Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    Clara Whitney was running around her house the night before she was to leave for the very prestigious and elite Snow View Riding Academy. There were only 18 in each grade and 6 kids on each of the 3 riding teams. She hoped to make the advanced team to prep herself for the rest of her riding career at college and hopefully the Olympics one day.

    She ran around her room checking to make sure she had all of the items on her packing list riding clothes, school clothes, school supplies, beauty products, show clothes, and anything she would need for her room. She had 4 suitcases in total and one by one brought them down stairs to wait by the door till her dad brought them out in the morning.

    Once she had all of her stuff she walked out of her house and ran to the stable where her horse was. She walked down the aisle looking at her parents horses and finally came to the third door where her horse lived. The golden name plate read Fallen in Love or Fallon. Fallon was a 16.5 hand dapple grey thoroughbred warmblood cross. Clara walked up to Fallon's stall, "Hey, pretty girl. You ready for tomorrow. We get to go to a new home and meet new people." Clara smirked at Fallon as her horse continued to munch on her hay. Clara walked into the tack room and grabbed her enormous black tack trunk. Inside the trunk was all of Fallon's gear, twisted snaffle bit with bridle, ear nets in many colors, saddle pads in many colors, wraps, jumping boots, and tack bag. Clara through her tall, short, and paddock boots in the trunk for good measures then shut and locked the trunk. "Bye girlly, see you in the morning." She walked up into her house and up to her room to fall asleep. 

    In the morning Clara woke up to the kind voice of her mom, "Morning Clara, time to get up to go to Snow View."

    As soon as her mom left her room she got out of bed and grabbed comfortable clothes for the long 9 hour car ride to the school. She wasn't living the state she lived in, California, just moving from southern California to the middle of California. She walked out the house and into the barn to find her dad moving her tack trunk out of the barn and into the trailer. She grabbed both her practice saddle and show saddle and out them on the rack inside the trailer. She grabbed the new turquoise halter and matching lead rope and walked over to Fallon's stall only to find her beloved horse sound asleep. "Morning girlly. Time to get up" Fallon opened her eyes and walked over to Clara only to put her head up against Clara's chest. "I know you are hungry. You can eat in the trailer." Clara spilled the halter over Fallon's head and clipped the lead rope to the bottom of the halter. Clara opened the stall door and walked a half a sleep Fallon onto her trailer. Once the door was shut and locked her dad pulled out of the drive way followed by Clara and her mother in the family car. 9 hours and she would be at her new school and home for the next 4 years.

    9 hours later Clara was woken up by the huge bumps that were on the end of the drive way at Snow View Riding Academy. She looked out the window to see the outside of the beautiful dorms, classrooms, and stables. When the car stopped she walked up to the front which said check in. She walked up to a middle age women, "Clara Whitney and Fallen in Love."

    The women looked down the list grabbed a key, map, and her schedule. "This is for you. Don't lose it and you are here on the map," She pointed to the front "You need to go here. This is the freshmen dorms. You are on the second floor. Before opening ceremony I need you to read over the hand book and make sure to follow the rules."

Clara took all the pieced of paper and walked back to the trailer and car. She walked up to her mom. "I want to put Fallon away before I get myself settled." Clara open the trailer to again find a half a sleep Fallon. "Okay girl you need to walk up." Fallon's ears perked up and she was now awake. "Fallon back down." Fallon followed the command given by her owner and walked backwards out of her trailer and down the ramp. Clara grabbed the lead and walked from the trailer into the stables. "Wow. This is beautiful. Look girlly third stall on the left just like at home." She walked Fallon into the huge 14 by 14 stall and unclipped the halter and lead line. "Eat your hay and drink some water I will see you later." She walked back out to the car to grab her tack trunk. She walked into the freshmen tack room and saw her name on a large cabinet. With her tack organized she walked out to the car to grab her suit cases. With her parents each with a suitcase and the two she was dragging she walked toward the dorm.

All of a sudden she head, "Watch out! Horse loose!" A huge black thoroughbred mare galloped down the lane and stopped and snorted right in front of her. A boy about her age ran up with a lead and grabbed the crazy mare. "Sorry about that she hates backing out of her trailer." With that he and the horse were gone.

She turned back to her parents and walked into the freshmen dorm and up the flight of stairs to the second floor. She walked into a huge room that had three bed room, a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. She was the first in the door and got first choice of her bed room. She took the one overlooking the stables. She placed her horse comforter on her bed with her mom's help and turned to her parents, "I can take care of everything else later." Clara had always been independent and was ready to meet her roommates and explore the campus.

Her dad with tears in his eyes said, "Bye baby girl, see you at Thanksgiving."

Clara eyes began to tear she knew this would be the hardest part saying good bye, "Bye daddy." She turned to her mom and lost it, "Bye momma."

Clara's mom was crying, "I know baby, I will see you soon. Text or call us as soon as you finished getting settled. We will miss you and will see you soon."

Clara watched her parents leave and whipped her eyes and walked back up to her dorm

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