Chapter 20 Part 2

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The class walked out the door following Ashley down to the barn to be greeted by the mares poking their heads out of their stalls. "Okay. Today the vet is here to check all of your mares to see if they are pregnant. You are wondering how we knew which stallion and mare you were choosing. Mrs. C gave us the list of who you were all choosing the day you choose them. So if your mares are pregnant the earliest they will be is probably about 3 to maybe 4 weeks along. Okay we are just going to go down the barn in order of the mare's stalls. When it is not your turn to be with your mare and vet you will be outside the barn. Okay the first horse is By the Light of the Moon. Rachel grab her halter and lead her to where the vet is waiting."

The vet began the examination and put the alter sound on Moon's stomach, "Okay Rachel see right there that would be the foal that she is carrying. She is about 4 week along and she have her foal around the middle of October next year. The way this will work is I will come and check on her every couple months in the beginning just to make sure everything is alright but once the summer starts and you are back at home I will come once a month, then when school starts I will be just a phone call away just to make sure I am here when the foal is born."

Ashely walked out with Rachel and said, "Athena is next."

Ben walked into the barn and grabbed Athena.

The vet, "Okay Ben Athena seems to be pretty early in her pregnancy all I can see is that her levels are elevated to show that she is pregnant. I cannot show you anything yet since she is so early."

Ashley said, "Anastasia is next. Clara grab her and bring her to be examined."

The vet, "Okay Clara, she is about 3 weeks along and I doubt you can see her foal right there."

Clara said, "Yea I don't see it."

The vet, "Don't worry you will definitely see it the next time since she will be almost 5 months along the next time I come."

Ashley, "Okay Dahlia is next."

The vet, "Lucas Dahlia is actually the mare who is the farthest along. She is just over four week and that right there is your next horse."

Ashley, "Okay next is Diamond Ring."

The vet said, "Okay Diamond is very early in her pregnancy and the only way I do know she is pregnant I by her elevated levels. You will not be able to c anything until the next time I come when she will be 4 months along."

Ashley said after all the mares had been examined, "Okay I know most of you heard the news you were hoping for, but a few didn't. The vet will be back in 3 weeks to check the horse that are not pregnant again, but for those whose mares are pregnant. The vet will be back in March to look at those mare and for all of you to see your foals if you didn't see them today on the ultrasound."

A/N Sorry I knows these are a little boring I just wanted these story lines started before I continue. I have been so busy lately I have been competing and I will probably not up date till the middle of August since I am going to my first ever multiple day show. Wish me luck because I am going to need it.

Please read, vote, comment, and enjoy!

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