Chapter 15

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Clara walked into her dorm after a long practice of working with Fallon. She took a quick shower and then changed when she heard a knock on her door. She knew it wasn't the other girls since they had keys. "Who is it?"

Aaron stood outside of Clara's dorm want to see how she was doing after her fall today.

Earlier at practice...

Beth yelled, "I need a peppier canter from her."

Clara gave a quick kick to Fallon's sides as she went towards the 2'3 vertical in the center of the arena. She was up in two point when Fallon stopped, she had no time to catch herself. She flipped over Fallon's neck and landed hard on her head and shoulder on the ground. "OUCH!!!!!!" She yelled in pain as she hit the ground

Beth yelled from the other side of the arena, "Get up!"

Clara took a deep breath trying to breathe since she got the wind knocked out of her.

Beth yelled again, "Get up!"

One more breath and then Clara finally caught her breath. She began to move everything slowly to make sure she didn't break anything.

Beth yelled a third time, "Get up!"

Clara began to get to her feet as she saw Fallon standing above her with the look on her face of why are you on the ground and not on my back.

Beth walked up to Clara and said, "you have to get up faster incase Fallon get scared and steps on you."

Clara said, "I first would like to catch my breath from getting the wind knocked out of me and making sure I didn't break my back from that fall."

Beth said annoyed, "get back on and do the course again."

Back at the dorms...

Clara said, "Who is it?"

Aaron laughed and said, "It is your boyfriend making sure his girlfriend isn't dead after that nasty fall." He continued to smirk as she opened the door. "I am serious how are you? I didn't get a chance to ask you since you left the barn before I was even close to done untacking Midnight."

Clara winced and said, "I am just really sore, my neck hurts a lot."

Aaron walked through the door and went to the ice machine after he grabbed a towel. He filled the towel with ice before grabbing a rubber band and tying up the homemade ice pack. "Go sit down on the couch." He saw her sit down and face him. "Turn around." She turned around and he placed the ice pack on the back of her neck hoping to make her feel better. "How does that feel," he said as he walked around the couch and took the seat next to her. She snuggled into his side and placed her head on his chest and he kissed her head hoping to make her feel better.

Clara sniffed, "I am fine now that you are hear." She tried to turn her head so she could kiss him, but it hurt way too much.

Aaron leaned down to allow her to not have to move and he gave a soft kiss on her lips. "There you happy and feeling better now?"

Clara giggled and said, "Yea." While she listened to Aaron heart beat her eyes began to drift shut and she began to fall asleep.

When Aaron knew she was asleep he picked her up and placed her flat on her back in her bed to allow her no discomfort in her neck. He walked out of the door when he saw Brit and Rachel walk in.

Brit said, "AJ what are you doing in here?"

Aaron said, "Clara took a really back fall today and she left the barn before I could make sure she was fine. She is asleep in her room right now. Don't worry we didn't do anything if that is what you thought."

Rachel said, "I was not thinking that, but I am happy you took care of her. We will be quiet and make sure not to wake her up."

Aaron smiled and said, "Thanks guy, I will see you tomorrow morning for school."

Brit and Rachel waved and said, "Bye AJ see you tomorrow."

A/N I know it is a little shorter I just wanted to get this chapter up since I based to on the fall I took yesterday. I also wanted to get this up before I leave for my jumping camp for 2 weeks. I am supposed to be studying right now or my last 4 finals, but I took a small break to write. I hope you guys are enjoying.

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