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I'm walking fast, but not fast enough

They come in hoards
Streaming across the pavement
The sand
The carpets
Greedy and clawing

I can't run

They surround me
Pushing and shoving
Clawing at each other
Trying to get to me
Shoving themselves in my face
Their voices rising

"Over here!"
"This way"
"Move, I can't see!"
"Talk to me!
Just a few words"
"Get out of my way!"

I am paralyzed

Forcing myself

One step forward, just one more

Shoving through the masses

Biting down panic,


Keep going keep moving

They follow
With their poisoned air
Screaming for me to wait
To turn
To pose

I close my eyes

I can't outrun them

I let them take me

Swallow me

Push me and pull me

Fists clenched

Just keep breathing

Bruises and scrapes when they jostle too much

Defend by yells

Blinded by flashes

Just keep smiling

Keep smiling

It'll all be over soon

Scratching the Surface (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now