Chapter 19

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After Thanksgiving Break at Clara's House....

Clara jumped in her dad's truck. "Daddy I am so excited to go back. I miss my friends and I miss Aaron a lot," Clara said as she sat next to him in the front seat.

Her dad said, "I know princess. I am looking forward to meeting all of your friends today when we get there. I am especially looking forward to meeting Aaron. I hope he is treating you well. I know your mother said he is a great guy. I just want to make sure for myself."

Clara blushed and said, "I know daddy. I am going to go to sleep can you wake me up when we get there."

Her dad smiled and said, "Of course princess."

At Aaron's House...

Aaron walked down the porch of his house and walked up to his mother car to begin the long journey back to Snow View. "Thanks for driving me mom. I know you couldn't drop me off in the fall or pick me up at the beginning of break, but I am happy you are driving me back."

His mom said, "I am happy to. I am just glad I got the time of work. I am very excited to meet all of your friends especially Clara. From what you have been telling me you really do like her."

Aaron rolled his eyes and said, "Mom I don't just like her I love her."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Aaron you have no idea what love is. This is the first girl you have ever shown interest in."

Aaron glared at her and said, "Mom I do know what love is. I know that love is when you want to spend every moment with the person and never be without them. That is how I feel about Clara."

She laughed and said, "Sure you do Aaron."

Aaron annoyed said, "You know what mom. I am going to take a nap and just pretend this conversation never happened. Just wake me up when we get there."

At Lucas House....

Lucas walked out his apartment building carrying his bags. He through them in the back of his parents car and then walked back inside to help his mother down the stairs. He grabbed his mother's hand and said, "Okay mom lets go down the stairs."

She laughed and said, "Luke I am 7 months pregnant not almost dead. I can get down the stairs by myself."

Luke laughed and said, "I know mom I am just trying to be helpful since dad isn't here to help you."

She smiled and said, "Luke your father choose to fight for the country before you were even born. He decided to take a tour in Afghanistan instead of having us to move again."

Luke sadly said, "I know mom."

She said, "Turn that frown upside down cause we are going to go see your friends and that lovely girlfriend of yours. Get in the car so we won't be late."

At Brit's House....

"Reggie come one we are going to be late," Brit yelled to her older brother.

Reggie said, "Calm down baby sis. I know you have a time you are supposed to be there. I have to be in San Diego to be back at college just a couple hours after you have to back at Snow View."

Brit rolled her eyes and said, "Yea I know. Can we just go already?"

Reggie said, "You are excited to see your boyfriend?"

Brit blushed and said, "Of course I am. You better not go all weird when you drop me off."

Reggie laughed and said, "Oh you know I will sis. That is what I am in your life for."

Brit rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh, I should have had mom, dad, or even a cab drive me back instead of you."

At Ben's House...

Ben looked out the window of his parent's car.

His father said, "Benjamin why do you look so sad?"

Ben said still looking out the window, "I am not father. I am just ready to go back and get back to my normal life."

His mother said, "Benjamin what is wrong with the life you have with us?"

Ben laughed and said, "What life I never see you. I am always with a nanny."

At LAX...

Rachel sat on her suitcase waiting for her cab to come from the school and pick her up to bring her back to school. She saw a large man holding up a sign saying Snow View Riding Academy. She walked up to him and said, "My name is Rachel Bryant."

The man said, "I will take your bags and the car is right there."

At Snow View Riding Academy...

Clara looked out the window and saw her beautiful school. Her dad parked the car and when she jumped out she immediately saw Aaron's dark hair in the distance. She yelled, "Aaron!"

Aaron heard his name yelled and he recognized the voice as his beautiful girlfriend. He took off running from his mother car. When he got to her he wrapped his arms around her and spun them around and when he put her down he pulled her into a kiss. When he pulled away he said, "I missed you so much."

Clara said, "I know. I missed you so much."

Her father sad to break up their little moment said, "Clara, is there someone you want me to meet."

Clara blushed and said, "Sorry daddy. Daddy this is my boyfriend Aaron Jones. Aaron this is my dad."

Aaron shook her dad's hand and said, "Hello Mr. Whitney. I is very nice to meet you. Clara speaks of you quiet often." Just them he heard his mother yell for him. He turned around to see his mother standing next to him. He them spoke again and said, "Clara and Mr. Whitney this is my mother."

Clara said, "It is very nice to meet you Mrs. Jones."

His mom said, "Honey I have not been Mrs. Jones for many years. It is Ms. Kay."

Clara turned around and looked at Aaron who rolled his eyes. She turned back and said, "Sorry, Ms. Kay."

His mom said, "Aaron come unload the car. You can spend time with her later."

Clara gave a quick kiss to his cheek as he walked off. Just then she heard her name being yelled from her two best friends. She ran and hugged them, "Rachel! Brit! I am so happy to see you guys! Have you seen the guys yet?"

Brit said, "No I have not seen Luke yet."

Rachel said, "Yea I saw Ben and met his parents. Let me just say not the smoothest meeting. I can tell he doesn't have a great relationship with them. I feel bad for him. He walked them up to his room and that is when I saw Brit."

Lucas saw the girls across the court yard and yelled, "hey girls!"

Brit turned around and immediately was pulled into a hug by her boyfriend. She said, "I missed you so much."

Lucas said, "I know I missed you too."

Rachel said, "I hate to break up the reunion, but what are we." She said pointing to her and Clara.

Lucas laughed and hugged the girls, "Sorry girls. Have you seen the boys yet?"

Clara said, "Yea Aaron is up in your room dealing with his what I find rude mother."

Luke said, "I take you met his mom. I met her the first day not the nicest lady. Rachel have you seen Ben."

Rachel said, "Yea he is also up in the room and also with his parents."

Luke said, "Okay I will see you guys at dinner." He walked off not before giving Brit a kiss.

A/N Okay everyone is back from Thanksgiving Break. We learn a little bit about everyone's parents. As you can see some have parents they get along great with and others not so much. We also had parents meet each other. We can now see the a couple of the kids have some different feeling for their boyfriend/girlfriends parents. 

I am going to do the presentation next chapter. Just going to say the chapter is going to be a long one.

Please read, vote, comment on mares and stallion names, and enjoy!!!

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