Chapter 35

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The awards ceremony for cross country was drawing near. Ben stood in front of the mirror in the hotel room he shared with Luke and AJ as he tied his tie. He was told the awards ceremony was an extremely formal event and that he needed to look his best. He was the last of the boys to finish getting ready.

He soon heard a knock on his door. He knew if was one of the guys they would have just used their keys so it had to be one of the girls telling him it was time to leave. He opened the door shock to find Rachel standing there. He sputtered out, "What are you doing here?"

Rachel awkwardly paused and said, "I came to surprise you."

Ben still shocked said, "What about your grandmother?"

Rachel said, "It turned out to she made a turn for the better and should make a recovery."

Ben said, "That is great news."

Rachel awkwardly said, "That is not the only reason I came to the show. I came to say goodbye. I have made the decision to leave Snow View."

Ben said, "I hate to admit it, but I think that is a good decision for you."

Rachel said, "On top of that I did some thinking about us, after our last fight." She took a breath and said the words, "I think we need to break up."

Ben not shocked said, "I completely agree. We keep fighting and that is not a healthy relationship. Also with you leaving we would be on opposite sides of the country and long distance never works."

Rachel surprised he took it so well said, "So we can be friends right?"

Ben said, "Yea definitely friends."

Rachel then turned around and said, "Well I have to go. There is a car waiting to take me to the airport so I can fly home. Good bye Ben."

Ben said, "I will walk you down since I am heading that way to the car for the awards ceremony." He walked her down to the car and said, "Goodbye Rachel." Once she was in the car he watched his first love ride off into the sunset. He was not actually sad about the breakup. He was just ready to get on with his life and see if he made the national team.

He soon made it to the hall were the ceremony was held. He walked in and looked around for his remaining teammates. He soon found them and said, "Hey guys."

Luke said, "What took you so long? You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. They are about to start the ceremony."

Ben said, "I ran into Rachel."

Brit and Clara both shocked said, "Wait, our Rachel."

Ben said, "Yea she just wanted to tell me goodbye and that we had to break up."

Aaron said, "He sorry man about that."

Ben shrugged his shoulders and said, "I am actually not sad. I am excited for the next chapter of my life."

Just them the music began and names of competitors were being called.

The announcer said, "Benjamin White."

Ben made his way to the stage and stood alongside his fellow competitors.

The announcer said, "So for the national cross country team there were 2 spots that needed to be filled. These young riders will immediately leave the show along with their horses to be travel to the US National Equestrian Team stable and training facility. The people that will be filling the spots came out with the two lowest scores of faults and the two fastest time of the day. The first spot goes to Ivy Hope riding Prestige."

Ben clapped along with the rest of the crowned and the girl walked to the stage crying and shock everyone's hands. He knew there was only one spot left. He hoped that it was his.

The announcer then said, "The final spot on the National Cross Country Equestrian Team goes to the competitor who won the competition today and also was the only competitor after faults calculated came out under time. That young man is Benjamin White riding Dallas Ranger."

Ben walked up to the group of people and shock all their hands as he looked out of the crowed to find his friends and trainer clapping for him. He soon felt a medal by placed around his neck. After that he walked up to the microphone to speak. "Wow. I was not expecting this since this is my first time competing here at Nationals. I want to specifically thank my amazing trainer Ashley Meyers who taught me through everything and made me the rider I am today. I also want to thank my amazing friends for all the laughs we had during the day to keep me calm. But most of all I want to thank my amazing horse Dallas for pushing through the course and carrying us to victory. Thank you."

Ashley watched Ben walk off the stage and walk up to them, "Well you made the school and myself very proud. I am happy you are moving onto the next stage of your career. Maybe the next time we see you it will be competing for the US in international shows all around the world."

Ben said, "You can count on it." He then reached up to hug Ashley good bye. He then went down the line of his best friends to give each one a hug goodbye. He then turned around and said, "Good bye guys. Good luck Clara and AJ tomorrow. Who knows maybe I will see you at the training facility." Ben then turned around and follow his new teammate Ivy Hope out the door and into the next chapter of his life.

A/N Wow what a chapter. It was longer than I expected so I am making the decision of separate the awards ceremony and Clara and Aaron show. So this book lasts a little longer for you guys.

Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy!!!


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