Chapter 6

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Clara took Aaron's and walk towards the cafeteria. Clara released his hand as he opened the door for the group of them. The group grabbed their trays and found a table for all of them to sit at. The order was Aaron, Lucas, and then Ben. The girls were on the other side of the table with Clara, Brit, and the Rachel. The group ate the dinner and once diner was finished headed back to the dorm to turn in early due to the fact that school stated the next day. The group said good night and headed to the specific rooms.

Brit was the first up the next morning and decided to wake the other girls up so they were not all late for their first day of classes. Brit walked into Rachel room first to find out the Rachel was still sound asleep. "Rachel time to get up, we have to get ready for school."

Rachel rolled over and glared at Brit for waking her up. "Brit let me sleep for 5 more minutes, please."

Brit said, "Nope, get up I am going to wake Clara up. You better be outside your room when I get back from waking Clara up."

Rachel got up and said, "Happy I am up. We can wake Clara up together."   

Brit and Rachel walked out of the room only to find that Clara was sitting on the couch waiting for them. Clara said, "Let's go get breakfast them we can come back and get dressed for school."

The boys sat down stairs at what seemed to be their table in the bottom floor of the freshmen dorm. Lucas laughed, "took you girl long enough to come down. Breakfast is almost over."

Lucas earned a glare from Brit as she said, "That would be because Rachel is not a morning person and refused to get up out of bed."

Rachel said, "Hey, I got up when you told me too."

Clara, Ben, and Aaron were laughing as the other 3 were arguing. Clara spoke trying to calm down her two new best friends. "How about 3 stop arguing like children and eat breakfast."

When breakfast was over the 6 teenagers walked up to their room and got dressed for school. Clara was in a dark pink shirt with a lace back, denim short, and jean flats. Rachel was in a short sleeve deep blue shirt, black leggings, and her short black combat boots. Brit was in a navy blue t-shirt that said Ride for Life, denim shorts, and gold sandals. Aaron was in a red polo shirt, caky pants, and black sneakers. Ben was in a green sports shirt, basketball shorts, and sneakers, Lucas was in a blue polo shirt, denim shorts, and sneakers. The 6 friends headed down stairs and out the door tp their first day of high school.

Clara read the groups schedule out. "World History with Mr. R, Spanish with Miss. G, Biology with Mrs. C, Algebra with Mr. M, and finally English with Mrs. B."

The group headed to their specific classes. After each class they decided what they thought of the teacher. Clara went first, "Okay Mr. Rain only seems to like the boys and does not give the girls the time of day." The group nodded at Clara's observation.

Aaron spoke next, "Miss. G seems really nice and pretty easy." The group nodded.

Ben was next, "Does everyone agree that bio is going to be kind of a torcher especially with Mrs. C." The group laughed and agreed with Ben.

Brit was next, "Mr. M is fun. I bet we will have a really good year with him."

Rachel gave the thought about their English teacher. "Mrs. B seems nice, I think she is going to just ignore the kids who know what they are doing and try to help the kids who are very lost. Did anyone else kind of feel that way?" The group nodded.

Lucas said, "Okay now that schools has finally ended we can get to the fun part of the day, our riding lessons. I wonder how they are going to train us."

Brit said, "I heard some of the older kids saying they start us all together with all three coaches then as the lessons progresses you split into your specific element. I think we are all together because not matter how much most people hate to admit it, dressage is part of everything."

Everyone groaned except Lucas. Clara said, "I know dressage is the foundation for everything. I just wish it was not so boring or hard. I don't have the patients for it and neither does my horse. Every time we try dressage it never ends well."

Aaron nodded, "The last time Midnight and I tried dressage I ended up on the ground. Let me just say trying to get my crazy thoroughbred to get in frame she throws her head and rears."

Ben said, "Can we all stop talking about how much we hate dressage and get ready for our lesson that starts in hour and a half."

The group rushed back to the dorm to get ready for the lesson. All riding students had to be in tan riding pants, the schools polo shirt, black tall boots, black helmet, and the option of black gloves. The team was embroidered along with the rider's specialty.

All 6 of the teenagers headed to the barn to tack up their horses to get ready for the lesson. They walked into the arena to find all three coaches Ashley Meyers, Richard Cranley, and Beth Brooks. Ashley stepped forward, "Okay. Welcome to your first lesson as the official advanced team for this year. I congratulate all of you for making it. I want to tell you since you are the advanced team you are expected more of you then the other teams. You will be showing every other weekend all year except over the breaks. How lessons work here is you will start as a group with all three of us looking at you. You will warm up and do simple ground work. Once you are warmed up you will move to your specialty. Is everyone clear?" she looked over the 6 kids, this looks like one of the stronger teams and should be a good year. "Okay I want everyone to go down the line and say your name and your horses name so all three of us know who each of you are. You mister on the black mare."

Aaron spoke first, "My name is Aaron Jones, but people call me AJ and this is Midnight in NYC or Midnight."

Aaron looked at his girlfriend who stood next to him. "Hi I am Clara Whitney and this is Fallon in Love or Fallon."

Brit was next, "Hi my name is Brittney Davis, but people call me Brit and this is Hidden Agenda or Saphira."

Lucas was next, "Hi my name is Lucas Andrews, but people call me Luke and this is Artemis or Arte."

Rachel was next, "Hi my name is Rachel Bryant and this is Effie."

Ben was last, "Hi my name is Benjamin White, but people call me Ben and this is Dallas Ranger or Dallas."

Ashley spoke, "Thanks you riders now head out on the rail at a walk and go into 2 point and let's start." After 2 times around in she spoke again, "Change direction and stay in 2 point." After 2 time around she spoke, "Pick up a sitting trot and drop your stirrups, she earned 6 groans from the riders." After 2 time around in each direction she spoke, "Pick up a posting trot without your stirrups." After 2 time around in each direction she spoke, "Down transition to the walk get you stirrups and walk once around." After she saw them walk around once she spoke again, "Pick up a canter on the correct lead from the walk." After 2 time around she said, "Down transition to the sitting trot and switch direction." Once everyone was on the rail again she spoke, "Pick up a canter." After 2 time around she spoke, "Everyone walk and come into the center. This will be your warm up every lesson unless it is the day before the show, then you will focus entirely on your specialty.  Okay now that warm ups are over time to separate for your specialty Lucas and Brit you will stay here with me. Clara and AJ you will Beth. Rachel and Ben you will go with Rich. Everyone have a good lesson and after the lesson make sure to cool your horses off and turn them out." Everyone left the arena to start their specific lessons.

A/N The warm up I write is the warm up do at every lesson at my barn. I hope you guys are enjoying if you have any suggestion just comment. Please read, comment, and like. I would like the 3 people that are actually reading this to put their names in the comments and I will give a shout out to you in the next chapter. Thank you very much enjoy. I am putting the separate lessons in another chapter that I should have up soon.

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