Chapter 17

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The group sat in the common room at the bottom of their dorm waiting for the dinner bell to ring. Clara said, "I am so excited for Thanksgiving Break."

Lucas said, "I know we get a week of no school and no homework."

Brit said, "I hope you know we have to finalize our breeding projects. We are beginning presentation the week we get back from break."

"Ugh I completely forgot about that," groaned Lucas.

Rachel said, "Well maybe you can finish today in class. Mrs. C said she would give us today to get more work done so we don't have so much over break."

Ben said, "Yea like that is going to happen. Rach you are the only one close to finishing. I still have to look through the mare's history before I can choose one."

Brit laughed, "You are farther than Lucas. He is still looking through the stallions."

Lucas angrily said, "Well not all of us are smart enough to move that quickly through the project." When he finished he stormed out the door, slamming the door with a loud bang as he left the building.

Brit, stunned, said, "What just happened. I was just joking with him like I do all the time."

Aaron who had been quiet all of the conversation said, "Luke gets a little touchy when it comes to school."

Brit said, "Why?"

Aaron surprised she didn't know said, "He has to tell you. It is not for me to tell."

Brit, surprised, said, "I am going to find Luke and see what is going on."

The next day....

Rachel said, triumphantly, said, "I finished, now all I have to do over break it put the booklet together explaining everything."

Clara said, "I am still deciding between two mares and then I will be done. Babe help me I cannot decide between Athena and Anastasia."

Aaron said, "For the jumper you are looking for I would choose Anastasia because she has the stronger leg muscles and the better breeding history for powerful jumpers."

Ben, "Also Clara I am going to have Athena as my mare. I doubt we both can use her."

Clara laughed and said, "Yea that would be hard to do."

Mrs. C said, "Okay class clean up the bell is about to ring. I will see all of you after break. Make sure to have the booklet of all the materials you have used and have your presentation ready for the day we get back because the presentations will start that day."

A/N I know it is shorter than my usual chapter. I decided to do two small chapter than one big chapter. The next one should be up soon. 

Please read, comment, vote, and enjoy!!!!!!!

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