Chapter 29

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It was a cool morning in the beginning of March. All the freshman were sitting in Bio reviewing for their upcoming test. When Ashley walked into their classroom.

She said, "I was wondering if I could borrow your class today to go over some part of their project for their foals that will be born during the fall."

Mrs. C frowned and said, "I would not like to send my whole class especially since they have a very important test tomorrow."

Ashley thought for a second and then said, "Okay can I at least give them an update on the foals?"

Mrs. C said, "Yes you may. But be quick they have to get back to reviewing."

Ashley walked to the front a pulled up a slide show of pictures. "Okay everyone these are ultrasound pictures from today of your foals. You names are on the top of the screen so you know which foal is yours. The size they are is about the size of a small rabbit. All of your foals will probably be born in either middle October or November. That is not saying any of them will come early. During the summer we will keep you updated on your foals and the progress they make and if complications arise to where the foal is born you will be contacted."

Mrs. C said, "Okay thank you Ashley for the update. Class get back to work."

During the lessons...                                                    

Ashley said, "Okay I am going to do something a little different today for the lesson. Have any of you heard of IEA." Ashley saw them all shake their heads no. "Okay so IEA is when a team of riders travel around their region and compete on horses they have never ridden or even seen. This program shows the judges who are the true greatest riders. It also gives kids who are not as fortunate to compete on horses. So we are doing a mock IEA show. All of you will ride the lesson horses here at Snow View."

Brit shocked said, "Wait we have to show on a horse we have never ridden on."

Ashley smiled and said, "Yes, this riding assessment will count as a test grade for all of you. So go get in your dress school riding uniform and be back down here in an hour."

Everyone got out of the barn and untacked their horses and rushed back to their dorms. Rachel grabbed their uniform out the back of her closet. The uniform was a white polo with the Snow View emblem, tan breeches, black belt, their black tall show boots, and their show helmet. Rachel walked down the stairs to find the guys already down stairs. Ben was dressed in the guy's uniform which was the same as hers except the guys hair was not in a hair net like hers had to be.

Ben saw his girlfriend walk down the stairs. He could tell she was really nervous. He told Luke and AJ he would be right back and grabbed Rachel by the arm and brought her to the side of their dorm. "Okay tell me what you are scared about. I know that expression on your face you only make it when you are nervous."

Rachel took a breath and said, "I have never done anything like this. What if I do horrible? This is a test grade it could ruin my grade. This is not like any other test I have ever done..."

Ben cut her off and said, "Breath... it is just two classes a jumping and flat class. None of us have every done anything like this. All you have to do is think this is like when your old trainer would ask you to exercise horses."

Rachel looked down.

Ben shocked said, "Wait you trainer never had you ride different horses and exercise some of the other horses at the barn. I would ride 5 or more horses every day depending on what my trainer wanted done."

Just the the rest of their friend group walked out. Brit saw Rachel and said, "Rachel what are you scare about I know that face."

Rachel said, "I have one question and I want all your answers. Ben already told me his now I need all of yours. How many different horses would you ride a day at your old barns for your trainers?"

Brit said, "I rode at least 4 a day and that didn't include my own so 5."

Luke said, "I would ride as many as my trainer wanted since I was hired as the barns exercise rider as trade for less boarding fees. So probably at least 6 maybe more."

Aaron said, "I rode 4 a day."

Clara said, "I rode my parents, mine, and them went to my barn to exercise horses so probably 5. Why do you ask Rachel?"

Rachel said, "Because I have not ridden a horse besides Effie in 4 years. I never would exercise at my old barn. So I have never done anything like this at all."

Ben looked down at his watch and said, "Guys we have to hurry. We need to be in the barn like now." The group then took off running through the court yard and into the barn and walked into the ring."

Ashley stood in the center with their 6 horses to be used for their jumping horses. "Okay time to assign horses. Okay AJ you get the 15.2 hand chestnut Quarter Horse named Bobby. Clara you get the 16.2 hand grey thoroughbred named Lance. Brit you get a 16 hand Bay Paint named Patches. Luke you get 15 hand Palomino quarter horse named Sunny. Rachel you get 15.2 hand dun Quarter Horse named Duchess. Ben you get 15.2 chestnut paint named Tucker. Okay riders mount up and lets get this started. I know you dressage riders don't usually jump so I am giving you the choice how high you want them."

Brit talked to Luke and said, "I used to jump on a regular basis. I know you did to. Let's do the same height as the rest of them."

Luke shook his head and said, "Brit most of them jump and compete at least 3ft and I know for a fact Clara, AJ, and Ben have competed at over 4ft. I am no way doing that height."

Brit rolled her eyes and said, "Fine how is 2'6?"

Luke said, "Fine with me."

Brit said, "We choose 2'6 for us."

Ashley smiled and said, "Good choice. Since you are jumping lower you guys will go first. Brit you and Patches go first."

Brit quickly trotted a circle and picked up her canter. She headed to the first fence a purple and orange vertical. After clearing that she went towards the rest of the course outside orange single, long approach to a birch jump, then around to the diagonal red line.

Ashley smiled and said, "Nice job. I liked that even though you don't jump as often as the rest of the team you still stayed in your saddle and had an extremely clean trip. Luke you are up. "

Luke took Sunny out on the rail and Sunny bolted forwards at a speedy canter. Luke gave a sharp half halt and Sunny slowed down for them to complete an extremely quick and clean trip.

Ashley smiled and said, "I am very happy with how you handled him and told him you are in charge. Extremely good job. Okay now I am raising the height for the rest of you.

Rachel raised her hand and said, "Can I please jump this height?"

Ashley shocked said, "No, you are a champion cross country rider at 3'3. You will not in my ring jump 2'6. Just for that all of you can do 3'3. I was going to be nice and do 3 feet but you can thank Rachel for having me put it to 3'3."

Clara, Aaron, and Ben went through three very clean and clear trips. Rachel knew she was last. She asked Duchess to canter and headed to the first jump. She got the distance wrong and left way to long. She was through out of the saddle and hit the ground hard. Ashley walked over to her as a stable hand went to go get Duchess. She saw Rachel on the ground and said, "Okay you left way to long for that jump. You could have killed yourself and your horse if that went any worse than it already did. Now can you ride or do you have to go to the nurse?"

Rachel in-between sobs said, "Nurse."

Ashley got the nurse who wheeled Rachel out, "You know what this exercise is done. Untack the horse you have the rest of the night off."

A/N I cannot believe i have reached over 500 views, it is amazing. I thank my amazing readers very much.

Please vote, comment, read, and most of all enjoy!!


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