Why Maniacs Can't Get Dates

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A/N: Otherwise known as my strange attempt at humor. :) 


You are screaming. 

Why are you screaming? 

Was it something 

I did? 


Ever since I saw you, 

I knew you were the one 

For me. 

Your beautiful laugh. 

Your round, shining face. 

I wanted you to love me. 

Just as I 

Love you. 


Yesterday, you came in furious. 

Furious about this one guy. 

You stalked about your room, 

Saying you wanted to kill him. 


To show how much I love you, 

I did it for you 

To save you the trouble. 


(I even brought you the head 

As a gift.) 


I thought you'd love it. 

I thought you'd be happy. 

I thought you'd be glad. 

But now you are screaming. 

And I don't know how to make you stop.

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