Chapter 43

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I was now at seven months pregnant and honestly, from month six to seven, I felt like everything that wasn't a cardigan and tank top I was being stuffed into like a sausage.

I hated my body during this point of my pregnancy.

But I did like touching my stomach. I liked how big it was. 99.9% of the time, if you saw me, I was touching my belly.

I just hated everything else.

"Why don't you sit down somewhere like I told you?!" Ray said, pushing me towards the couch at his house.

"Cause I'm hungry, Rayan! And I want food! I'm eating for two, I just want to eat!" I yelled, pushing myself up and wobbling to the kitchen. I heard him laugh a little.

"What do you want? I'l make it for you." he said, walking into the kitchen.

"I don't even know, I just hungry. I'm very hungry." I sighed, "Chinese and pizza and hot wings. And does that cake place deliver?"

"You want all that?"

"Um, yes." I glared at him, "What is it? I'm eating too much? You think I'm fat don't you?!"

"No, I don't think you're fat. You're just really pregnant. And I understand you're eating for two, but you can eat healthier." he chuckled and made me walk back to the couch.

"I don't want a salad, Rayan, I want pizza, Chinese, hot wings, and cupcakes. Don't complain about my eating habits cause if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even be in this situation."

"You can't really be blaming me about you being pregnant.."

"It takes two, and half of that two wasn't prepared and the other half of that two was horny." I looked at him.

He chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you." I said, bringing his face to mine and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Can we talk about something for a minute?" he asked, sitting on the couch directly in front of me.

"Sure, go ahead." I said, touching my stomach and adjusting my sitting position.

"What does this mean?"

"What does what mean?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.

"What are we?" he asked.

"Happy." I simply said, "we don't need a title, and I don't want a title. Like I said, I wanna take these things slow. I'm just.." I sighed, "I'm not ready for us to be like, ya know, officially together again."


"That thot you impregnated." I said, looking down, "I'm sorry but I'm still not over it. I don't really know who I'm mad at more, but I'm not, not mad at anything. I'm mad at you both, but more hurt by you. Cause I thought you loved me enough, and our kids, to not do something like that." I now looked at him.

He sighed and stood up and sat on the couch with me. "I'm sorry. I know I messed up, bad. But that doesn't mean I never loved you. I love you more than anything."

"I'm happy where we are right now, I just don't trust you. And I need to before we think about being together again." I said, pushing myself up. "I'm kinda tired."

"Need some help?" he asked, standing up. I shook my head.

"i'm fine. Thank you." I said, making my way up the stairs, or trying to, "maybe I lied." I said, looking back at Ray. He smiled, standing up and helping me up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom.

It wasn't ours again, not yet.

I sat on the bed, going to take off my pants, but it was kinda hard. "Can you help me?'

"Help you undress?" he questioned. I nodded my head and stood up. "I can't see the zipper." I pouted. He chuckled and stood in front of me and unzipped them for me and pulled them down and off.

"Thanks." I smiled and got on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. He laughed at me and then kissed me. I'm guessing it was meaning to be a peck, but I think we both had unknowing ideas.

It kind of happened fast til I realized we were both pretty naked.

"Wait!" I said, stopping him, "we can't do this.. I can't do this. I.. I need to go."

"No." he said, standing up and pulling on his boxers, "I'm sorry. It was my fault. I didn't mean to. Stay. I'll be downstairs." he said, pulling on some sweats and closing the door behind him.

"Ray!" I yelled for him, he was right outside the door.

"Yeah?" he asked, peeking his head in.

"Come back." I said. He smiled, coming in and closing the door behind him.

I was so mad at myself. My horny, pregnant ass.

"I thought you were hungry?"

"Horny, very horny." I said, kissing him.

Liable Love ♥ (A Ray Ray Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now