Chapter 33

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The barn clock read 4:30 in the morning. You would think the barn would be filled with peacefully sleeping horses, but no not today. The barn was hustling and bustling with the riders getting ready to go to the National Horse Show. Out of the entire team only 3 of the six riders were going. For the jumpers competition Clara and Aaron were entered and for cross country just Ben was entered. But the entire team was going for the exception of Rachel. She had gotten a phone call the night before that her grandmother was sick and might die. Rachel headed home to support her family and spend time with her grandma. So Brit and Luke were enlisted to play the role of groom. Brit would groom for Clara and Luke would be the groom for Aaron and Ben since they would compete on different day which allowed for this to happen.

Clara tried to pick up her large tack trunk with no success. "Wow this thing is heavy. Can I have a little help here please?" She watched two groom lift her large trunk onto the rolling platform she would roll out to the trailer. She rolled out the platform only to run back to the barn to grab her exercise and show saddle along with her bag that held her show clothes. Finally once everything was in the trailer there was one last thing to get. Her beloved horse. She walked to Fallen's stall and placed her perfect black leather halter with the name plat down the side and fluff pads along the entire halter, this halter was just used for shows. She then placed her Snow View Riding Academy cooler and trailering boots. She then attached her lead line and led her mare out to the trailer. She then said, "Fallen up." Her obedient mare immediately entered the trailer and waited to be tied into place. "Good girl, I will see you soon."

She walked out of the trailer to find the two other trailers were ready and waiting for her. She looked across to her boyfriend's trailer. They had not spoken one word since their fight. She didn't even know if they were dating anymore. She then shock her head and told her self to forget the drama and focus on herself and her trips. She walked and hopped up into the car she was riding in and then the line of trailers pulled out of the parking lot and began the 5 hour trip to the show grounds.

5 hours later...

Aaron finally saw the show grounds as they pulled through the large iron gates. Once the truck and trailer he rode in stop her hopped out and waited for Ashley to tell them where they were going to. He looked up and down the lane seeing 5 barns line the grounds. He turned when he heard Ashely's voice.

Ashley said, "Okay you guys are in barn C. That is the third barn down the lane. We will bring the trailers and unload the horses one by one. Once the horses are unloaded we will unload the stuff. Aaron I want you to watch your mare. She has a history of bolting off the trailer. I do not want to lose a horse."

Aaron blushed at his mare usually antics, "Don't worry I will."

Aaron waited as Fallen and Dallas were unloaded uneventfully off their trailers, then it was his turn. He walked up and unlatched the side Midnight was not on. "Hey girl, you ready to get off this thing. Now you better be a good girl and not embarrass me." He saw her shack her head as if she agreed with him. "Okay I am going to let you down. Be good." He walked around the trailer and unlatched her door. He brought down the ramp and walked up and untied the lead from the side of the trailer. He backed her down and walked her towards her stall. Once she was safely in her stall he let out a sigh of relief. "Now that is my good girl," he robbed her neck and through and apple into her bucket and locked the door so he could unload all of his stuff.

Later in the evening...

Ben sat up on top of his large dapple grey thoroughbred waiting for his turn to warm up. Clara and AJ were currently practicing in the jumper ring. He had to wait till they were done before he could go to the cross country course and practice. 

Ashley soon walked up to him and said, "Okay lets head to the course. Clara and AJ are going to walk their horses out together."

Ben laughed and said, "I bet they will be by themselves."

Ashley confused said, "What do you mean?"

Ben shocked that Ashely hadn't realized they had not spoken said, "They got in a huge fight the day you announced about the show. They haven't spoken since that day."

Ashley shock her head and said, "Well I had no idea. I just hope once they go in the ring nothing happens."

Ben confused said, "Why?"

Ashley replied calmly with, "Whenever you go in the ring angry bad things are bound to happen."

Ben then followed her down the road towards the cross country course for his warm up.

A/N Wow two days in a row. I am impressed with myself. I just wanted to let you guys know that after almost a year of writing this book I am almost done. There will probably be probably 3 chapter will this book is finished. I hope you will continue reading the series and read the second book when I post it.

Please vote, comment, read, and enjoy!!!


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