Chapter 16

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Clara walked down the stairs to breakfast and found that everyone was already there. She looked at Rachel and Brit and said, "Guys why did you wake me up."

Brit stood up, "We didn't walk you up cause you were up really late last night studying for the bio test we have later today."

Rachel said, "Well now that everyone is up why don't we go to school."

Ben said, "Yea I agree with you babe, let's go to school and get this test over with before the girl stress out any more."

Aaron and Lucas laughed at what Ben said, but then earned glares and a smack on the arm from their girlfriends. Aaron said, "Clara what was that for?"

Clara glared and said, "It was for laughing at me and how I have been stressing over this stupid test since Mrs. C told us we were having it."

Aaron said, "Babe you are going to be fine. You have the highest grade in the class. You know you will be fine." He took her hand and kissed her head as he walked out the door hand and hand with her.

After the test in Biology....

Mrs. C stood at the front of the class waiting for their special guest speaker to come in.

Clara raised her hand and said, "Mrs. C who is our guest speaker?"

She replied, "She is a person you all know very well?"

Aaron who sat next to Clara raised his hand and said, "What does the guest speaker have to do with the introduction of our next unit?"

"Well AJ she and I will be collaborating on a very special project that is conducted every year. If she can get here now I will finally tell you," Mrs. C said.

Ashley walked up the stairs and walked into the bio classroom and saw all of her freshmen riding teams sitting there waiting for her.

Lucas said, "What does Ashely have to do with our unit?"

Mrs. C laughed and said, "That is a very good question Luke. Ashley why don't you tell the freshmen what the project and unit is."

Ashley said, "Your next unit is genetics. Now you are wondering why I am standing her. I am a dressage teacher not a bio teacher. Do you guys have any guesses?"

Rachel raised her hand and said, "The project has to do with combining riding with genetics rights?"

Ashely smiled and said, "Exactly, the project you will be conducting is a single project because you will be getting another horse for you to train. The project consists of looking over the stallions and breeding mares that live on campus and deciding what kind of horse you are looking for in the future. You must look at the genetics of all horses and consider everything to create the ideal horse for you. You will then when the horse is born work with it and someday ride and maybe even compete on it."

Mrs. C spoke next, "Tomorrow you will start by figuring out what kind of horse you specifically want some examples are, jumper, dressage, cross country, or any type of western horse. You must pick the ideal horse you want before starting to look at the genetics of the horses you will be picking for your future horses dam and sire. You will fill out a question sheet to figure out what horse you want."

(The bell sounds)

Mrs. C said, "Will know see all of you tomorrow have a nice day."

The six of them walked out of the classroom and down to math.

Clara said, "I cannot believe we get to have another horse that we get to breed spherically for ourselves."

Rachel said, "I know it is incredible."

Ben said, "I cannot believe my parents agreed to let me do this. We could barely keep the payments of Dallas let alone another horse."

Rachel gave Ben hand a squeeze and said, "You will figure something out. I know you will babe."

Ben whispered in Rachel ear, "I love you and you are right. I will figure something out." He leaned down and gave a small peck to Rachel's lips.

Lucas said, "Come on man. Can you guys have no PDA please it is kind of gross."

Ben said, "Oh come on guys I can kiss my girlfriend whenever I want. Deal with it."

He and Rachel walked down the hall to math leaving the other four standing there shocked.

Brit said, "Okay what just happened?"

Lucas said, "I think I touched a nerve in him by mistake. I am going to let him cool down then apologies. Come on guys let's go to math."

A/N Hey guys I am back. Sorry life got kind of crazy, finished finals, and then went to my two week horse camp. I am back now I hope you enjoy the chapter.

If you guys have any ideas for the stallion and mares names for the project I would love the help. I am going to need a lot of names. So the help will be great.

Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy!!!!

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