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I never meant to scare you. 

I never thought it would end this way. 

I'm still confused about the why. 

Why they locked me away.


Yeah, why did they lock me up? 

Why did they take you away from me? 

Why don't you ever come see me? 

Why do they say you're afraid of me?


I love you, baby, 

Can't you see?

I love you for everything you are. 

Not just for your body 

Like the other boys do. 

But for your spirit and attitude. 

And I knew from the moment that I saw you 

That I was the one for you. 


So what if I started following you? 

I didn't mean you any harm. 

Thinking of you in danger, 

Makes me so alarmed.

I only wanted to make sure you were safe. 

That nobody hurt you as you walked home. 

That was my one and only wish, 

That, and that alone.


I will admit it grew a lot. 

But I feel no shame

'Cause as my love for you grew and grew, 

The safer you became. 

I watched you as you slept at night, 

So nobody would attack you.

I just wanted to know that you were alright. 

I couldn't stand it when you were out of my sight. 

Who knew what trouble you could have been in,

Without me there to save you?


You couldn't see the danger, love. 

Caution inside you never grew.

It was up to me to protect your heart

From any guy that approached you, 

(Who knows what they might have planned?) 

From any girl that looked at you wrong, 

(They could have been trying to tear you down.) 

From the strangers you passed on the street, 

(You don't know what evil they could have concealed.) 

From your friends and family. 

(Backstabbers, every one of them.) 

I was the only one that you could trust. 

The only one that really loved you. 

The others don't deserve you. 


I saw that you were stressed about stuff, 

Like most teenagers your age.

I didn't think it was stupid or dumb. 

I hated the things that made you down. 

I left you little notes in your locker, 

(I knew your combination by then) 

I'm always watching.

Don't be scared.

I'll always love you.

I'll always be there. 

I only meant to reasure you. 

I would have stopped, 

If I'd known I'd scared you. 


So, yeah, maybe it was a little extreme, 

What I did last Friday night. 

You had gone to a party. I was there, as usual, 

To make sure you were alright.

It hit me then, how vulnerable you are. 

How, no matter how hard I tried, 

There would always be something I couldn't control, 

Something that could turn your warm heart cold.

And it was that night that I realized, 

That the only way to protect you, 

Was to take you away from your dangerous life.


You were slightly drunk when I made my move.

It was easy to sneak you away. 

I knew you'd be scared and mad at first, 

But eventually, you'd come to. 

I never ever hurt you, love. 

Or make you do something you didn't want to. 

My only need, my only goal, 

Was to completely protect you. 


But, alas, they caught us! One of your friends 

Had seen us sneaking away. 

And now I'm here, in a padded room, 

And you're miles and miles away. 

And I know they said they did it to protect you, 

(As if they even know how) 

But don't you see, by locking me up, 

You're much more vulnerable now. 

But don't you worry, my beautiful angel, 

I will escape this place.

And you'll be safe forever 

In my protective embrace.

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