Chapter 12

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It was the beginning of November. The group of six walked into the barn leading their horses to begin a lesson. All three instructors were standing there when usually they got there after they finished warming up and went right to work.

Ashley stepped forward to tell the advanced team why they were there. "Okay we have our first show this weekend. It is nothing fancy but this is the beginning of the road to finals at the end of the school year in June. You have to get enough points over the season to go to finals and to prove to us you should remain on the advanced team when you are sophomores next year. If you qualify for finals and place in the top 3 in your category at finals you are automatically given a spot on the advanced team next years and you don't have to tryout. That is the good news here is the bad news. If you fail to qualify for finals you will lose your spot on the advanced team and if you do very poorly you will be moved down to the intermediate team till you prove you are ready to come back up."

Rich stepped up next, "Since we have our show on this weekend today we will all work together on improving all of your technique for your flat classes before you do your specialty event. On top of competing in your event you will all participate in and equitation division to see how your technique is when you are not just going against the clock or doing your routine."

Finally Beth came out, "Everyone out on the rail. Let us begin what the upperclassmen call the nit picking class. We are going to run a flat class and call out correction as we see them."

On the rail the order went Clara, Lucas, Ben, Rachel, Brit, and finally Aaron. "Okay everyone are being judged at the walk," Ashley called out.

Rich called a critic out first, "Rachel I need to see more bend in your elbows don't lock them. You need to be able to feel Effie's mouth."

Ashely called out the next direction, "Riders pick up a sitting trot."

Beth yelled out to Aaron, "AJ sit deeper in your saddle you are bouncing way too much, collect Midnight up to be more on her hind end as well."

Ashley yelled out the next directions, "Riders pick up a posting trot." As soon as she finished her thought she yelled out a correction, "Luke and Brit when I say posting trot I mean posting trot not a dressage trot." She immediately saw Lucas and Brit begin to post along to the step of their horses."

Rich followed her with a correction, "Rachel I need to see the arch in your back you are way to straight lean your hips forward."

Ashely followed by saying, "Riders canter."

Beth yelled our almost immediately, "Clara you are popping in your saddle. AJ bring Midnight more into frame."

Ashely watched her dressage riders and didn't call out a correction, but she said, "Riders halt."

Rich, frustrated said, "Rachel when she says halt she means halt from a canter not go into an ugly trot and then down."

Ashely then said, "Luke keep your legs in the same place along Arte's barrel." Then she said the next direction, "Riders reverse," once she saw every one turn around she said, "Riders canter."

Beth yelled, "AJ and Clara I need your transition faster."

Rich yelled next, "Same thing with you Ben. Rachel get Effie under herself and out of the flat ugly canter and into a collected bounce one."

Ashley said next, "Riders trot and line up in the center facing the entrance to the arena."

Ashley, Rich, and Beth walked in the arena to tell them how they stack up against each other. Beth said the results, "Ben for a cross country rider that was very impressive you would have won. Brit you would be second. Lucas you would be third. Clara you could be fourth. AJ you would be fifth and Rachel you would be sixths."

Ashley said, "Now I am going to tell you each what specifically you need to work on for the rest of the lesson. Brit this is a flat class not a dressage class. I need you to ride it not like dressage, shorter stirrups, more contact, and posting when trotting. Lucas I need you to work on keeping your legs against his sides during transitions. Ben I want you to work on just being a little softer with your hands during the canter. Clara I need you to work on not popping when you are cantering. Aaron I want you to work on getting the canter faster. Rachel I need you to work on collection, position, and giving Effie your signals clearer. Okay go work."

End of lesson...

Rachel was the first to hop off and loosen her girth and leave. Ben knew she had a hard lesson and he could tell she was not happy with how she looked against their friends. He had to find her to make sure she was okay. He walked up to the girls to see if they knew where Rachel would be hiding. "Hey guys do you know where Rachel would be if she got mad during a lesson."

Brit knew exactly where she would go. "She untacks Effie and then they go on a long walk through the woods so she can clear her head and she can cool off Effie. I don't know the route she takes, but she is usually only gone for like 10 minutes."

Ben said, "Thanks guys," he then walked off to go untack and cool off Dallas. He walked passed Effie's stall on the way to his own when he saw Effie in there and he heard crying. He quickly gave Dallas to a groom and told him to walk him out and then put him in his stall. He opened Rachel's door to immediately get it slammed back in his face.

Rachel said, "Go away Ben. Leave me alone for a little bit."

Ben said, "Can I at least give Effie to a groom to walk her out. She worked hard if she is not walked out she could get sick." The door opened enough for Effie to walk out on her lead line which a groom took. Before Rachel could close the door Ben put his foot in the way to stop her. He then opened the door and walked in.

Rachel saw him walk in and sit down next to her, "Why are you in here. I said leave me alone."

Ben countered with, "I am your boyfriend there is no way I am leaving you here crying without trying to tell you to stop being so hard on yourself."

Rachel sat closer to Ben's side as he wrapped his arm around her side and she cried into his chest. "I am not hard on myself. It is just I realize I am not even as close to good as you and the rest of our friends."

Ben was shocked she thought that, "Rachel you are an amazing rider. You would not be on the advanced team if you were not. Calm down and then how about we go on a walk through the woods."

A/N I hope you enjoy. I have 2 shows this weekend. Wish me a lot of luck. For me to put the drama in I need people to comment either yes or not if they want the drama. Thanks, read, vote, and comment.

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