Chapter 9

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Clara ran out of her dorm early Friday morning to find Aaron to ask him if their plan was working with the guys. Clara ran around the dorm to find that he was not there. She finally ran to the freshmen stables to find him asleep on the ground in Midnight's stall. She quietly opened the door and knelt down next to him. She placed her hand on his should and gentle shock him awake. "Aaron, you have to wake up."

Aaron rolled over and opened his eyes only to find Clara's blue eyes meet his dark brown ones. He sat up slowly and said, "Clara what are you doing down here it is the middle of the night."

Clara shook her head, "Aaron it is the morning. Why are you even down here asleep in your horses stall?"

Aaron rubbed his eyes and said, "I got a call around midnight saying the night manager thought Midnight was colicing. I walked her around for 2 hours and she finally got better at around 3 am. I decided to stay with her if something happened. I must have fallen asleep. Ugh and now we have to go to school." He whined as he got to his feet with some help from Clara.

Clara was surprised he even suggest he had to go to school. "No you are way to tired to survive the day. I will get all of your assignments you go to sleep and come in around like 3 period that gives you a little more sleep. I will tell the teachers about Midnight they will understand. I will walk you back to the dorms." Clara took Aarons hand and walked out of the building and towards the dorm.

That night...

The group sat around on the coaches in the bottom floor of the dorms. Rachel spoke first, "Okay the Halloween dance is next Saturday. I am guessing we are all going as a group." The other 5 nodded. "Okay great, Clara and Brit we should get passes to go into town so we can get our dresses for the dance."

Ben cut her off before she could finish, "I still have and will never understand why you girls care so much about dresses for dances. Why don't you just wear something you already have? I bet it looks pretty much the same." He earned a laugh from all of the guys and glares from the girls.

Rachel leaned over and smack Ben in the arm, only to find how muscular he was under his long sleeve shirt. She snapped out of her day dreams and said, "The dresses do not and dance dresses have to be formal. So you need to be quiet before I make you come with me." As soon as she said that she slapped her hand over her mouth and turned as red as the shirt she had on. "Uuuummm, I don't know what that was. I got to go." She grabbed her phone and ran out of the dorm.

Ben was stunned he knew he like Rachel, but he never expected she liked him too. "I am going to find Rachel and see why she ran away." He too grabbed his phone and ran out of the dorm and looked around to see if he saw her. He heard crying around the corner of the building. He looked only to find Rachel curled up in ball crying against the wall of the dorm. He walked up next to her and sat down. He pulled her crying body into his arms and held her as she cried. "Hey why are you crying?"

Rachel looked up through the teary eyes to find Ben's dark brown eyes looking down at her. "I just realized that when I was talking I told our whole group of friends I had feelings for you and I didn't mean to do that the girls don't even know I like you. When I said it I saw the look you had on your face then I realized you probably didn't feel the same way..."

Ben leaned in and pressed his lips to her to tell her he felt the same way. When the kiss ended he said, "Rachel, I do feel the same way. I have been looking for the right time to tell you. I was going to tell you at the dance, but I guess now is a great time." He chuckled as he pulled her closer into his chest. When he saw that she had stopped crying he said, "Let's go back in the dorm and we can tell the group together."


The rest of the group sat on the couches stunned at what had just happened.

Lucas spoke first, "What just happened."

Brit said, "Rachel I think accidently let her feelings about Ben out of the bag. She was scared he didn't feel the same way."

Lucas shot back, "Well I know if I had done that about the girl I like, I probably would have done the same thing just without the crying or the running. I would just be embarrassed." When he finished his sentence he realized what he had just done.

Brit laughed, "Oh I bet you are embarrassed and what girl may you not want to admit your feelings for." She knew he was talking about her. She had seen how close they had gotten during their lessons and at school.

Lucas was as red as a tomato. "Uuummm."

Aaron and Clara were trying to contain their laughter, Aaron said before he started to laugh, "Oh just admit you like each other." Then he and Clara both started laughing.

Lucas and Brit both glared at the young couple. At the same time said, "I like you."

A/N Sorry I said that the dance would be next turns out I was wrong. I wanted all of the couple to be together before the dance. The dance is either the nextchapter or the chapter after that. I have to wait and see.

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