Chapter 23

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Ashley stood at the end of the arena addressing the freshmen riding teams, "Okay all of you know today are you riding exams and when your exams are finished your parents will be out front waiting to pick you up. You also know your academic exams are the week you come back from break. Let's get started, the beginner team will have their flat class first and then so on, but when you do your individual event you will not compete in the team standing you will compete against the other people in your event. The only difference is that for cross country and show jumping the jumps will be moves to meet your height requirement. Okay beginners stay everyone else out and into the warm up ring out side."

The intermediate team walked out first and just walked around the outdoor talking while the advance team took their time to warm up their horse like they were supposed to. Rachel trotted by Ben and said, "That team is going to get in trouble if Ashley walks out here."

Ben laughed and said, "I know right, but I am letting the crash and burn. That team have been nothing, but mean to our team. I say let them get in trouble."

Rachel laughed and said, "I agree." She trotted a circle making sure that Effie was bending before she would pick up her canter.

The two other teams finished their exams and it was the advanced teams turn.

Ashley said, "I know that all of you are talented riders and when it comes to flat classes you all excel. So I am doing this a little different. You will each be asked to perform a movement that I have seen all of you do in competition a flying change in each direction across the center. You will also have to compete a two-step simply change across the arena. You grade will determine how smoothly and quietly you perform the movement. Who want to go first?"

Brit walked out of the line and pick up her canter. She knew she was going to be good she did flying changing all the time in her dressage tests. She crossed the center and Saphira switched her lead with a flip of her tail. She cross the arena going the other way and the same response was given.

Luke walked out next and got the same response as Arte as his girlfriend got from Saphira since both riders specialized in dressage.

Clara stepped out next. She knew Fallen could not get the right hind lead unless she used enough inside pressure from her reign. When she crossed the arena and felt the correct change she let out a small breath and she approach the center from the other direction and received the same response.

Aaron walked out and got the same response as the rest of the riders before him. He wasn't as clean as Brit and Luke, but he was quieter than Clara.

Ben walked out next and performed as clean and quiet flying change as both dressage riders.

Rachel was the last to go. She knew she struggled with flying changes because Effie would get powerful and she would not be able to gain the back lead. She crossed the center and swapped the lead not clean and she had to tug hard with the reign for the hind lead. She crossed in the other direction and the change was cleaner but her body want as quiet. She walked back in line disappointed.

The team then switched to the simple changes where everyone performed them flawlessly.

Ashley then said, "Brit and Luke stay in the ring. Clara can you get the other dressage riders."

Clara replied with a smile, "Sure." She walked out of the ring and said, "Ashley wants all dressage riders."

Ashley said, "Okay everyone I am going to watch the tests that you were handed out the other day."

Brit and Luke walked out after their tests to the warm up ring to be greeted by the rest of the advanced team.

Rachel said, "How did it go guys,"                                                 

Brit said, "Both of our tests were perfect. We definitely both got great grades. I cannot say the same for one of the intermediate riders. She ended up on the ground."

Luke said, "Yea and it wasn't like she couldn't have stayed on. She gave up. So we all know that when we come back there will be a new dressage rider to take her place."

Rich walked out next, "Cross country riders head to the course."

Clara called, "Good luck guys."

Rachel whispered, "I am going to need it."

Ben whispered back, "you are not as quiet as you think you are. You don't need luck you will be fine."

When Rachel and Ben walked back both had smiles on their faces.

Clara smiled and said, "I am guessing you both did great."

Rachel smiled and said, "I am over the moon I had a faster time then Ben. For the first time I beat him."

Ben smirked and said, "Hey there is a first time for everything. You only beat me by half a second."

Rachel said, "Yea, but I still beat you."

Aaron said, "Yea we get it."

Beth then walked out and said, "Show jumpers in the arena now."

Brit called, "Good luck both of you."

A half and hour later they both walked out smiling and laughing.

Luke said, "What are you both laughing at?"

Aaron said, "You know the intermediate show jumper that thinks she is better than Clara and should be on the advanced team with me."

Luke said, "Yea we all know her and are not a fan of her either."

Aaron said laughing, "She had 2 refusals and then she tugged hard on her horse's mouth and he gave out this little baby buck and she literally went up and down to the ground. Serves her right for hurting his mouth."

Clara laughed and said, "I know we shouldn't laugh, but I felt so bad for her horse it was justice for her."

The three trainers walked out and Ashely said, "Okay everyone a great first semester had ended. Please untack your horses and meet your parent in the parking lot. Have a great holiday break and see you back here next year."

A/N I am sorry it is short and not very good. I am really busy with school and I am finally after 4 weeks of not riding I finally have my first lesson. Wish me luck!

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