Chapter 48

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It was around 6 or 7 in the morning as I made Sophia's bottle. I was wearing some black sweats, along with a black oversized hoodie and my hair up in a messy bun.

I looked horrid.

But it was okay. I was now a mom of twins and a newborn baby that I loved more than life itself.

I quickly jogged back up the staircase with the bottle in my hand and walked into Ray and I's bedroom to see him standing up next to Sophia's crib and holding her in his arms.

"Ray." I tapped his shoulder and he turned around, "can I feed her or?" I giggled.

"Let me feed her." he looked down at me.

"You sure? It's pretty early, don't you have to be at work?"

"My company, my clothing line, give me the bottle." he chuckled. I smiled and handed it to him and watched as he tried feeding her, and it seemed to work fine. She didn't cry or anything. "My perfect little angel."

Her eyes were big as she looked at Ray and sucked on the bottle. I fixed her hair with my fingers and kissed her forehead, "go back to sleep baby, I got her."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"I'm sure." he stared at her for a few more seconds and then looked at me, "I got her, baby. Go back to sleep."

"Okay." I smiled and let him kiss me,, "I love you."

"I love you more." he smiled and kissed me again, "now.. get in the bed babygirl."

I smiled and just got back in the bed, hoodie, sweats, and all my horrid, beautifully happy glory.

I was sleeping amazingly. Usually I'd be up every 3 hours to feed Sophia, but It felt like I had slept for a good day.

I woke up, opening my eyes and smiling every so slightly at the site I was seeing. Sophia was laying beside me. She was still sleep, but she was there, looking cute as ever. I wiped my eyes and sat up and looked around the room seeing Ray standing in the doorway.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty." Ray smiled and came and sat on the side of the bed I was laying on, "you sleep okay?"

"How long was I out?" I giggled grabbing my phone and seeing what time it is, "goodness, it's almost 4 in the evening." I hopped out the bed, "Rayan, why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I always know when you're mad at me when you use my government." he chuckled and made me stop pacing around the room looking for stuff. "you were sleeping, that's why. And you looked perfect. I made the kids lunch and then a snack and then fed Sophia some peaches and green peas."

"Rayan she's a newborn!"

"Aileen, it was baby food." he chuckled, "stop worrying okay. You're a mom of 3. I get it, but I can take care of my own baby, okay?" I just looked around the room, "okay?"

"Okay, okay.." I sighed, "I'm sorry.. It's just that.. Baby, she's so tiny and I just worry."

"You gonna be like that with all our kids." he chuckled.

"You want more kids?" I questioned and sat back on the bed.

"I'd love to have more kids with you." he smiled, ,"Kinda aiming for a boy, but ya know, I will be happy with whatever we have." he responded, "how many kids you want?"

"Four." I smiled, "I've been stuck on four since I was 16. But if we have more I'll be okay with that."

"And when do you want us to get married?"

"Fall or winter." I smiled.

"And when do you want to go dress shopping?"

"I dunno. But I can't wait." I smiled heavily.

"I can't wait either."

"You're coming?"

"Yeah, I'll leave before you make your final decision though."

"You're so perfect, sweetie." I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. "I can't wait to marry you, baby."


It was around 8 in the evening and Sophia was sleep upstairs in our room and Ray had convinced me to take the baby monitor with me downstairs and watch a movie with him. The twins were sleep and he just wanted us to chill and watch a movie.

"This is nice." I cuddled up to Ray. I was laying in front of Ray on the bed wrap around couch in the living room. He tightened his grip around me and kissed my cheek. "Maybe I should go check on Sophia." I wanted to get up, but he stopped me.

"She's sleeping, Aileen." he assured me, "she's okay."

I sighed, nodding my head and turning my attention back to the tv, "can I see your phone?" I asked. With no hesitation he handed it to me. I looked at the lock screen and smiled.

It was a picture of me and Sophia. I was kissed her forehead as she slept in my arms.

I unlocked his phone and looked at his homescreen and it was a picture of the girls doing nothing in particular.

I went to his twitter and saw all the pictures he had of the girls and I. New ones mostly of Sophia and me. One of us sleeping with the caption "this is what I live for"

I looked back at Ray and turned to him and kissed him passionately, bringing my leg around his and letting my hand go into his pants.

He jumped.

"What's wrong?" I asked after pulling away.

"Nothing.." he smiled then I felt him grab my butt and pull me closer, "nothing at all."

We were kissing, touching, foundling each other roughly and it was just so beautifully intense. Then I heard Sophia crying over the baby monitor.

"Wait." I pulled away and looked at him, "I have to check on her now."

"Crying is good for babies." he kissed me again, but I pulled away. He sighed deeply and then let me go. "go ahead."

I smiled and then held my stomach as I walked up the stairs. I liked how it looked like I was still pregnant a little.

I walked into Ray and I's bedroom and heard Sophia's crying, "Shhhh, baby girl." I picked her up out her crib and laid her on her changing table, "baby girl why you crying?" I undid her little baby onesie and saw why she was crying so much. "Oh, you made an uh oh." I giggled. I grabbed a diaper from the draw and starting cleaning her up, which didn't help much because she only cried louder, "Sweetie." I stopped and looked at her and she looked back at me, "oh now you wanna stop crying, huh?" I giggled and continued my job of cleaning her up and then putting on a fresh diaper. "Alright, let'ss go see daddy." I wrapped her in a blanket and then walked out the room and down the staircase.

"is that my perfect little angel?" Ray asked as I walked into the living room, "let me see my baby girl." he reached into my arms and took her, "hey angel." he kissed her forehead. "Hey my perfect little angel."

"you weren't calling her a perfect little angel when you were changing that poopy diaper." I giggled and sat beside him, "I love you baby."

"I love you more." he gave me a kiss, "and I love you, babygirl." he kissed Sophia's forehead.

I looked at the sight I was seeing and just smiled at my beautiful family.

Liable Love ♥ (A Ray Ray Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now