Chapter 9

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*Next Day*

Aileen's POV

As Ray and I sat in the chairs of the doctor's off I had a lot on my mind on why I threw up and being a female, the first thing that came to mind was being pregnant.

Yeah, Ray and I had sex but I mean, we always used a condom, and I'm so infertile it's not even funny. But being pregnant would be the answer to my questions. Why was I gaining weight? Why was I throwing up? And why was I mad for no reason?

"Aileen Faye?" I heard the lady call out. I let go of Ray's hand and walked back through the hallway behind the nurse. "How are you doing today?"

"I've been better. How are you?"

"Fine, thanks for asking. Step on the scale for me." she said and I obeyed, dreading what the scale had to say. "156" she said and I was bewildered. I had gained 10 pounds within the last month and that might not have been a lot for some people, but it was a lot for me. "Alright, open your mouth for me." she said, checking my temperature. "96.8" she said and threw the plastic away.

She took me into the room and told me to wait, so I did... For a good 10 minutes til the doctor came in.

"Hello Ms, AyyeeLeen." she said, trying to pronounce my name. "How are you feeling today?"

"I've been better, and you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." she said, taking out her pen. "It says here you've been throwing up?"

"Yes ma'am, I threw up really early in the morning twice and my boyfriend said I should go to the doctor."

"Alright, so are you sexual active?"


"When was the last time you had intercourse?"

"Umm, a week and a half ago."

"Have you had sex within the last couple months other than then?"

"Yes ma'am..."

"Alright, when was your last menstrual cycle?" she ask and that's when it all fit together..

"Um... About 2 months ago..."

"Okay, we're gonna take some blood from you and then see what's going on." she said, walking to the door. "Give me about 5 minutes." she said, and walked out.

I started panicking like crazy.

"Alright, maybe you're not pregnant. Maybe it's just something going on with your lady parts just need to be checked or something. I KNOW Ray used a condom, I know it... I really hope this nigga used a condom." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

A minute later the doctor came in. "Hold out your finger for me." she said and I did. She poked my finger and me being able to tolerate ZERO pain, I jumped.

After she took the blood test she went to scan it and such and came back 15 minutes later.

"Alright, now I know why you're throwing up. You're pregnant." she said with a smile. "2 and a half months to be exact. Congratulations." she said. I just sat there, stunned out of this world. I was only 21.

I got up and walked out as she walked in front of me and grabbed my results of the blood work at the front desk and walked out.

"What's they say?" Ray asked as we walked to my car.

"Um, they just told me to drink some water and I must have eaten something wrong." I said, lying. "Told you I didn't need to come." I said with a nervous smile

Liable Love ♥ (A Ray Ray Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now