Chapter 28

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As soon as it was morning, Aileen didn't know what to do. She hadn't slept all night, she was crying too much. She tried to sleep, then she realized everything was real. The person she loved with everything in her and was with for damn near 3 years, didn't actually love her. She was heartbroken. Everything seemed to be falling apart. Nothing was right. She wanted to leave him. She wanted to pack her stuff and leave and never come back. But there was 3 things stopping her: her kids, her job, and the fact she still was deeply in love with Ray. Nothing would have changed that. She was hurt, pissed, and emotional, but for some reason, she was still in love with him.

Aileen's POV

As I sat up from the bed in the guest bedroom, I looked around, pounding headache from all the crying I did the night before, it was horrible. I looked at the time. 8:30. Ray would be up going to work any moment. I emerged from the bed, going downstairs about to cook breakfast for the twins, but I stopped, seeing they were already at the table and seat with Ray, eating.

"hey mommy!" they both said at the same time, their voices piercing into my brain with my pounding headache.

"Hey babies.." I said, going into the kitchen and finding some medicine for my head as Ray was putting his plate up.


"Don't talk to me right now." I growled as I closed the cap on the Tylenol bottle with 3 pills in my hand. "Because I'm in a kitchen, and I'm liable to take whatever's next to me and stabbing the shit out of you."

"It's a spatula.." Ray said somewhat confused.

"And I'll stab the shit out of you with that spatula." I said as I took a bottle of water and took the pills straight.

"Listen to me at least."

"My head is fucking pounding, Rayan. Get the fuck away from me." I said as I pushed around him and began walking out the kitchen.

"Mommy where you going?" I heard Kadin ask me.

"Mommy's not feeling too sweetie.. Just finish eating and listen to your daddy, alright?" I said, glancing over at Ray.

"Otay." they both said, making me faintly smile as I walked back upstairs. I got my phone, going through my pictures of the girls I had on it and just started crying. Sobbing. Frantically sobbing. I couldn't stop. What was I to do? I loved this man with everything in me, what was I to do? I couldn't take the kids away from him, Kadin was the ultimate daddy's girl and she'd be crush.

Kadin was the type that if we both picked the girls up from Kindergarten, she'd run to Ray first, she'd crawl into the bed and lay on his chest, and she'd say 'I love you daddy' before Jordan. She'd crawl in his lap and sit there happily as he came home from work because she liked to sit there. Little things like this made me cry even harder because I just wanted to leave but I had to think of my kids. They meant the world to me.

I felt myself siting there sobbing and continually wiping tears as they fell down my cheeks for a hour. Nothing else, just crying, and finally letting the Tylenol kick in, I was getting sleepy.

A knocked came to the door, and I saw a tall frame just sitting there. it was Ray.

"No.. Go away.." I said, shooing him away. He didn't listen. He sat on the bed, crawling beside me and bringing me into a hug. "No, get off me." I tried pushing him away, but the medicine in the Tylenol was just making me seem drunk. As he held me and I sniffed his scent, I started crying again. "Why'd you do it!?" I said between sobs. "Was I not a enough for you!? You didn't love me enough!?" I shouted as I tried swinging at him, but nothing helped.

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