Chapter 5

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Clara canter up to the front of the stable where Aaron was waiting for her already off Midnight. Clara jumped off Fallon and the pair walked into the stable.

Aaron spoke first, "I will wait for you at the front then we can walk back to our dorms together." He kissed her cheek and walked off with Midnight following him.

Clara led Fallon into her stall and began to untack her. She grabbed her saddle, saddle pads, boots, and bridle and walked over to the tack room and placed all of her stuff in her locker. She then took off her tall boots, gloves, and helmet and placed them in her locker. She put on her muck boots and grabbed a carrot for Fallon. "Hey pretty girl, here is your carrot for being such a good girl. I will see you in the morning for our first advanced team practice.

Aaron stood outside the stable and waited for Clara to walk out of the stable. "Hey you ready to back to the dorm. Do you want to tell people about us or do you want to wait?"

Clara looked at Aaron and said, "I don't care we can do whatever you are comfortable with. I don't care if we tell people, do you care?"

Aaron looked at the worried expression on Clara's face, "No I want to tell people. I don't want anyone beside me to do this." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers and wrapped his strong arms around her very slender body.

Clara wrapped her arms around Aaron's strong body as he kissed her. When his lips left hers she blushed and said, "Good I don't want anyone besides you to do that either." She took Aaron's hand and they walked down the lane to the freshman dorm.

Aaron opened the door for Clara and she walked in. He took her hand again and took a deep breath. 'Here we go' he thought.

Rachel and Brit sat at a table near the entrance and saw her first. Rachel gasped when she saw that Clara and Aaron were holding hands. "Oh my gosh. Yay! When did this happen!" This got all of the freshmen that were in the common rooms attention.

Both Clara and Aaron's faces got really red when they had almost their entire class looking at them. "It happened today after our tests when we both made the advanced team."

Brit was first, "Omg that is awesome. Rachel and I both made advanced team as well."

Clara let go of Aaron's hand and ran over and gave both her new best friends both hugs. "Yay! Now we are teammates." By this time the rest of the freshmen except for two boys had turned back to what they were don before the couple came in. "Rachel I know you do cross country, who is the other cross country kid."

Rachel said, "That would be, Ben, the brunette who is standing next to your new boyfriend. I would imagine they are best friends along with the other kid next to Ben."

Brit said, "That is Lucas he is the other kid that made dressage part of the advanced team."

Aaron walked over with the two boys, "Clara this is Ben and Lucas. They are on the advanced team too."

Clara smirked and replied, "I know I just heard from my friends. Aaron this is Brittney or Brit and Rachel."

Suddenly one of the other freshmen girls yelled schedules are up. Every one pulled out their phones and checked their emails to find their schedules.

Clara looked at her schedule. She had: World History, Spanish, Biology, Algebra, Lunch, and finally English. Not that bad of a schedule she thought. She turned to Aaron, "What is your schedule?" He read off his schedule only to find he had the exact same schedule.

Aaron said, "I heard that since the classes are so small her that everyone had the same schedule to make it easier on the teacher to teach. Just like riding there are different teacher for different subjects, but they all teach the different grades."

Clara smiled, "Yay that means you are in every class with me." This earned a friendly glare from her two best friends.

Brit said, "What are we, nobody?" Brit smiled and she knew Clara was joking.

Clara laughed and said, "I know sorry guys. Hey lets go dinner." Clara took Aaron's hand and walked into the cafeteria that was in the middle of the court yard of the school.

A/N Sorry about the long wait. I have been very busy with school, grades, parents, and my Wi-Fi at my house has not been working. I promise I should have another chapter up soon. It juts all depends when I can get away from my parents since they do not know I write. I hope you are enjoying my book. Please comment, like, and read.

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