Chapter 30

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Ben raced through untacking Tucker. He wanted to get to the nurse to see how Rachel was doing. After he passed Tucker to one of the stable hands he ran smack into Luke, which sent them both flying to the ground with a thud and a burst of laughter from the rest of the group.

Luke angrily said, "Watch where you are going, man!"

Ben groaned and said, "Sorry." He helped Luke to the ground and took off running again.

Luke turned around and said, "Why is he in such a rush?"

Aaron replied from inside a stall with, "His girlfriend did just have to be wheeled out of practice." He then sarcastically added, "Yea I wonder what." He then went back to grooming.

Luke rolled his eyes at AJ comment and continued his work in the barn.


Ben raced into the main building where the nurse's office was. He ran into the room to find Rachel laying on the bed. He walked up to her and sat down next to her, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Rachel held back tears as she responded, "Like a failure."

Ben said, "Why? You have never done anything like that."

Rachel angrily said, "Because the rest of you handled the exercise like it was something normal. You all looked great while doing it and what happened to me. I ended up on the ground and now in the nurse's office!"

Ben took a deep breath and said, "You have to calm down. Sure you had a bad day. Tomorrow will definitely be better than today."

Rachel said, "Well I have been having a lot of bad days lately."

Ben said, "Well you cannot always have good days. Just keep in mind that for every one bad day you will have at least 3 good ones." He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Get some rest I will see you at dinner."

A/N Sorry it is kinda short. I am in the middle of my midterms. So I took a much needed break from studying to write a chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. 

Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy!!!

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