Chapter 40

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It had been a few more months since Ray and I had a civil conversation and that day he came over to Kayla's. Since then, there wasn't a day where we'd see each other and not argue about stupid things. But mostly Jacinda. It bugged me he was with her so much, but he tried assuring me that it was stuff about the baby. But I begged to differ. I call bullshit on her and her baby.

I was showing a lot more and since my most recent doctor's appointment I learned I was four months two weeks, and 6 days pregnant. A doctor's appointment Ray didn't come to, yet again.


I woke up around 5:00, for many reasons. Getting the girls ready, and they took about a hour just to get them to stop crying and fully understand that mommy had to go to work and they had to go to daycare. By 6:00, I was trying to get them something to eat, which didn't go too well either.

By 6:30, I was getting them dressed, which they refused to wear.

"You guys... look." I sighed, "mommy doesn't have eight hands. I can't do this by myself, I need you guys to just.. Just listen to me this morning.. Please." I said, looking at them. They nodded their heads and the rest of my morning went pretty well. They didn't cry when I dropped them off at daycare, and I got to work on time. 

"Uh, Aileen..?" My suprovisor said, shocked. "It's 7:30.. You're on time.."

"I know." I smiled and got into the elevator. I was determined to have a good day today. Let's see if everyone else would agree to Good Day Aileen.


I was sceduled to get off work at 3:30, but at 1:23, I got a phone call from the twins' daycare.

"What do you mean somewhere checked out my kids?!" I yelled, "I don't care if they we- wait, Rayan Lopez?" I called down a little, but was still furious. "Okay, thank you." I said, hanging up and grabbing my purse and phone and rushed to the elevator. "One day, God? I can't have one day? Tell me something, man, why does this keep happening to me? Why does this always happen to me?!" I yelled irritatedly.

"Maybe you let it happen." I heard the voice of a man say, which kind of scared me til I turned around and smiled, continuing to look at the ceiling. I heard him chuckle. "So, Aileen.. how you been?"

"Makini.. Right now is not the time.. Try again in a couple months.."

"Someone's having a rough day, ouch.." he chuckled and stepped up. "What wrong?"

"I have a stupid but amazing baby daddy I'm not even with who cheated on me and knocked up my assistant who's a thot in training and is now pregnant, along with myself, with my stupid, but don't forget, amazing to his kids' baby daddy." I looked at him, "And now he has checked my kids out of daycare so I'm on my way to his house to beat his ass."

"Ray cheated on you with Lisa? I thought she was a lesbian.."

"Jacinda." I silently said.

"Jacinda? I could have told you she was a thot. Wow.. And you're pregnnat?"

"four months, two weeks, 6 days and counting..." I sighed, "stuff keeps happening and I just wanna be able to sit down and not have to worry about my stupid baby daddy, my kids-"

"I thought he was a stupid but amazing baby daddy?" he chuckled, which made me laugh.

"He's still stupid. And the thot he got pregnant. I just wanna sit down and enjoy whatever it is I want to enjoy without stressing so much. It isn't good for my baby." I rubbed my temple and the elevator door opened. "Well, thanks for listening to me rant for a little, have a good day."

"Aye Aileen?"

"Yeah?" I turned around.

"Checked your purse some time when you get home, alright?"


"Shutup, just do it, or you'll ruin it." he smiled, and then the elevator door closed. I looked at the elevator and chuckled, and then got angry again.

"Back to my kids." I said, clocking out and heading out the door.


The drive to Ray's house, I was just angry. Angry that he took my kids out of school and didn't tell me and angry that I still couldn't have a good day to save my life.

I pulled up to Ray's house, and his car was there, along with another car that looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I walked up the porch steps, almost breaking a heel I was so damn mad, and knocked on the door.

"Who the hel-" He began saying before he saw me, "Aileen, what you doing here?"

"Where are my kids, Rayan!?" I said, walking in the house, "what gave you the audacity to take my kids out of school without my permission and not even telling me!?"

"They're my kids too!"

"Were they your kids when you were cheating on me? Where are my kids!?" He was silent. "Rayan where the hell are my kids!?" I yelled, almost on the verge of tears. "God, I just want one good day. Give me my kids and I'm leaving! You know I had to get off work for this crap? Where are my kids!?" I yelled, for the last time before looking at the stairs and the sight I saw pissed me off beyond words. "What in the hell is she doing aroung my kids!?" I shouted and took Kadin out of Jacinda's arms. "Whatever game you're playing, stop it. Stay away from my kids!" I said, taking Jordan's hand.

"They're my kids too, dammit!" Ray yelled, "and they missed their dad and I'm not going to just get out of their life because you wanna be a bitch! I miss my kids and I'm going to see them!"

I was shocked beyond words at what he said, but furthermore, I was upset. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I put Kadin on the ground and pushed them a little towards Ray and wiped my tears.

"Um, I'll see you guys soon, okay? Be good." I said, standing up. I looked at Jacinda who was smiling, my kids who were sleepy and confused, and Ray who had an expression of relief but also sadness on his face.

"Aileen, I didn't me-" he began to say, but I didn't care what he had to say at the moment. I didn't care at all.

"I don't care anymore.. I just." I began saying, but my voice was cracking, "I just don't care anymore. Take care of my kids." I said before closing the door.

I got in my car and drove. I had no idea where I was going, but I drove.

I pulled into a vacant Dollar Tree parking lot and cried. I sobbed uncontrollably and couldn't stop. I was rethinking everything. I was thinking maybe I overreacted about Ray cheating or maybe I should have beat the hell out of him when he called me a bitch. I didn't know what to do anymore and honestly, maybe my kids were better off with Ray. I was a hot mess.

Somehow my mind went back to the elevator when Makini told me to check my purse later. I looked at the time and it read 4:57. I turned on the light and scrambed through my purse and found a piece of paper.

"Pizza tonight @ Fox's. Meet me there at 7 -Makini"

I thought for a minute and then stopped crying. I wiped my face and put my car in drive. "I WILL have a good day."

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