Chapter 28

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After talking to Ben, Brit continued her walk down the stairs and into the common room to find Luke so they could go out on their date. She knew Luke told her to dress warm, but the rest was a surprise much to her dislike. She walked into the room to find Luke turned around looking out the window totally zoned out. Why not have a little fun she thought. "BOO!"

Luke pulled out of his head yelled, "What they heck!!" He yelled at his girlfriend who was doubled over laughing. He angrily said, "Brit was that really necessary?"

In between fits of laughter she said, "From the look on your face. Absolutely yes." She said and went back to laughing.

Luke rolled his eyes and said, "You are lucky I love you. Or you would be in trouble." Then he realized what he said. He said what he had been wanting to say for weeks and just didn't have the courage to tell her. He immediately panicked and said, "Brit I am sorry..." He was silenced by his girlfriend with a kiss.

Brit pulled away from the kiss and leaned her forehead against Luke's, "Don't worry Luke. I love you too."

Luke blushed at her words and said, "Come on I have an amazing surprise for you. I hope you will love it."

Brit smiled and said, "As long as I am with you I will love anything."                                    

Luke took Brit's hand and they walked out the door, down the street, and into town. Brit gasped at her surprise, "Are we going on a carriage ride."

Luke smiled and said, "Yep."

Brit grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the carriage.

Luke helped her into the carriage and immediately placed his arm around her and pulled her into his side. He wanted her close to him to show how much he cared about her.

Brit watched as the carriage started to move thought the park that laid next to their school. "It is so beautiful."

Luke smiled and look into her eyes and said, "It is beautiful just like you." He placed a long kiss on her lips.

Brit's cheeks turned a dark red, "You have no idea how much I love you."

The carriage stopped and Luke stepped out first. He picked up Brit by her waist and spun her around. He placed her slowly on the ground, but kept her body against his.

Brit let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her cheeks turned red as Luke let her out of his arms. She suddenly was much colder without his warm body next to her. She grabbed his hand to keep close to him.

When they got up to Brit's room they shared one last kiss before Luke said, "I am happy we finally said I love you to each other because I love you so much."

Brit smiled and said, "I love you too." She turned around and walked into her dorm.

A/N Omg this one was fun to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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