Chapter 22

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First day of show...

Ashley says, "Okay I know it is early," she looked at her watch, 5 am "Okay I need all of the dressage competitors to take your horses out of their stalls and start braiding them. I need my cross country riders to clean out all the stalls. I need my show jumpers to change the waters of all the horses. I need you done braiding by 7 so you can all warm up. Our first rider competes at 8. After that you are scattered throughout the day. For cross country and show jumpers I am putting the advanced team in charge of the groups. So if you have questions ask them for help."

Brit raised her hand, "Do you care what type of braids?"

Ashely said, "I want clean hunter braids for the mane and a normal French braid of your horse's tails."7

Brit and Luke walked down to the back of the Snow View aisle.       

Brit said, "Do you want the front or back cross ties?"

Luke smirked and said, "You can have pick and do you care about what music we listen to?"

Brit smiled and said, "How about what we always listen to and I will take front."

Luke laughed and said, "Okay country it is."

Rachel gathered all of the cross country riders and said, "Okay to make this easier on all of us we are going to split it out my team. Beginners do your stalls and the same through the rest of the teams. Got it. I want everyone to do three stalls each."

Aaron gathered the show jumpers, "Okay we have a lot of buckets to do. Every horses has two buckets each. To make this go fast we are going to do an assembly line. I one beginner take buckets out and dumping them. I want the other to fill and put them back. Everyone will do the same."

Clara said, "Do you want to fill and replace while I dump."

Aaron smirked and said, "Of course."

Later in the day...

Ashley yelled down the aisle, "Okay I want all dressage riders getting tacked up in your practice gear and heading to the warm up rings to begin."

All the riders grabbed their tack and headed back down to tack up.

Ashely said, "We are leaving to warm up now. Beginners you get my attention first because you are competing first. Intermediate riders I want to do just a few laps of trotting just to loosen them up same with the advanced riders."

After lunch...

Ashely said, "Okay Brit and Luke, I am expecting you to do much better than the rest of what has happened today. Brit you are up first then Luke you will follow her."

Brit and Luke walked away from her and mounted up. Brit said, "We have to do better than the beginner and intermediate riders. The beginner got 7th and 8th out of 8. The intermediate riders got 5th and 6th out of 6. Not showing how much of an amazing trainer Ashley is."

Luke said, "I know but, we are better riders. We also have 25 riders in our division."

Brit said, "Don't worry babe we got this. We are going 1st and then 2nd."

Announcer, "Number 23 Brittney Davis riding Hidden Agenda."

Luke said, "Good luck babe. You will be amazing."

Brit walked in the ring and began her test. Half way through her test Saphira felt amazing, light, relaxed, supple, and most of all in frame. At the end of her test she walked out and was greeted by smiles from her boyfriend and trainer.

Snow View Riding Academy: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now