Teenage Dream

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This summer evening

Gasoline and cigarette smoke

Heat simmering off the pavement

Hazy smog, sluggish breath

Heavy with suffocating sweetness


Mom and Daddy in the kitchen

Screen door showing

Furious whispers slide through

Glistening darkly,

Like spilled oil.


Sister across the street

Sitting in a hot, dark room

Gossiping nervously with her friends

Tension thick and overpowering.

Things everyone knows, but will never say


Brother lurking on the sidewalk

Hands in pockets, hood pulled low

A red Volkswagen creeps through the heat

It stops at the edge to admit its final passenger

Then sulks off into the growing twilight.


Shapes of neighbors in screened windows

Shimmering mirages slog through the road

The clunky air-conditioning in the house next door

Roars and coughs to a ragged life

Offering feeble protection against the thick, warm air


And I

The figure on the roof

Silently stifled by the heat

Silently broken by the people around me

Silent, though we all know what goes on

In the shadows of my house.


And I

Have cried and screamed with no sound

For so long that I am


This heat does wonders to the mind

My thoughts are sluggish and dreamy.


The ache in my chest has faded

Replaced with emptiness

Reason is slow to come

A twisted tranquillity, almost delirium

Soaks into my mind.


And I

Feel so close to something

Something that I've never realized

But always known

Something that hurts just to

Think about how this is my reality.


There is no escape.




This summer evening

Gasoline and cigarette smoke

Heat simmering off the pavement.

Hazy smog, sluggish air

Heavy with suffocating lies

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