Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Show Jumping Lesson

Clara and Aaron followed Beth down the short walk way to the freshmen jumping arena. There were colorful and large jumps set up all around the arena. Clara looked over at Aaron who was just as surprised to see the jumps that large on their first day.

Beth said, "I know you both can jump over 3 feet I made that a requirement at try outs. Today I want to see how you do with the smaller jumps, but you will do them with your eyes closed to feel how you horse moves through the exercise. The jumps will only be 2 feet so it is not dangerous. You will canter up to the jump and when you are a stride away I want you to close your eyes and feel your horse's movements up to the jump."

Clara was surprised to say the least. She had never jumped a jump blind and she really didn't want to.

Aaron saw the terrified look on his girlfriend's face. He was guessing by the look on her face she had never jumped blind. Aaron was happy he got this chance because he had jumped blind before when he was a little younger at a summer camp he had gone to when he was in middle school.

Beth again spoke," AJ I want you to go first since you seem a little more excited about the exercise then Clara."

Aaron took the rail and began to approach the 2 foot triple combination. When he was a couple strides away he closed his eyes and began to feel the movements of Midnight underneath him. He felt her begin to raise so he went up in two point and when he felt her hooves hit the ground he came down and repeated this action till he finished the last jump. He canter off the jump and came to a stop in front of his coach and girlfriend who looked equally pleased.

Beth was very happy with him. "AJ I guess you have jumped blind before," he nodded his head, "as soon as your eyes you relied more on your legs then your hands to director her. You trusted her to get you through the combination smooth, and you didn't hesitate at anything. You felt her moves and knew exactly when to go up and sit back down. I am very impressed by that run. Okay Clara I want you to try."

Clara took a deep breath and then picked up her canter heading towards the jumps. When she was a couple strides away she too closed her eyes. She knew she was coming closer to the jumps she just didn't know how close. She then felt Fallon bring her legs up she was a little startled and got left behind a little bit. Once the first jump was over she knew now how to ride. The other two jumps went smoother then the first since she trusted Fallon.

Beth knew Clara was nervous, but she did well. "That first jumps was a little funny since you were not feeling her movements, but you got out of her face so you didn't catch her in the mouth. Once you knew what you were doing you gained your confidence and rode the rest of the combination more confident and correctly. Very good job. I want to run this 2 more times each then your lesson is complete."

Dressage Lesson

Lucas and Brit watched the other riders leave the arena while they got to stay in the arena since it was the freshmen dressage arena.

Ashley spoke to gain the two teens attention. "I want each of you to do a set of 3 circle each getting small. I want a 30 meter circle, 20 meter circle, then a 10 meter circle. This exercise will help you keep you horse going and at a nice even pace. I want this done with no breaking. Lucas go first," said Ashley.

Lucas got Arte in a nice even collected canter and head to the other side of the arena to begin the exercise. The first circle was a little large since Arte didn't really want to turn, Lucas gave him a quick tap with his legs to get Arte's attention back. The other 2 circle were good.

"That first circle was not good, but you recovered well after you gave him a quick tap with your heel to remember to pay attention. The bend that you had even through the first circle was very good. Brit you are next," said Ashley.

Brit gave a quick tap to Saphira's sides and got a bad and bouncy canter. She half halted to bring her back to a collected canter then brought her to the circle exercise. The smallest circle was surprisingly her best.

"That last circle of yours was very good. The 10 meter circle usually gives people the most trouble. She bends very well at the neck for that to happen very well. It was nice in the beginning you knew to half halt her because that first canter was ugly. Okay now I want you to do serpentines at the canter with a flying lead change in the center of the arena. Brit go first since Lucas went first last time," said Ashley.

Brit picked up a collected canter and went through the exercise. The signals she gave to Saphira for the flying lead change were a little too noticeable for dressage but she still got the changes.

"I want you to work on making your signals to her not so noticeable. When you guys go to compete if your signals are very noticeable that is a lot of points off your score. It could be the difference between first and second, but other than that nice and clean run. Lucas you are next," said Ashley.

Lucas picked up his canter, but was on the wrong lead, but a quick 2 step changed fixed that. He went through the serpentine and his signals to Brit were invisible she could not see them at all. She was very impressed with him.

Ashley clapped when he finished the last side, "Now that is how you do a serpentine correctly. Very nice job, now that concludes you lesson go cool them out and put them in the pastures."

Cross Country Lesson

Rachel and Ben followed Rich out to the freshmen cross country course that was next to the barn. "Today we are not doing a course. I want you to work on your horse stamina because that is just as important as clearing the jumps. I want each of you guys to hand gallop down to the fence and back. We will do that 3 times and I want all of your times to be almost the same. If they are not you have to do it again till you times are closer. Rachel you go first."

Rachel gave Effie a quick kick and got the hand gallop as she crossed the starting line down the field to the fence. She kept a nice and quick pass, but making sure it was not too fast.

Rich stopped the stop watch as she passed him. "Nice time 30 seconds. Now I want you to go again and if you are not between 27 and 33 you don't keep a consistent pass with her."

Rachel gained her hand gallop and went down the field and back.

Rich stopped the stop watch. "Time 28 seconds very nice, you had a little fast pass, but it was good. Now again keeping the same pass."

She picked up the gallop and went down the field and back.

Rich stopped the watch, "You are good 29 seconds. You kept her at a nice collected and even pass which is very good. Ben you are next."

Ben didn't even have to touch Dallas. He just sunk down in his heals and the gelding got into his quick gallop. Being and ex race horse Ben knew Dallas would do fine at this exercise.

Rich stopped the stop watch when Ben passed him, "I can defiantly tell that horse is an ex race horse. 25 second not can you keep that pace. I need you between 22 and 28 seconds.

Ben went down the field and back knowing his time was almost the same since he was counting in his head to keep his pace and time.

Rich stopped the clock, "Wow, 25 on the dot again. Now go again if you get that time again you both are dismissed."

Ben went down and back again.

Rich stood there floored as he showed the stop watch to Rachel. Rachel was very impressed and she knew she would have to step up her game to stay even with him. "I cannot believe this, 25 seconds on the dot again. Now that is exactly how you keep your pace even and the same through the same exercise. Very well done Ben I am very impressed. You both are dismissed."

Ben and Rachel walked into the barn to see that the rest of their group was already untacking. When everyone was untacking they met up in the front and headed to the dining hall for dinner.

A/N I hope you enjoy the chapter. I have my first schooling show this weekend at my new barn. I am going to need all the luck I can get. Wish me luck. All the horse in this book except for Aaron's and Clara's horse are real horse at my new barn that I have ridden. I don't know when I will have the next chapter up. I go on April break at the end of the week and I might be going to Florida. If I don't go I will have a lot of time to write. Please read, vote, and comment. If you are reading this book please comment your name in the comments and I will give you a shout out.

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