Chapter 10

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The last bell on Friday before the dance finally rang. Clara, Brit, and Rachel hurried out the doors of the school to catch the bus that would take them into town for dress shopping. They walked into the dress shop to find that the dress were scattered around the store. The girls split up to allow more dresses to be looked at.

Clara walked down one of the isles to see a purple dress catch her eye. She pulled it out. The dress was a tan top dress with lace out lining her chest and the dress would probably come down to just above her knees.

Brit was one the opposite side of the store from the other girls. She saw a sparkly dress on one of the racks. The dress was strapless and covered in sparkle.

Rachel walked down the end of the first isle and saw a white, purple, and green flowed dress sitting on the end of the rack. She grabbed it and walked to the dressing room to find Brit and Clara already there waiting. "Did we all grab purple dresses?"

Clara laughed and said, "I was just telling Brit about that before you walked up. Come on lets go try them on. If we don't like them we can try again." Clara closed the curtain and put on the dress. She looked in the mirror and gasped. She walked out to find Brit and Rachel waiting in their dresses. "Girls this is definitely my dress."

Rachel said, "I know I love this one."

Brit said, "Okay now that we have our dresses we need our shoes. Then we can go tell the boys what color ties to get."

The girls walked down the show isle and found nothing in the first 2 isle, but in the 3rd isle Brit grabbed a pair of simply low black heels. "Oh my god, these are really comfortable. I am getting these."

Clara saw the shoes in the next isle and walked over and grabbed them. They were a shiny silver with straps to wrap around her ankle.  "Look at these shoe they are so pretty."

Rachel snapped, "Clara those are not pretty at all."

Brit shot back, "Rachel be quiet. If Clara likes them then she should get them. I think you will look great in them and actually be almost as tall as AJ."

Clara shot a look at Rachel, "Thank Brit. It will be weird to not be almost a half a foot shorter then him."

Rachel the snapped, "Can we stop this and find me some shoes so we can get home. I want to finish this and then work with Effie on her stamina."

Clara rolled her eyes and walked off, "Come on let's find your shoes."

Isle after isle and Rachel hated every one or it wouldn't go with her dress. Then she finally found shoes, "I found them." They were low brown heels.

Clara walked up and said, "No matter what you said about my shoes those are ugly."

Rachel said, "No matter how much I hate your shoes you can hate mine."

Brit intervened before the two girls would continue arguing. "Guy can we stop this. We need to go pay and then get home." She looked at them and said again, "I don't want to hear one bad comment about either of your shoes for the rest of the days until the dance."

At the dorms...

Aaron sat on the couch waiting for the text from Clara saying what colors his ties could be.

Lucas's phone dinged, "Guys AJ and I have to get dark purple ties and Ben you can get light green, light purple, or white."

Aaron said, "I am going up to the room I think I have a dark purple tie."

Lucas said, "I know I have one. I had to get one for my cousins wedding."

Ben said, "I have a white one from when I was in middle school."

Aaron said, "Okay now that is set what do you guys want to do."

Ben talked first, "I promised Rachel I would help her with Effie. She keeps getting yelled at in our lesson and she is starting to get really frustrated. I found her crying in her stall yesterday after the lesson."

Aaron said, "Okay then Lucas what are you doing."

Lucas said, "I am going to work with Arte on our canter pirouettes. AJ why don't you just wait for Clara and do something with her."

Aaron said, "Okay I will." He sat down on the couch and watched as the guys left.

A/N Wow two chapter 2 days in a row. I hope you enjoy. The next chapter I promise with be the Halloween Dance. Thanks for the support. Bye!!!!

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