Chapter 27

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Ben walked through the halls of the dorm looking for his girlfriend so they could leave on their date. He walked up to the girl's room and knocked. He was surprised to find that Brit answered the door, and not his girlfriend. He said, "Hey Brit, do you know where Rachel is?"

Brit was shocked to find Ben at their door, "Um I know she left about an hour ago so she could go work with Effie,  but she said she would be back in time for your date. I know Clara and AJ left about a half an hour ago, and I am leaving with Luke in about ten minutes. I was just going to go down to the common room to meet up with him. I bet she is still in the barn with Effie. You know she has been struggling lately with riding. She feels she is behind the rest of us."

Ben sighed, "Yea I know. We got in a fight at the last show about it. I thought she was over it. Sometimes I wish she would just tell me these things so I could help her."

Brit said as she shut the door, "You know she isn't like that. She keeps all of her feeling inside of herself. I keep on telling her one day she is going to implode and that is not going to be good."

Ben looked down and said, "I just wish I could help her. I sometimes feel like I don't do enough for her to show her how much I care about her."

Brit stopped Ben and said, "She knows how much you love her."

Ben smiled and said, "Thanks Brit. I needed that. Well I will let you go to your date. I am going to go find my girlfriend." He walked out the dorm and wrapped his coat around his arms as the brisk breeze blew through the yard of the school. He walked into the barn and into the arena to find Rachel flatting. He could tell by the look on her face she was angry. "Hey what are you doing in her and not getting ready for our date?"

Rachel turned around and groaned, "Oh my god Ben. I am so sorry. I completely lost track of time..."

Ben laughed and said, "Babe it is fine. I figured you did when I went to your dorm and Brit answered the door and not you."

Her cheeks turned red as she walked Effie over to him. "I am still sorry I have been working on our flatting skills especially since my midterm didn't go so well."

Ben said, "You were fine. Maybe not that clean but you still got the job done."

Rachel groaned and said, "That is the problem I wasn't clean and I looked like a fool against all the rest of you when I was asked to get my flying changes."

Ben replied, "We are not competing against each other to see who has the best changes."

Rachel angrily said, "Well when I have the worst ones it makes me feel that way."

Ben replied calmly hoping to avoid making her angry, "You know what, let me help you. This can be our date instead of actually going out. How does that feel?"

Rachel sighed and said, "Okay. I am still sorry we couldn't go out."

Ben said, "It is fine, we will have plenty more dates and Valentines Day's together. This is important to you and you are important to me so I am going to help you. Okay let's get started go out on the rails tracking left and pick up your canter come across the center and start with a two-step change. You have to get the basics down first before moving up to the harder steps."

He watched her pick up her canter and he saw Effie start to get quicker, "Don't fight her mouth, give her a quick half halt and slow herself and bring her back under you." He saw Effie slow down and come back under self. "Good. Now come across the center and change then do the same thing in the other direction." He watched her hit the center and change. "You need to not let the to get out of control during the transition. Come again." He watched her start again he saw the half halt come and once he saw her hit the center perform a nice clean and quiet 2 step change. "Nice job applying the correction. Do it again in the other direction to make sure you have it down pat then we will work with the flying changes."

After Ben let Effie catch her breath it was time to start again. "Okay let me see your flying changes and we will go from there. Take the corrections from the simply changes and apply them to the flying." He saw her hit the center and turn her body to force the change. "I need you to stay square in your saddle and not force the change. Use your outside aids until you hit the center then change the aids. If she knows how to change. She will understand what you are asking her to do." He watched her start again and apply the correction and got the clean flying change that she was looking for. "Nice job. Now was that so hard."

Rachel breathing hard said, "No. You make a lot more sense than the other teacher."

Ben said, "Why don't you walk her out and then we can go watch a movie."

Ashley walked into the ring and found Ben working with Rachel. She saw how his encouragement allowed for Rachel to get her changes. She decided to speak up when they finished, "Nice work Ben. I am impressed that someone as young as you provided that much coaching with corrections that actually make sense."

Both teens were shocked to see Ashley walk into the ring. Ben blushed with her words and replied, "Thank you. Back at home I did a lot of coaching so I could board Dallas at my barn."

Ashley said, "Well it shows. I am impressed. Have you through of after your career as a rider you would be a trainer?"

Ben nodded, "That was actually my plan."

Ashley replied, "Well I am happy to hear it. Keep up the good work both of you. Rachel nice improvement I am happy to see it." She then walked out of the arena.

Rachel hopped down and immediately kissed Ben hard on the lips. When she pulled back she said, "Yea, you make and amazing trainer."

Ben placed a kiss on her lips and said, "Thanks maybe one day both of us will be trainer to the next generations of riders."

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't think I am cut off for training. I would prefer to manage the barn and deal with the behind the sense action."

Ben wrapped his arm around her as they walked out the barn and said, "Well then maybe you will manage the barn I train at. Wont that be amazing."

A/N I loved writing this chapter, it has to be one of my most favorite to actually write out. Well the next chapter will be Brit and Luke's date. If you have any ideas on what you want it to be comment and if I choose your idea you will get a shout out in the next chapter.

Well on another note the show I just competed in I got 3rd in flat and 6th in jumping. I have 2 more this weekend so wish me luck. I am going to need it.

Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy! 

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