Chapter 14

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Clara and Aaron ran down to the barn the morning of the show. Clara walked into her stall to find Fallon sound asleep even with all of the noise that is going on. "Hey pretty girl, time to wake up. We have to get you ready for the show." Fallon picked her nose up and opened her eyes. "Don't you give me that look. I know you like your sleep, but since you are my competition horse you are stuck getting up sometimes so we can show." Clara walked out of her stall and walked into the tack to grab Fallon's trailer things. She grabbed the turquoise light sheet, black leather trailer halter, her trailer wraps, and finally the lead line she needed. She through the blanket on and as she was finishing the wraps she her Ashley yell to come to the trailers to load.

Ashley watched as the students began to walk out of the barn to find out what trailer their horses were in. "Okay your horses will be paired with your teammate who are on the same team as you. Listen to hear the trailer numbers. Advanced team, trailer one. Intermediate team, trailer two. Finally beginner team, trailer 3. Load you horses and then grab your things for the bus ride. The drive is about 2 hours. I will see you at the show."

Clara loaded Fallon easily into the first stall of the trailer. She was watching as all of her friend's horses were loaded and then it was Midnight's turn to be loaded. The young mare rear up through Aaron to the ground and she took off where she stopped in front of Clara. "You silly girl get on the trailer while I go look at what you did to Aaron." Clara handed Midnight to a groom and then walked over to her boyfriend who was just getting up off the ground.

Aaron saw Clara walk over to see if he was okay, "I am fine. The only thing that is hurt is my pride for not being able to load my baby girl onto the trailer by myself."

Clara walked into his out stretched arms and kissed his cheek. "Come one let's get on the bus and sit together. We can sleep the whole bus ride to the show."

At the show....

Clara grabbed her show clothes and got dressed in the dressing room as she waited for her equitation class to be called. She was the last to get dressed. She hopped out of the trailer to find Fallon already in her show gear. She whispered in her ear, "You ready to show them what we got." Fallon let out a whinny in agreement. Clara laughed as she pulled down her stirrups and tightened her girth. She grabbed a part of Fallon's mane and hopped easily onto her back. She followed the rest of the team down to the arena where the Adult equitation classes where going on.

Ashley turned to face her students, "Okay guys, you are the next class once the Adult Medal class is finished. I am expecting all of you to place especially in flat. I want a clean sweep from this team. "

"Modified Juniors Equitation Flat Class please enter the arena," the announcer said.

They all entered the arena to find that there were ten horses in the flat class in total. Their 6 horses and then 4 others from different barns.

Announcer, "Riders you are now being judged at the walk."

Clara collected Fallon and gave her a perfect frame for the walk.

Announcer, "Riders please trot."

Clara squeezed Fallon's side and gained a beautiful trot. She looked around the arena to see how the rest of her team was doing. Of course Brit and Lucas looked the best, but she saw Rachel having a little trouble with Effie. "Oh no," She thought.

Announcer, "Riders please walk." She paused and then said, "Riders please canter."

Clara gained her canter on the right lead quickly, but not as smooth as she had hoped for.

Announcer, "Riders please halt and reverse direction."

Clara saw a quiet sloppy transition from a rider she knew was from the host barn.

Announcer, "Rider please walk." She paused and then said, "Riders please pick up a sitting trot." After two minutes she said, "Riders please canter."

Clara had a much cleaner transition this time.

Announcer, "Riders please halt and line up facing away from the judges." The judge saw them line up as she finished added up the scores. She stood up and began to say the scores, "In 6th place we have Rachel Bryant on Effie. In 5th place we have Aaron Jones on Midnight in NYC. In 4th place we have Benjamin White on Dallas Ranger. In 3rd place we have Clara Whitney on Fallen in Love. In second place we have Brittney Davis on Hidden Agenda. Finally in first place we have Lucas Andrews on Artemis. Riders please exit the arena to prep for the jumping classes."

After the 2nd jumping class...

Ashley gathered her six riders and said, "Okay I don't care, well I do but never mind, and how you did in the previous jumping classes. This jumping class is the one that counts. It is the medal class. This is where you gain points for finals. I want all of you to do your best and have fun."

Clara watched her team mates in the ring. She was third from the end since the lineup was based on placement in flat class. She entered the arena and began her course. She told herself the course in her head. Outside line in 4, the other outside line in 4, diagonal over the stone oxer, finally egg roll from the brick oxer to the other stone oxer. She cantered pasted the judge and then came down to the trot and finally a walk to exit the ring and wait for the results. After Brit and Lucas went the judge would reveal all the jumping class placements.

Announcer, "The first Modified Juniors Over Fences class placements. 6th place is to Rachel Bryant on Effie. 5th place goes to Brittney Davis on Hidden Agenda. 4th place goes to Lucas Andrews on Artemis. 3rd place goes to Benjamin White on Dallas Ranger. 2nd place goes to Clara Whitney on Fallen in Love. Finally 1st place goes to Aaron Jones on Midnight in NYC. The second Modified Juniors Over Fences class placements. 6th place is to Rachel Bryant on Effie. 5th place goes to Brittney Davis on Hidden Agenda. 4th place goes to Lucas Andrews on Artemis. 3rd place goes to Benjamin White on Dallas Ranger. 2nd place goes to Clara Whitney on Fallen in Love. Finally 1st place goes to Aaron Jones. Finally the medal class placements. 6th place is to Rachel Bryant on Effie. 5th place goes to Brittney Davis on Hidden Agenda. 4th place goes to Lucas Andrews on Artemis. 3rd place goes to Benjamin White on Dallas Ranger. 2nd place goes to Clara Whitney on Fallen in Love. Finally 1st place goes to Aaron Jones. With these scores that mean that Aaron Jones it Champion and Clara Whitney as Reserve Champion. Congratulations riders."

Ashley walked up to her 6 riders, "Amazing clean sweep on all of you. Congrats AJ and Clara on Champion and Reserve. I would not expect anything less from my two show jumpers. Okay everyone go get some lunch and them you have about an hour before we are leaving because there are not enough people to run the jumpers classes so we get to go home earlier. Have fun and great job again."

A/N I know I haven't updating in a while. I have been very busy with horseback riding and my finals for school are next week. I am very stressed. I probably will not update till sometime next week, but it might not before a couple weeks since I am going to a jumping camp rights after school get out.

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