Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Clara woke up the morning to the blaring sound of her alarm clock. She got up and walked into the small living room in her dorm. Rachel and Brit were up and sitting on the couch. "Morning guys."

The girls turned around and smiled. Brit said, "Morning, we have about 1 hour before tryout. I say we go to the common room and get breakfast then come back up here get dressed and head to the stables for tryouts."

Rachel said, "I agree we should go down and eat. I have to eat a while before I ride or I will get sick. I am not making a fool out of myself the first day here."

Clara laughed, "I know I agree. Come on guys lets go." The three of then walked down stairs and found the breakfast being laid out. Clara said, "I am going to get some cereal and then 2 apples, one for me and one for Fallon." Clara grabbed her breakfast and headed to the tables where Brit and Rachel were sitting.

Brit looked up to find Clara coming over. She leaned over to Rachel and said, "We have to tell her that guy she told us about keeps looking at her."

Clara walked up and said, "What are you guys talking about. I may not have known you guys long but you look like you are plotting something."

Brit smirked, "Look at the dark haired guy over at that table."

Clara turned her head only to be met by a pair of dark brown eyes. They made eye contact for a couple seconds before the boys cheeks turned red and went back to talking with his friends.

Brit and Rachel at the same time said, "Oh my god, he so likes you."

Clara's face went bright red, "guys can you be any louder I think the seniors heard you on the other side of campus. He is cute. I am here to focus on my riding and my school work, not boys." Clara was partly telling the truth. She had wanted a boyfriend since her ex dumped her about a year and a half ago. She had been humiliated by him after the break up more times than she could count. She had made the decision to come here on the reason of the relentless torment form him and his friends. She didn't want her heart broken again. She turned her head to look at the boy. "Okay maybe I will think about it, but first we have to go and get ready for tryouts."

The girls ran up to the dorm and went in their separate rooms to get ready. Clara walked out in her black riding pants and turquoise polo shirts. She held her black gloved and paddock boots in her hand. Rachel had on grey riding pants and a hunter green polo shirt. Brit looked the most professional in tan riding pants and a bright white polo shirt. "Brit you look like you are going to a show not tryouts."

Brit smirked and replied, "At my old barn back at home this is how we had to dress for every lesson. My teacher believed that every lesson was a show and to be on our show game at every lesson. My instructor believed that if we were in show clothes then we would ride better than we would if we were in normal clothes." Brit was the first out the door of the dormitory only to run smack into someone she knew was bigger than her. The next thing she knew she was flat on her butt on the ground with Clara and Rachel trying not to laugh. "Ouch that hurt." She looked up to find the person she had run smack into was one of the boys sitting at the table that had the boy looking at Clara.

The boy spoke first, "Oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going.  I am Lucas Andrews, Luke." He reached his hand out nervously to pull the blond off the ground.

When Brit was finally back on her two feet she spoke, "It is fine. I am just a little dusty nothing to freak out about. I am Brittney Davis people call me Brit."

Luke smiled at the blond, "I have to grab my clothes then maybe I will see you at tryouts."

Brit said, "Yea, I will see you at tryouts." She turned around and put her hand up to shut her friends up before they said anything. "I know what you guys are going to say. So I will do it first. Oh my god he so likes me." At that comment the three girls all broke out in a fit of laughter and were laughing the entire way to the stables.

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