Chapter 20 Part 1

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It was the first day back from break and everyone was excited to show their presentation for their next horse. Mrs. C said, "Okay class I know you are excited to present and get started on the long process of waiting for your next horses to come into the world. Okay who would like to go first?"

Clara raised her hand from her seat next to Aaron and said, "May I go first?"

Mrs. C smiled at her most outspoken student, "Of course Clara. I also want to tell you that Ashley will be watching your presentations and when you are done I have let your other teachers know that you will not be attending your other classes to allow this process to begin. Clara you may begin."

Clara walked up to the front of the class and pulled out her lap top from her bag. She plugged the cord in and her presentation popped up. "I am going to start by explaining the kind of horse I wanted. I wanted to bring in a horse with a strong back ground. The horse will have the history to become a jumper. I needed a horse with strong hind legs and to have the stamina to last over the course, but I also wanted a mild temper horse. Not a hot head who I would have to fight with. For my stallion I choose Ray of Light. He is one of the sweetest stallions in the barn and in his youth he had the stamina to go over the longer cross country courses. Cross country stallions I found in my research pass on the stamina to their off spring. For my mare I choose a through and through jumper, strong legs, ability of tight turns, and the quick canter needed, these characteristics are in Anastasia. Thank you very much."

Mrs. C said, "Very nice presentation Clara. I can tell you put a lot of research in your choice of stallion. Okay who is next?"

Ben raised his hand, "May I go?"

Mrs. C said, "Yes you may."

Ben walked to the front of the class and began his presentation. "The horse I was looking for was what Clara described as a hot head. These horses are perfect for cross country. Their nature to go fast and be strong is just what cross country horses need. My stallion is Jumping Jack. In the barn he might not be the nicest of horses, but his stamina and ability to fly through courses over ruled his nature to be a little nasty. His nature will be over rule by the strong and impressive back round of my choice in mare, Athena. She is very protective of her foals and she has the temperament that will allow the foal in its future to have protective instincts with me on their back during the course. Thank you very much."

Mrs. C, "Thank you Ben. I hope you know what you are doing with Jumping Jack as your stallion. Okay who is next?"

Aaron raised his hand and said, "Can I go?"

Mrs. C, "Of course AJ."

Aaron grabbed the poster he had sitting behind him and walked up to the front to begin. "Okay the horse I wanted is a jumper since by the time I graduate and can start to train the baby Midnight will be getting in to her late teen years almost 20 and I don't want to put her through such vigorous courses and training as I did when she was younger. The horse I wanted is pretty much like Midnight strong, gentle, but still had energy and a little spunk. I didn't want a small horse so for my stallion I choose the largest who is Dark Chocolate. I know we don't know what genes he will pass on since this would be his first child, but I have faith in his amazing career and genetics that he will give a great foal. The mare I choose, has definitely had a streak in the ring for having energy and a little spunk when she gives her riders a little attitude, Diamond Ring.  Thank you very much."

Mrs. C, "Thank you very much AJ. I agree with your idea that Dark Chocolate will produce a nice foal even though it will be the first one he has sired since he was retired just 3 years ago. Okay next?"

Rachel got up and said, "Can I go."

Mrs. C smirked and said, "Of course Rachel."

Rachel logged onto the computer and pulled up her presentation. "Okay. The horses I choose would be for when I am home on my parent's ranch out in Montana. Just a nice simple trail horse. For my stallion I choose Mighty Max because he has the strong legs and the stamina to last on the trails all day and he is a very gentle horse. For my mare I choose By the Light of the Moon because she is very relaxed and even tempered to allow be a great non spooky horse when it comes to everything that can happen on a trail. Thank you very much."

Mrs. C, "Thank you Rachel for not choosing to use horses that would fit into your life as a cross country horse. Next?"

Brit raised her hand and said, "Can I got next?"

Mrs. C smiled at her most studious student and said, "Of course Brit."

Brit grabbed her poster and walked to the front of the class, "When I am at dressage competition I always look at the other horses to see who has the striking features some of the judges love to see in the horses. I want a horse that will catch you eye in the ring as well as have all of the normal dressage horse requirements. I feel that the Stealing Light as my stallion will give that since as I walk through the barn and I see the horses he has sired all come to look very striking and eye catching. The best part about him is he was a topped ranked dressage horse known to be able to complete the hardest steps without being so tense in the ring. The mare I choose was Dottie she was my choice in mare because of her temperament in the ring, not her ground manners when she is with her foals. On the ground she can be a bit of a brat, but when in a saddle she is the most graceful horse I have ever seen. Thanks."

Mrs. C said, "Extremely good analyses on choosing Stealing Light that was a very wise decision." The rest of the class continued to present till only one student was left. "Okay Luke no matter how much you hate presenting. You are the only one left and you have to go."

Lucas mutter as he grabbed his poster and walked to the front of the class. "Okay my family didn't have enough money to be able to pay for my own horse so I saved my money for 5 years to be able to buy and keep Arte at the barn. So being able to get another horse is a dream. For my stallion I choose the stallion who has the most complex and high ranking dressage back ground in the barn, River Ride. He was the top dressage horse in the world and went to the Olympics before he was retired. The mare I choose just like rover Ride has a very strong dressage back round, Dahlia. She was known in the ring to be flowing and graceful as well as calm. Thank you."

Mrs. C said, "Great job class I am very impressed with your presentation and hope that all of your wishes come when the foals are born and trained. Class is dismissed you may follow Ashley down to the barn where the mares and stallions are located."


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