Chapter 26

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The snow fell down on the sidewalks of Snow View Riding Academy as Friday morning finally arrived. Aaron grabbed the present for Clara from his night stand and placed it in the coat he was wearing on their date tonight. He sighed and said, "I hope you like tonight." He walked into the large room where all of their bedrooms joined. He found that Ben and Luke were already in the room waiting for him.

Luke laughed and said, "About time you got out here. You are never last. I am always last since I never get out of bed."

Aaron laughed and said, "Sorry, just making sure I put Clara's present in the coat I am wearing to night so I know I won't forget it."

Ben said, "Come on we can talk about what we got the girls later. Now we should go down stairs and see the girls and go to class."

Luke said rolling his eyes and walking out of the door, "Oh course you want to get to class."

Ben closed the door and countered with, "I am sorry I enjoy getting an education."

Aaron said, "Can you to stop I was having a peaceful morning till you started this school argument you have every morning since I met you in September."

The finally made it down stairs and met the girls to go to class.

That evening....

Clara slipped into the black dress and pulled her black belt around her waist. She walked into her bath room and braided her hair in a simple French braid. She put her makeup, concealer, powder, blush, gold eye shadow, black mascara, and red lipstick to finish it off. She yelled as she grabbed her simple black clutch, "I am leaving now."

She walked down the stairs to find her boyfriend in a black dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. "Well don't you look nice" She leaned up for a quick peck on the lips, which Aaron returned instantaneously.

Aaron took her hand and spun her around so he could get a full look of her. "You look stunning. Come on lets go."

Clara leaned into his chest as they left the dorm and into the cold February air. She said, "Can you please tell me now where we are going. You have been very hush about this date no matter how much I ask or ask anyone who might know where you are taking me."

Aaron finally gave in and said, "Fine, you know that really nice restaurant on the corner you are always saying looks so nice."

Clara gasped and said, "Oh my god, thank you!" She pulled him in for a hug and gave him a kiss.

Aaron said with a smirk, "That will not even be your favorite part of the evening."

Clara said, "What do you mean?"

Aaron again with a smirk said, "That is for me to know and you to find out later."

Clara groaned and said, "Ugh."

Aaron opened the door just like a gentlemen. "I have a reservation for two under Jones." He then pulled his beautiful girlfriends chair out.

Clara said questioning, "You are acting like the perfect gentleman. What is going on?"

Aaron said, "What it is Valentine's day. I being a gentleman because you deserved to be treated like the princess you really are."

Later in the dinner right before they were about to leave Aaron said, "I want to give you your present now." He pulled out the velvet box and opened to reveal and necklace that said Clara on the front and love Aaron on the back.

Clara gasped and said, "Oh Aaron it is beautiful. But it looks really expensive."

Aaron got up and placed the necklace around her neck and said, "I have been saving. You are totally worth it." He placed a kiss on her cheek before he sat back down to finish off their dinner.

After they finished dinner and payed. Where Aaron refused to let Clara pay even after she tried extremely hard to at least let her pay for her meal. They walked out the door and Clara and Aaron's hands immediately found each other and intertwine as they walked back to the dorm. When they reached the dorm Clara wrapped her arms around Aaron as his arms wrapped around her waist. Their lips interlocked which started out as a simple kiss, but soon turned into their most intense kiss of their relationship. When both ran out of air they touched foreheads and Aaron said, "Good night Clara. I love you so much."

Clara smiled and said, "Good night Aaron. I love you too." She placed one finally kiss on his lips before they walked into the dorm for the night.

A/N I just had the first experience of when you are reading another book and you see your book come up in the recommendation's to read. When I saw that I was so happy.

On another note, I have my first IEA show of the season this Saturday wish me luck. If you compete IEA comment below. We might even compete in the same Region or Zone.

Please vote, comment, read, and enjoy!


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