Chapter 11

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Girl's Dorm....

The girls ran back to their dorm to start getting ready for the dance that evening. The dance started at 5 and went to 9. The clock in their room said it was 1:30. They all had to take a shower, do hair, do makeup, and get dressed.

Clara was in the shower first. She washed her hair with her Bath and Body Works Sweet Pea shampoo. She washed her body with her Sweet Pea shower jell. Finally when she get out of the shower she rubbed on her Sweet Pea body lotion. (Just saying Sweet Pea is my favorite.) She walked out of the bathroom with her turquoise robe and walked into her room to finish getting ready.

Rachel got in the shower next. She washed her hair with her Bath and Body Works Pink Chiffon shampoo. She washed her body with her Pink Chiffon shower jell. Finally when she got out of the shower she rubbed on her Pink Chiffon body lotion. (Pink Chiffon is my second favorite.) When she walked out of the bathroom, she had on her lavender robe and walked into her room to get ready.

Brit was the las one to shower. She washed her hair with her Bath and Body Works Black Raspberry Vanilla shampoo. She washed her body with Black Raspberry Vanilla shower jell. She got out of the shower and rubbed on her Black Raspberry Vanilla lotion. She walked in to her room to get ready.

Boy's Dorm...

It was about 3 o'clock when the boys made it back to their dorm. It was just enough time for all of them to take a shower and get ready.

Aaron after his shower and his hair was done grabbed his suit and tie out of the closet. He slide the clean white shirt on first, followed by his black dress pants, the black sports coat, the purple tie Clara told him to wear, and finally slide on his black dress shoes.

Lucas after his shower and his hair was done grabbed his suit out of his closet. He decided to not wear the purple tie Brit had asked, but to wear the same color purple as his dress shirt and have a dark grey tie. He slide on the dress shirt, followed by his dark grey dress pants, the dark grey sports coat, his dark grey tie, and finally his dress black shoes.

Ben took his shower and did his hair last out of the boys. He grabbed his suit out of the closet in his room. He slide on the black dress shirt, black pants, black sports coat, his bright white tie, and finally his shiny black dress shoes.

Girls Dorm....

Clara brush her hair and blow dried it so she could begin to work on her hair. She grabbed half of her hair and then after began to place her hot rollers in her hair to curl her hair. As her rollers cooled she began on her make up. She put on light powder, blush, light brown eye shadow, black mascara, and finally her pink lip stick. She felt that the rollers were cool and she slowly slide them out of her hair. After they were out she ran her hand though her dark brown hair to make sure the curls looked good. She finally slide on her silver high heels and strapped them up.

Rachel left her hair a little wet so she would work in her head band braid more easily. When the braid was done she grabbed her makeup and began. She put on her light power, light purple eye shadow, black mascara, and a light nude color lip gloss. She grabbed her brown high heels and slide them on and walked out into the living room of the dorm.

Brit grabbed her straightening iron and began to straighten her very curly hair. Once her hair was straightened she pulled two small section to the back of her head and ties it up. After she hair sprayed her head she put on her make up. She wore the least out of the three girls she out on light purple eye shadow and a light pink lip gloss. She grabbed her black high heels and slide them on her feet. She walked out of her room to find that the other girls were already out there and ready to go find the boys.

Down stairs in the bottom floor of the dorm...

The boys stood in the down stairs of the freshmen waiting for the girl to come down. Most of the freshmen boy were down there and a few freshmen girls most were still getting ready.

Ben said, "What takes the girls so long to get ready. It is just us."

Aaron said, "Yea, that is the point. Even though it is our three best friends. It is also the 3 girls we care for more than just friends."

Lucas said, "Even though Ben is right AJ you have a point. We have only seen the girls in riding clothes and their school clothes. We have never seen them in a dress, heels, and makeup. I think I am going to ask Brit to be my girlfriend during the slow dance tonight at the end of the dance."

Ben said, "Ugh you stole me idea."

Aaron laughed at his two best friends when he finally caught sight of the girls walking down the stairs. "Wow. Look at them." The three boys turned around to look at the girls that were walking towards them.

Clara walked up to Aaron and said, "What do you think."

He look at her and grabbed her hand and spun her out and right into his chest for a kiss. When he pulled away from her he rubbed his thumb along her lips to fix the lipstick he smeared. "That is what I think of what you look like." He pulled her right up next to his side and turned to the rest of the group who still had their mouths open from what they just say. He said, "Guys close your mouth you don't want to catch a fly. We are at a barn."

That is all Clara needed to start cracking up laughing.

Brit finally closed her mouth from amazement and then said, "Now that happened let's go to the dance and have some fun." She turned and with a little hesitation took Lucas's hand in hers and walked out of the door.

Clara stayed against Aaron side and walked out of the door. Followed by Rachel and Ben who ended up holding hands.

At the dance....

Clara stood with her friends having a great time and dancing the entire night. When The Other Side by Jason Derulo finished a slow song came on.

DJ, "Okay guys, now go grabbed that special girl you like or are with and bring her out on the dance floor for the final song of the night. Here is Story of My Life by One Direction."

Aaron grabbed Clara's hand and pulled her up to his chest and began to dance with her.

Ben walked up to Rachel and took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. When he got a hold on her up against him. He said, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Rachel looked right in his brown eye and said, "Yes!" As soon as she finished her answer she was picked up by Ben and spun around while be pulled her in for a kiss.

Lucas and Brit were also out on the dance floor. Lucas said, "I think Ben just asked Rachel out."

Brit laughed and said, "I think from that kiss I know her answer. I also know my answer if it was to happen."

Lucas raised his eyebrow and said, "Oh and what would that be?"

Brit smirked, "I have had this crush on this guy who rides and adorable horse named Artie and if he was to ask me out I would definitely say yes."

Lucas spun her out and then pulled her back in for a big drip that came at the end of the song. When he pulled her back up he looked right into her eyes and said, "I definitely have the same answer." He placed his lips softly on hers to show her what his answer was.

When the kiss ended Brit said, "So does this make it official?"

Lucas laughed and said, "Yes we are official."

A/N Yay everyone is officially together. I am think about adding maybe a little drama for Clara. Anyone have any reactions? I am also probably going to put in their first show soon.

Since I last updated I have had two shows a small schooling show and an away show. At the schooling show I got one first, five thirds, and two fourth. At the away show I got one sixth place. Before I get any hate for that it was my first ever away show so I was a little nervous.

I hope you like the book, vote, comment, and keep reading!!!!

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