Chapter 25

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Clara walked out of the dorm and shivered as the snow landed in her hair. She was the last out of the dorm that morning since she could find her homework and told her friends to go on without her. She ran down the hallway and jogged into World History just as the bell rung. "Thank god I made it on time."

Aaron say her out of breath and said, "Why did you run to class I thought you always walked in with the girls."

Clara gasped and said, "I usually do. I just couldn't find my notebook so I told them to go on without me while I finished looking."

Mr. R, "Clara, AJ please be quiet so I can start todays lesson."                                              

After school...

The loud speaker, "I need all show jumpers from all the teams down in the big ring 10 at 1:00."

Clara looked at Aaron as they walked out of English and said, "That is really weird. They never have all the teams together and if they do it is all the disciplines not just one."

Aaron shrugged and said, "I know what you mean. Come on we don't want to be late."

In the arena...

All the show jumpers gathered in the big ring waiting for what was going to happen.

Ashley walked into the ring followed by an older lady no one recognized. "Okay everyone I have an announcement. Over winter break most of the trainers leave the school to go compete on their own circuits with their own horses. Beth was competing and took an extremely bad fall. She is in the hospital and will remain in the hospital and rehab for the remained of the year. You all will now be trained by Tricia Fedora. She is a show jumper and has a great number of students who have gone on to be professional. That is what I wanted to tell you all. Now please go get your horses. You all will be having a lesson together so you all can get a feel of how she teaches. You are dismissed."

Clara gasped at the thought of no longer having Beth as her trainer. "Aaron this is going to be very weird."

Aaron said, "I know exactly what you mean. But we have to do this for Beth. I am going to tack. I will talk to you later." With a quick kiss on the cheek he left to get Midnight ready.

After the lesson...

All six of the teens sat in the common room at the bottom of their dorm.

Aaron said, "Is it just me or is having a new trainer half way through the year weird."

Clara said, "Babe I know what you mean, but if you think about it when we are all professionals we won't always have the same trainers. We will move trainers with the horses that we are chosen to work with and compete on. I think this is a good experience for us."

Aaron groaned and said, "I know I still don't like it."

Brit spoke up, "On a happier note what very important date is coming up."

Luke said, "I have no idea what happens in February?"

That comment earned Luke a smack on the arm from his girlfriend. She then said, "It is Valentine's Day you idiot."

Luke rolled his eyes at his girlfriend's little outburst and said, "Sorry I have never had a girlfriend around the time of Valentine's Day so I never remember it."

Brit glared and said, "Well you will now remember it."

Ben laughed and said, "Will you guys stop arguing and get back to the fact of are we all going out on like a triple date or are we going out separately."

Aaron was hoping for separate he had a very special gift for Clara and he didn't want it to be spoiled. He said, "Well I think separate because we are all couples. I think it would be good for each of us to spend some alone time together."

Luke said, "I agree."

They all agreed on going out separately and Aaron let out a sign of relief.

A/N Sorry I have been gone for over a month. Life kind of went crazy. School is specifically my AP class is taking up a lot of my time. I am sorry if my updates become very infrequent I will update whenever I have time.

On another note anyone have an idea of what Aaron is planning for Clara. Comment on what you think it is. Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy.

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