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Life took him 

Twisted him 

Broke him 

And left him on the ground. 

Life kicked him 

Beat him 

Destroyed him 

And walked away with fragment of him. 


He wanted to be whole again 

Free again 

Happy again. 

Without this empty ache. 

He looked for ages 

To find something 

To fill him 

To let him smile again. 


He found you 

Taunted you 

Broke you 

Shattered you into pieces. 

He took 

The shards 

Of your soul 

And filled up his empty hole inside. 


But the pieces won't fit. 

They're not his. 

Never will be. 

They can't replace what he lost. 

Oh, he could find anyone. 

Break them. 

Use their shards to fix himself. 

But it will never work. 


You can't fix yourself 

By breaking someone else.

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