Chapter 34

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It was finally the morning of the first day of the show that they would be able to compete. The dressage competition had been the day before and they had watched all the competitors go to see what would maybe happen during the two other day of the show. Today was the cross country portion of the show and that means it was Ben's day to ride.

Luke walked into Dallas's stall and began to groom the calm gelding. He had to make sure the horse was perfectly clean and ready for Ben to ride him. Once he finished brushing he grabbed the saddle and saddle pads. Once the saddle and girth were attached he grabbed all the boots that Dallas would need for the trip, front and back boots along with all around bell boots. The last item was the perfect black leather bridle. Once the bridle and martingale were buckled up he lead the gelding out of the stall and towards his owner.

Ben waited patiently in the aisle waiting for Luke to bring him Dallas. He had been going over the finally details of his course and the different decision he needed to make for him the get one of the three cross country spots that needed to be filled. Once his horse was in front of him he made last minute checks over his horse and then walked up the mounting block and swung softly onto his back. 

Ben began to walk down towards the course so he would make his 12:30 call. It was now 12 o'clock. It took them half an hour to make the long journey to the starting box of the course. When it was his turn he stepped into the box and held back a now prancing Dallas who knew what was next.

The gate keeper said, "Ready?"

Ben answered with a confident, "Yes."

The gate keep then said, "One, two, three, GO!"

Ben immediately jumped into a fast paced canter towards the first of 3 long flats. He had planned to conserve Dallas's energy for the jumps and the ending of the course. He just had to stay under time and get out with no time faults.

As he finished the first flat he entered the first section of jumps. There were 5 in total two loges, two hedges that then lead to a large stone oxer. He soared over every single jump without even a single bit of timidness from Dallas.

He then entered the second flat portion of the course where he opened up his gelding stride to let them cover more ground and make up any time that could be lost in the later part of the course. Ben stayed up off the saddle crouched down to let Dallas have free range of movement.

Then he entered the next section of jumps. The part of the course he knew Dallas loved, water. They soared over a large 3'6 log and splashed into the water. A small combination section came up. There were 3 skinny panel jumps before hitting the dry land again and into the final flat portion of the course.

Once he exited the water he felt Dallas began to tire. He turned his toes out and put his spurs in his horse's side. "Come one Dallas. It is almost over. Just one finally gallop and then you are done. You can do this."

It was as if Dallas understood. The thoroughbred did exactly what he was bred to do, run. Dallas soon opened up into his full stride and flew through the flat green stretch.

Ben could see the finish line and his teammates cheering for him. He gave one final push over the last jump as he then cross the finish line. He immediately jumped off and let Luke take the tired horse and he begin the long process of cooling him down.

Ashley walked up to the panting teenager. "That was probably the best course I have seen you do ever. Congratulations. You now have the rest of the day to relax until the awards ceremony this evening. One last thing, I think you have a chance a gaining one of the cross country spots."

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