Chapter 21

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Ashley began talking at the beginning of the advanced team's lesson, "Okay as all of you know as Christmas Break comes closer so do exams. Your riding exams will be before break while your academic exams will be after break giving you enough time to focus and study. Your riding exam will consist of a flat class where all of you will be. By all I mean all including the beginner and intermediate teams. Then you all will have an exam in your discipline with the two other teams. The way this works is whoever gains that highest score in the event gets the highest exam score. If you fall of or do anything that would give me grounds for disqualification at a normal show you will fail the exam. Is that understood? Okay now let's start the lesson please go with your instructor and begin working we have a show coming up this weekend, but it isn't just you guys this is the week where all the team compete so we will be there all day. This is a show where you will compete in your specific area. There is jumpers, dressage, and cross country. I am expecting great thing especially from you since you are my advanced team."

That weekend...                                                                                         

Ashely started to speak, "Okay everyone this is a 3 day show. The first day is dressage. The second day is cross country. Finally, the third day is show jumping. You all that did 3 day eventing when you were younger may be thinking this is how it is set up. To answer your questions. Yes it is set up the same, but this is all individual. Now I want you to go to your trailers where your horses are and grab them. We are in barn 2 down the center aisle. Beginner team you are the first 3 on both sides. Intermediate team you are the next three on both sides. Finally my advanced team, the last 3 on both sides."

The advanced team headed to their trailer and opened the door to start unloading their horses. Clara said, "Okay bring Midnight out first since we know she hates the trailer."

Aaron said, "Funny Clara, it isn't my fault she has almost run you over twice."

Clara gave a playful glare at him and said, "Aaron I wasn't getting at that. I am just warning everyone to watch pout she likes to bolt."

Aaron walked onto the trailer and untied his mare's lead line. "Okay guys here she comes, be prepare to grab her if she bolts." Once they made it safely onto the ground Aaron let out a sigh of relief.

Clara said, "Bring Effie out next."

Rachel walked onto the trailer and untied the buckskin mare out and onto the ground.

Clara looked around the trailer and figured out who should come out next, "Okay bring Saphira out next.

Brit walked onto the trailer and pulled the flee bitten grey out.

Clara said, "Ben grab Dallas next, I don't want to risk Fallon getting bitten like at the last show."

Ben smirked and said, "Not my fault our mares don't get along."

Clara glared and said, "It is your fault when you don't teach ground manners."

This time it was Ben's turn to glare, "Hey I didn't train her. I bought her when she was 3."

Clara rolled her eyes and said, "Yea you can still teach ground manners."

Luke decided to intervene in the argument that was about to start, "Okay guys lets lay off each other and bring the horses in."

Clara said, "Thanks Luke why don't you grab Arte next. Then I will follow you out with Fallon."

Once all the horses were unloaded they headed to the barn to find they were the first team from their barn in.

Luke said, "How are we the first ones in there."

Ben laughed and said, "Knowing the other teams, I bet they are not even half way done. I bet Ashley has to help the beginner team like at every show they come to."

Brit said, "Boys be nice. Let's figure out which three horses are on what side. "I say don't put Arte and Saphira next to each other. They don't like each other."

Clara said, "Don't put Fallon next to Dallas."

Luke said, "Why don't we put Fallon here and then put Saphira next to her finally how about Effie. Then on the other side put Arte, Midnight, and then Dallas."

Rachel said, "Wait switch Effie and Midnight. Effie doesn't like Saphira, but she is good friends with Arte and Dallas."

Luke said, "Okay let's do that. Any more adjustments or can we go get tack." The group nodded at him, "Okay let's go get tack."

A/N Is it just me or is this book beginning to drag. I need opinions on what I should do.

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