Chapter 31

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Rachel walked back to her dorm after spending the day in the nurse's office going through different tests to make sure she wasn't injured. She walked into the dorm to find Clara and Brit on the couch watching a movie. "Hey girls. What are you watching?"

Clara through a piece of popcorn in her mouth and then said, "Only the greatest horse of all time..."

Brit cut her off and finished, "Secretariat!!! Only my favorite movie of all time!"

Rachel for the first time since her crash she genuinely smile. She grabbed a bowl of popcorn from the counter and sat down on the couch next to her friends.

The next morning...

The first light shown through the curtains that hung in the dorm room. Rachel opened her eyes first. Only to find she was not in her bed but, curled up on the couch. She then glanced over to the clock to find, "GUYS!! Get up we have to get to get ready for school."

Clara opened her eyes and looked at the time, "We have 20 minutes to get ready and across the lawn to class. Hurry!!"

20 minutes later they ran into their history class room just as the bell wrong.

Their teacher Mr. R said, "Excellent timing girls. Maybe next time try to get her a head of the bell, so you don't have to run." He then turned back to the board and started their lesson.

After schools at the riding lesson...

Ashley walked up the advanced riding team. "Okay so yesterday's test didn't go so well, but as a said you were graded on the exercise. I only graded you on the jumping class since we never did ride the flat class. As I call your names please come up and grab you grade, AJ."

Aaron trotted up on Midnight and grabbed his paper. He unfolded it to find an A- written on the top of his paper.

Ashley said, "Clara."

Clara grabbed her sheet to find and A- on her paper. She walked back next to Aaron and said, "Hey what did you get?"

Aaron smiled and said, "A-, what about you?"

Clara smiled and said, "Same!

Ashley then called out, "Brit!"

Brit trotted up and grabbed her sheet which show a B+ as her grade. She turned around and trotted back to her spot next to Luke and said, "What did you get?"

Luke replied with, "I got a B+. You?"

Brit smiled and said, "Yea so did I. It makes sense we don't jump as often as the rest of them. Our technique is bound to not be a great as there. I am just happy with this grade."

Ashley them called, "Rachel!"

Rachel nervously trotted up to Ashley. She found exactly what she was expecting on the front of her paper, an F.

Ashley saw her face and said, "I know not what you like, but you did fall off. I graded what you completed. Also I would like to speak to you after the lesson in my office."

Rachel the turned around and trotted back to the line of her team mates.

Ashley called out, "Last but certainly not least Ben!"

Ben trotted up and opened the paper to and A+ written on the top.

Ashley looked at the young riders face and said, "I am extremely proud of you. You rode well and handle the exercise with ease. Showing everyone you are a true rider. I also want to tell you how well you handled Rachel's little outburst in the nurses office."

Ben shocked that she found out said, "How did you know about that?"

Ashley smiled then said, "I find out everything from everyone. Not get back in line and we will begin the lessons."

After the lesson...

Rachel nervously walked into Ashley office in the front of the stable. She nervously opened the door and said, "You said you wanted to talk to me."

Ashley smile at the young rider and said, "Yea, I want to talk to you about your riding."

Rachel sat down in the chair and nervously waited for what she knew was coming.

Ashley then said, "You seem to be struggling in you riding lately and I would like to know why?"

Rachel looked down at her lap and said, "Everyone here are amazing riders and I just feel that I am not as good as them."

Ashley said, "You would not have made the advanced team if I didn't think you would make it out there. But from the riding I am seeing now. Isn't the riding I saw during the competitions I watched you compete at during the application process over the summer."

Rachel shocked said, "Wait you came to my competitions?"

Ashley smiled and said, "Yea. I go to all applicants' competitions to see what we are looking at for our future students. During your shows you were aggressive and attacked the courses and always came under you time. You never made the mistakes I am seeing you make during these past shows or practices."

Rachel said, 'I guess the real reason is. I am always being compared to Ben. Since we ride the same discipline. I just am not even close to his caliber of riding. I just feel so much less to him and that I will never be as good. I also feel like I am the weakest of the team. Everyone has ridden so well won their class or division, then there is me. Last in every class." She felt the tears begin to roll down her cheek at the last part. "I just do not know if I am even cut out for Snow View anymore."

Ashley said, "Why don't you finish out the year and see how you feel in May. I bet you will change your mind. But if you do not change your mind. There is nothing saying you do not have to come back for your sophomore year."

Rachel whipped away a tear and said, "I know. Thank you for everything. Is that all?"

Ashley smiled and said, "Yea that is all. Have a nice rest of your day."

A/N Wow! What a chapter, do you want Rachel to leave or stay? Comment on how you feel. I am thinking on doing probably 2 or 3 more chapter in this book then onto book two. I hope you all enjoy and would want to read a second book. I just looked today and saw over 600 reads. That is incredible. I still remember the day I saw 100 and was supper excited so to see over 600. I am over the moon. It means so much to know all of you are reading my work. So I thank you!!

Please vote, comment,read, and enjoy!! �柞�:�

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