the twins room and the boys thank me for the drinks not even mentioning anything about how long it took to retrieved them.

My elbows rest on my knees as I watch Jai and Luke battle in a game of FIFA. They are funny to watch because they both get so into the game. However I find it hard to focus knowing Anna is in the other room, however I have to pretend I don't care. I hate sitting in this room knowing that she is upset and I am the reason beside it. I didn't mean to say those things, they slipped out. Anna makes me so nervous some times and all the words get all jumbled in my mind and the stupidest things comes out. I sit on the bed with my back leaning against the wall. I regret not saying what I know should have said. I hate how I have to pretend I don't care. I love being with Anna. I hate keeping her a secret. I wish she could hang out with us but no. Her brothers would freak.

"I am going to take a piss. Be back in 2", I say jumping down from the top bunk plopping my feet onto the floor causing a loud 'plump' noise.

On the way to the bathroom I walk by Anna's room. I knock on the door quietly before slipping into her room.

Her eyes widen as she sees me entering.

"What are you doing in here!", she quietly yells at me.

Without thinking I push Anna up against the wall crashing my lips against hers. A small gasp escapes her lips before she tries to push me off but I am much stronger than her.

She doesn't respond to my touch which breaks my heart a little inside.

"Anna", I whisper. I glide my thumb along her lips parting them.

"Daniel leave. I don't know why you are even here. Why would I kiss you? Like you said you are not my boyfriend. I am not going to fool around with you especially if we are going to be just friends with benefits. I am sorry but I am not interested. I am tired of you playing with my emotions". She looks down breaking the contact. I cup her chin and lift it, but she turns away. I can tell she is ashamed to look me in the eyes.

"I didn't mean what I say. I am sorry Anna, it slipped out".

Her eyes lock onto mine. The tears fill up in her eyes. She waits for me to ask the question which I know are the only words she wants to hear. However the words won't leave my mouth, instead I lean in closer and brush my lips against hers before kissing her soft plump lips. I feel her tears stream down her face dropping onto my cheek.

"Anna kiss me".

She shakes her head, "No".

"Please", I beg.

"I never wanted to hurt you. I should have stood up for you, I am sorry". I hate seeing her upset. It breaks my heart.

"Please Anna. I know you are mad at me for what I said or didn't say but please don't be mad. I don't want to fight ever with you". I lean in closer pressing my lips against hers. She responds to my touch which makes me smile through the kiss.

"Okay now leave before they my brothers find out you are in here!".

"Okay I am leaving but one more thing before I leave".


"Be my girlfriend", a sly smile grows on my face.

She bites her lip trying to hide the smile upon her lips. Her face turns red and she looks cute when she blushes.

"Yes", she shyly spoke but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"I thought you would never ask".

I quickly run over to kiss her and quickly leave her room before the boys notice.

"Now leave", she whispers as she pulls away from the kiss.

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