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Aaaaaaand, I'm back! Damn, I missed you guys!


Blood on the floor

Stains the walls.

Bodies scattered around



Worse then dead.


She walks among them

High-heeled feet stepping

Over corpses.

Daintily lifting her dress

Out of the blood.


Her eyes search the dark






The girl

Sitting on the floor

Blood on her white sundress.

Head in her hands.

Black hair stained



She approaches

One hand lifts

Gently rests on the girl's shoulder.

Kneels down beside her.

Wraps her arms around her.


The girl starts



Crying into Her dress.


She whispers


There there.

It's alright.

It'll be alright."


The girl hiccups.


"Please, Momma.

I-I wanna go home."


"I know, darling.

I know."

She takes the girl's hand.

Lift's her to her feet.

Retraces Her steps.

Toward the door.


The girl follows

Eyes down.

Little fists clenched.

Lip trembling.


As they leave

Back to the dark night

Ignorent of their danger.

The girl's lips part

A breath of damp air.


"I-I didn't mean to.

It w-was an accident.

I'm s-sorry."


And She strokes the girl's hair.

Eyes cold.

Lips upturned.

No remorse.

Just and ideas.


Apsently, she whispers,

"It's okay.

It won't happen again.



What I was listening to while I wrote this. Which is proof that I'm slightly messed up... 😘

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