Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The group after dinner headed back to the dorm and went to bed. Clara woke up the next morning and woke the other girls up so they could get ready for school. Clara, Brit, and Rachel walked down the stairs only to find the guys talking quietly and when Clara walked up to Aaron they all became very quiet a little too fast.

Before the girl come down...

Ben said, "I felt bad for Rachel yesterday during our lesson. Rich kept praising me for my awesome run with Dallas and didn't praise her for a runs with Effie."

Lucas and Aaron looked at each other and then at Ben as they heard him talk about Rachel. Aaron said, "From what I just heard, Ben do you like Rachel as more than just one of our friend or as something more."

Ben face went bright red, "Uuuummmm," he stammered trying to come up with a lie to tell the guys.

Lucas stopped him before the lie came out. "Oh you like her."

Ben got defensive, "Shut up. You like Brit I saw the way you looked at Brit yesterday when we were walking to dinner."

Aaron cut of the guys before the kept arguing, "How about you both except you like them and just ask them out. You both look at them how I look at Clara. You just need to get the courage to ask them out."

Lucas said, "Quick quiet here come the girls."

Clara then walked out to Aaron to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Okay what is up with those two they got all weird when we walked up," she whispered into Aaron's ear.

He put his hand up next to her ear to whisper in, "Let me just say let's leave them alone and maybe when we get to school there will be some developments in both friendships." He go up and took her hand and then said, "Clara and I are going to go for a little walk before school starts. We will see you guys in history." He walked with Clara out of the dorm and began to walk down the path to the school.

Clara spoke, "I love doing this. It is so quiet since everyone is still at breakfast."

Aaron looked into her eyes and place a quick kiss on her lips, "I know I love this too."

Clara laughed and said, "What did you me when you were talking with the guys when we walked down stairs."

"You have to promise not to say anything to the other girls," Clara nodded then Aaron continued, "Lucas like Brit and Ben likes Rachel and they both don't want to admit it. I am trying to get them to ask them out. It is not working," Aaron said.

Clara looked at the wall in the front of the school as they walked in and saw a poster hanging up. She pulled Aaron's hand to get him to look at the poster. "I found the perfect way for the boys to ask out Brit and Rachel. The Halloween Dance."

A/N I am sorry it is really short. I hope you are enjoying. The next chapter will deal with how Ben and Lucas ask out the girls and the dance.

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